Learn How Abundance Angels Can Help You

Abundance angels are powerful and loving beings that work side by side with you to help you manifest your desires. They can provide assistance in a variety of ways, such as by helping you find the perfect job or partner. If you've been feeling stuck lately, angels will always show up to help when you call upon them.

Do you need more money, love, or success in order to reach your goals? This blog post will teach you the benefits of working with abundance angels.

Plus, Archangel Gabriel gives you a message about co-creating your dream life with the universe. 

Abundance Angels Want To Help You

Angels help provide abundance in your life in various ways. One way is by guiding you to make wise decisions that lead to better outcomes. Another way is by leading you to people, places, and/or beneficial information that is related your request for help.

Abundance angels will help you, however you must remember to do your part. They cannot magically show up financial wealth or immense success without you doing your part.

The only thing abundance angels ask for in return is gratitude which may be as simple as thanking them out loud every time they help you. They will never judge you because they only unconditional love for those they serve. So feel free to ask the angels for anything as long as it's in the best interest of you and others. 

Why Work with Abundance Angels?

Whatever you want to manifest in your life, whether something big or small, action will be required from you. So, why work with angels if you’re going to have to do the work anyway?

Because working with abundance angels means things can happen quicker and easier. What happens when you open up to allowing angels to guide you and support your dreams? You'll find that each action step has potential to be completed sooner than if you’d go for it on your own.

It’s also important to remember that you have free will in your life, so you need to invite in the angels each time for assistance. The angels will be able to line up certain things to make completing your action steps easier. 

Examples of How Angels Can Help You Manifest Abundance

Assume one action step you need to take is sitting down to write something. Whether it’s a list, book, or social media post doesn’t matter. Wouldn’t it be easier to finish that step if you have angels flowing ideas and inspirational thoughts to you? The work gets done faster, and you’d probably enjoy the process more too.

Another example is manifesting more money in your life. There are several ways the angels might help you with this goal. One way is being shown ideas of ways to save more money. This could include how to cut back on expenses you really don’t need (like an expensive cable television subscription or going out for coffee or a meal).

Additionally, angels might lead you to a new job that pays more. Or, a brilliant idea might suddenly appear in your mind about how you can use your talents to make money. 

Who Are The Abundance Angels?

There are many angels that can help you manifest abundance in your life. Some of the best ones to call upon are also known as the watchtower angels:
  • Archangel Michael is the angel of prosperity
  • Gabriel is the angel of abundance and wealth
  • Raphael helps you manifest good fortune and good luck
  • Uriel helps you with financial stability

Which Angels To Call Upon

Call upon one or more of these angels anytime to manifest abundance and your dreams.
  • Abundance with anything - Archangel Ariel
  • Love - Archangels Raphael, Uriel, Chamuel, Jophiel, Haniel, and Raguel
  • Healthy relationships - Archangels Raphael, Chamuel, and Raguel
  • Money - Archangel Ariel
  • Wealth - Archangel Gabriel
  • Financial security and stability - Archangel Uriel
  • Prosperity - Archangels Michael and Ariel
  • Good fortune and good luck - Archangel Raphael
  • Joy - Archangels Haniel, Raguel, and Sandalphon
  • Brilliant ideas and inspiration - Archangel Uriel
  • Wisdom - Archangels Uriel, Raziel, Jeremiel, and Sandalphon
  • Creativity - Archangels Uriel and Jophiel
  • Motivation and inspiration to create positive changes - Archangel Metatron
  • Manifesting your new moon wishes - Archangel Haniel
  • Abundance of good things in general - Archangel Gabriel
  • Manifesting your dreams - Archangel Ariel 

Be Very Specific with Your Requests

What do you want to manifest? It’s crucial to know exactly what you want including the details of it. 

This might sound like a simple question, but when it’s left unanswered, the universe sees it as a signal that you’re not ready yet to receive. 

In order to co-create your dream life with the universe you must first be very clear about what you want. 

Be specific about the outcome you desire. Then, hand your dreams over to the angels. 

Take action steps, one at a time, and avoid being set on reaching your outcome a specific way. Allow the angels to lead you to your dreams the fastest way. There are often routes we do not see to our desired destination. If you try to force things to happen a certain way, you’ll only be creating blocks that will cause delays. 

Channeled Message From Archangel Gabriel

Greetings from Archangel Gabriel. Please ask your guardian angel to show you one step to take to make your dream come true. Keep asking angels for step after step, and keep taking actions to do your part.

The universe and angels will help you co-create your dream life as long as you continue doing your part. You can manifest anything you desire in life!

