Let Go and Move On with Help From Angels

We all have difficult times in our lives. It’s even more challenging if you feel like you're not ready to let go of something or someone. You can't seem to shake the weight and pain in your heart so you keep clinging onto it.

Everyone has been there at one point and felt like they were drowning under the waves of emotions. When these tough moments happen, sometimes the best thing to do is to let go.

The hardest part about letting go is knowing when to move on and how to do that with dignity.

Whether you need help after a breakup, or any other emotional loss that is weighing down your heart, the angels are here with open arms and love. Keep reading to find out how you can free yourself from that burden. 

Channeled Message To Let Go and Move On with Angelic Help

Dearest one, it is I, Archangel Gabriel, here to assist you in learning an easy technique to let go and move on with help from angels.

As more light continues to flood the Earth, it will expose lower energies within your system. The reason this happens is you can release dense energies that are no longer serving any purpose in your life. Let go and move on from them.

It is essential to remember that the past is something that can significantly hold you back in life. Angels would love to assist you in the process of freeing yourself. 

Let Go and Move On From Outdated Relationships

Do you have relationships that are no longer beneficial for you? Perhaps friendships or relatives that are no longer in alignment with how you have ascended on your spiritual path? It is time now to make a change.

Let go and move on from the friendships that will only continue to hold you back in life. Call upon Archangel Chamuel for assistance with relationships. And, ask Archangels Haniel and Raguel to lead you to new friendships that will enhance your life and inspire you to keep ascending higher.

While it is more complicated with relatives, distance yourself from anyone who brings you down for as long as needed. 

Angelic Help To Let Go and Move On From Hurtful Situations

Is there a hurtful situation from your past that is silently continuing to drag you down? Get help to let go and move on by working with Archangel Raphael and Archangel Azrael.

They will begin by eliminating the density that is weighing you down. Then, cleanse away the hurtful feelings while helping you forgive so you are able to move forward in life. 

What Happens When You Hold onto The Past?

Dear one, angels understand that it is not always easy to release hurtful situations from the past.

However, the only way to be completely freed and to ascend higher is through releasing. You can let go and move on with assistance from angels.

It is a process sometimes especially when you are dealing with a traumatic situation from either this lifetime or a past life.

No matter how long it takes to completely heal from the situation, the angels are with you, and will guide you every step of the way. Please understand that once you begin the healing process, you will start feeling better and better while angels comfort you. 

Forgiveness is Very Powerful

An important aspect of letting go is forgiveness. Remember that forgiveness is incredibly powerful. And, forgiving only so you can heal is the perfect first step to take in the direction toward completely healing.

Archangel Raphael assists in healing your emotions. And, Archangel Jophiel boosts you up emotionally while helping you begin to recognize and cherish your own beauty.

When you let go and move on with help from angels, you are able to ascend higher. It also increases your vibration, and aligns you more with the vibration of love. Always remember that love is very powerful, and love heals everything.

Get Everything You Need From Source

Obtain extra assistance to feel more love by downloading unconditional love from source. Make this part of your daily routine, and your soul will start to ignite its beauty even more within your heart.

When this occurs, you radiate more love and light out into the world around you. In addition to this uplifting your own life, it also elevates the spirits of other people near you, whether you interact with them or not.

To obtain everything you need from source simply connect to source light and say “download love” or anything else you desire. Examples include asking for more confidence, encouragement, or joy. And yes, dear one, you may ask for as many things at one time as you wish. 

Assistance For Career Changes

When it is time to let go and move on from anything that has outworn its intended purpose, these big changes can create excess stress. One example is with a job. If you are suddenly faced with a major change, ask archangels for help daily.

Call upon Archangels Haniel and Azrael for comfort, support, and guidance when you are dealing with major life changes such as a job change.

Additionally, I, Archangel Gabriel, am here to help you throughout the entire process when you are switching employers. 

Step Up onto A Higher Timeline

The pathway that leads to reaching a higher timeline where you are living a more joyful life always involves releasing. Whether it is letting go of past trauma or a current situation that you are no longer in alignment with, changes are always a continuous part of life.

Do not worry though, for angels are always available to help you. All you must do is call upon them and mention exactly what you want assistance with in your life.

The journey you take throughout life can be viewed as an adventure, and while there will be challenges, you can overcome them. The purpose for challenges in life is so your soul has an opportunity to learn and grow.

When you have successfully learned a soul lesson, then you can be freed from it. This is when the undesirable situations that were previously chaining you to the soul lesson disappear. 

Achieve Your Dream Life with Angelic Assistance

When you let go and move on one step, and one challenge at a time, you are able to travel closer and closer toward reaching your dream life.

Continue asking the angels to guide you, and tune into your heart to intuitively feel their guidance. I, Archangel Gabriel, send you a gentle waterfall of pink and white light. This light supports you in letting go so you can move forward onto better things for your life. 
Thank you Archangel Gabriel for this helpful message. Channeled by Brenda Lott

Angels Provide Comfort When Releasing The Past

If you’re holding onto anything that is weighing down your spirit, it's time to let go. Angels are ready to lend a helping hand when you reach out to them for help. They also assist you in forgiving for your benefit so you can heal.

Accelerate your journey through an Angel Energy Healing session. Then, you can start taking steps toward achieving your biggest dreams. It’s also the easiest way to begin releasing those old wounds, clear any stagnant energy, and bring peace back into your life.

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of link4din.com/angelic-sparkles-numerology. Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 

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