Keep Returning To Love During Challenging Moments

In the midst of challenging moments, it can be difficult to remember that you are love and light. A couple ways to keep returning to love are by practicing gratitude and awareness.

In this blog post, archangels bring you a message about returning to love especially when you start feeling stuck in life or feel trapped by others. 

Channeled Message About Returning To Love

Greetings from Archangels Michael, Muriel, Gabriel, Jophiel, and Metatron. We merge our areas of expertise together today to assist you along your ascension journey.

As you continue to travel along your ascension journey, imagine it as walking down a trail. A pathway that is free just like a wild and free river meandering across the landscape as it chooses its own route.

You have complete freedom to navigate your own journey through life. It may not always feel this way, however you really are free. And you are a co-creator of your life with the universe. 

How To Return To Love During Stressful Times

You always can keep returning to love during challenging moments with help from angels. When moments feel too intense or too stressful, take a step back, and take a deep breath. Then, ask your guardian angel to remove a layer of stress and fill you back up with love and light.

When you are able to, close your eyes and imagine source light flowing through your entire aura. And, also flowing through all your chakras along with filling up every cell within your physical body.

This can often be the easiest way to keep returning to love especially during challenging moments. 

Your Reality is A Reflection of Inner Energies

As you already know, everything begins at the level of energy. The types of energies stored within you are continuously attracting back to you more of the same. This always includes more of the same experiences, situations, challenges, and even joys.

What you experience in your outer life is a direct reflection of the energies within your system. Think of it as looking into a mirror. The experiences that you are having in life are a direct reflection of every type of energy within you.

Change Unpleasant Emotions and Beliefs

You have the ability to change any energy that you do not like. If there is a recurring struggle in your life, it indicates that there is an energy, feeling, or belief within you attracting the same back to you.

It could be stored in your subconscious mind; perhaps a belief given to you by others when you are a small child. Or, it could be a speck of dense energy contained within your aura from a past life traumatic experience.

You will continue to attract the same types of energies back to you until they are cleared away. There is angelic help for this if your own attempts are unsuccessful. 

Returning to Love After Other People Lower Your Vibration

While it is true that other people around you do affect your energy, you still have complete control over the energies you carry in your system. Other people can lower your vibration, but your overall vibration can remain high.

It is important to remember that you have the freedom to keep returning to love.

Keep returning to the center of your soul. This is where you are able to directly see your own beauty and recognize that you are a part of source light. You are love and light. Appreciate that no matter where you are at, it is always possible to access your inner love anytime. 

Are You Feeling Trapped or Stuck?

Angels understand the struggles and challenges that humans go through, and are here to assist you every step of the way. However, it is also important that you take your own journey into your own hands.

We recognize that this takes time to do especially if you are trapped. There may be financial obstacles or other people standing in your way preventing you from moving forward.

If you need help with recurring blocks or overcoming undesirable situations, angels are here to assist you.

Yes, it is true that you still need to take action steps and do your part. However, we will continue assisting you as long as you continue asking us for help. 

Why Improvements Can Become Stalled

You may have already asked for help in a certain area of your life along with already have received assistance. However, many of you only ask once or twice and then you stop asking for help.

Remember that the Law of Free Will prevents us from interfering in your life. This is why you often only see progress beginning to happen and then it gets stalled.

This confuses many of you because you do not understand why you started to see progress, only got so far, and now are stuck again. The solution is simple: keep calling upon archangels every day. 

Get Extra Angelic Assistance While Doing Your Part

If you are still in the process of taking an action step that we gave you, it is okay to continue asking for help. We will assist you more on the current step that you are working toward. Additionally, we will provide you with support, love, encouragement, and inspiration.

Awareness is Your Powerful Tool

Keep maintaining awareness within your daily life. It is one of the most helpful tools that you have for your ascension journey. Awareness directly identifies the feelings, thoughts, and beliefs in your system that are not in your best interest.

You already know how to release feelings that do not feel good through energy cleansing. And many of you are doing a wonderful job with cleansing. However, too many of you are getting stuck with subconscious beliefs and fears that keep returning for one reason or another.

This could be from past life traumas or subconscious mind beliefs. You can overcome these obstacles with assistance from archangels.

Awareness also assists you in returning to love when life becomes stressful or challenging. Keep remembering that you are a beautiful, loving soul of light within a physical body having a human experience.

Returning To Love with Your Higher Self

Your soul is always growing and learning throughout your entire human experience. During times when you are not learning, then you are teaching others. Your higher self can assist you whether you are in the learning or teaching phase.

Another tool to assist you in returning to love is to connect with your higher self. Merging with your higher self brings aspects into your lower self that can assist you in overcoming challenges.

Also, tap into the wisdom contained within your higher self by requesting to download more wisdom. 

Solutions For Recurring Challenges

It is best to address recurring challenges in a variety of ways.

When you notice that there is an aspect of your life where you are continuously being pulled downward or held back, it is a sign to pay attention. By taking actions to tackle the source of the challenges one at a time, you can break free from them faster and easier.

Resolve challenges through energy cleansing, subconscious mind reprogramming, and assistance from archangels. Try this approach first combined with increasing self-love and working with your guardian angel daily.

If the challenge keeps occurring, then you may need external help. We suggest Angel Energy Healing to have a team of powerful healing angels work directly on the source of the challenge. 

Keep Returning To Love with Angels

Even among struggles and stressful times, your guardian angel can aid you in returning to love. It can be as simple as entering into your heart and expanding your heart light into your entire aura. This can also help you feel loved and supported by the angels who are surrounding you.

Returning to love always begins as a conscious choice. Keep returning to love, and through love, you also show others around you how love heals everything.

We are grateful for this opportunity to serve you, and look forward to helping you every step of your lifetime. From all us archangels, we love you unconditionally. 
Thank you Archangels Michael, Muriel, Gabriel, Jophiel, and Metatron. Channeled by Brenda Lott

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 

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