However, you will not just be handed your dreams without putting in the necessary efforts on your part. Sitting back and doing nothing will lead to nothing happening. 


If you wish to own a successful business, there will be many action steps required along the way. Ask the angels for the top three things you need to work on each week. Then, be sure you complete the work.

If you wish to attract a soulmate to marry, you must first love yourself. The type of romantic relationship you attract is a direct reflection of the self-love you hold within you. Love yourself more, and spread love to people around you.

Ask the angels how you can create more love in your life. What random acts of kindness can you do? Is there any place where you can volunteer? How about making a meal for a neighbor? If a friend needs someone to talk to, simply listen and provide comfort.

Spreading love through little ways in the world helps attract a loving soulmate to you. 

Angels Want To Help You Manifest Abundance

Always remember that all the archangels, and your personal team of guides and angels, are here to help you along your path through life.

Keep in mind the Law of Free Will. It requires you to keep asking angels for assistance every step of the way. It’s the only way we're allowed to continue helping you. Please ask us for one step at a time. We love you always, and are always here for you. 
Thank you Archangel Gabriel for this channeled message.

Manifesting Abundance Starts with You

The Law of Attraction can only bring you the desires that you’re an energetic match to. What happens if there are energetic blockages within your chakras? Or detrimental beliefs hidden in your subconscious mind? It creates roadblocks and means you might not see any results despite requesting angelic help. 
Do not allow dense energies and harmful beliefs from others to keep you trapped.

Daily chakra cleansing is highly recommended, even if it's only five minutes. This is how you clear away the blocks that are preventing you from manifesting your desires. With a clear energetic system, you beautifully open yourself up to your unlimited potential. 

Removing Hidden Subconscious Mind Blocks

This might sound difficult to do, but it’s actually very easy. However, it will take some time and a little dedication from you.

3 Ways To Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind

  1. 1
    Use positive affirmations or subliminals daily
  2. 2
    Practice mindfulness
  3. 3
    Angel Energy Healing session

1.  Use Affirmations or Subliminals to Attract Your Desires

A wonderful way to reprogram your subconscious mind is with help from theta sounds. When you listen to theta sounds combined with affirmations, improvements can occur quickly. Try to listen daily or at least a few times every week. 

Alternatively, listen to subliminals that have been tested and proven to be effective. Click here to find the best subliminals. 

2.  Practice Mindfulness

Being mindful about your thoughts, words, and feelings is essential to achieving abundance. All of these reveal a lot about the types of beliefs contained within your subconscious mind.

When you notice an unwanted, unhelpful thought or belief appear, take steps to remove it. Ask Archangel Michael to help you clear it. Additionally, use positive affirmations to transition your subconscious mind into more positive beliefs.

Read this blog post about mindfulness if you’re unfamiliar with the process of remaining mindful. 

3.  Angel Energy Healing

Getting a personalized Angel Energy Healing session is a wonderful way to speed up the cleansing process. In addition to your chakras and the energies in your home being fully cleansed, it also removes beliefs that no longer serve you.

Once limiting beliefs have are gone, then you are free to manifest anything you desire. And, it’s much easier to co-create your dream life with the angels when your energetic system remains clear. 

Abundance and The Law of Attraction

When you wish to manifest anything in your life, it’s important to remember the Law of Attraction.

Avoid focusing on what you’re lacking, otherwise you’ll attract more of the same types of energies and situations in your life where you don’t have enough.

The same applies to negativity. If you need help, ask Archangel Raziel for help in switching to a more positive mindset.

The Law of Attraction can help you energetically attract abundance in all areas of your life. But, this only happens easily when you’re an energetic match to your desires. This is why energy cleansing and subconscious reprogramming is extremely important. You're only able to manifest desires that you're an energetic match to. This is because everything in the universe is energy.

Therefore, don’t be surprised if angels guide you toward energy cleansing as a first step, and as an ongoing process. 

Attract Abundance in All Areas of Your Life with Abundance Angels

The first step in creating your ideal life is defining exactly what you want.

What do you wish to create in your life? You need to know the details of your ideal outcome before you can expect to receive those things.

Exactly what types of abundance do you desire?

Remember the importance of regularly cleansing your chakras. And, eliminate limiting beliefs from your subconscious mind. Otherwise through the Law of Attraction, those blocks will continue to limit you and hold you back in life. If you want a boost in this area, get an angel energy healing session.

Ask one or more of the angels for assistance along with a step you can take today toward manifesting your desires. Then, enjoy the journey to manifesting abundance in your life. 

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of link4din.com/angelic-sparkles-numerology. Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 

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