June 2022 Angel Card Reading

It's the month of June, and that means it's time for a fresh angel oracle card reading. This reading is to help you stay on track, and make the most progress with the energies present throughout June.

As the energies from Mercury retrograde fade, June will feel much lighter than May.

The cards show that June leads to a beautiful ending. This is what you can expect when you follow the angelic guidance in this blog post for the entire month.

Dive in and enjoy exploring the new developments that await you. 

Exciting, Rare Event on June 6th

First, on June 6th the entire Earth is shifting into a brighter future with increased harmony and more people awakening.

Jupiter and Mars will be aligned on June 6th which only happens once every 175 years!

When this planetary alignment is combined with the moon in the seventh house, its meaning is very special. It indicates that peace will guide the planets, and love will flow among the stars.

Angel Oracle Card Reading for June 2022

The overall energy for June indicates that it is a wonderful time to meditate. And to focus more within your heart and your soul.

The human suit that you wear can disguise the beauty of your soul. Open it up more by consciously radiating the love and light that you are outward into the world.

Your soul is the gateway to accessing the depths of the universe through expanding your consciousness to awaken to a higher level. From this place of stillness, notice how you are unlimited, and are at one with the universe. 

Surrender and Release

Throughout June take moments to notice if you are clinging on to anything. Perhaps outdated beliefs or thoughts generated by the ego that are holding you back in life.

Or, being attached to external situations that you cannot control.

Surrender and release the outcome of situations while sending love and light into the people, places, and situations that need it most. 

Say Yes to Life and Trust the Angels

When opportunities arrive, approach them with trust, and say yes.

You may not know the outcome of the new opportunities that you accept. However, trusting in the angels and knowing that you are supported and guided for your highest good helps to release the outcome.

Trust in the angels and the universe, and know that you are being guided toward your dreams. 

Challenges During June

Setting boundaries is highlighted this month as a challenge.

There will continue to be drama in the external world. However, you have the option to choose what to do within each moment.

If love and light is needed, send it outward along with asking angels to help all people involved. Then, return to a state of oneness and re-center within the light.

Recognize when you need to say no to people and set boundaries. When you follow the boundaries that you set with others, energetically you become stronger.

Remember that by properly addressing your own needs first, you are able to flow more love into the world. And are able to better help people. 

Believe in Your Biggest Dreams

Another challenge for June is to believe in your biggest dreams. It may feel like you are climbing a steep mountain at times. However, always remember that you have powerful angelic help.

Aim high with each goal that you set, and one step at a time, the angels will help pull you up to achieve every dream. When you reach the top, you will find the abundance, joy, and success that you are seeking. 

You are a Bridge

During June recognize more of your role as a bridge between the higher dimensions and Earth.

You play an important role by being an open channel for love and light from source to flow down into you. And to flow through you into the center of Gaia.

Spreading this unconditional love from source outward into other people is how you help humanity and the Earth. 

Rebirthing Who You Are

Allow what is ready to leave your life to fall away. Leave behind the feelings that do not feel good along with outdated beliefs that are trying to keep you trapped.

Then, open up to a new start where you are standing centered within the light, protected by the angels.

Shine your soul light vibrantly within the world. And do it while standing confidently as your unique energetic signature shines through you. 

New Beginnings and Breakthroughs

During June, focus on the new beginnings and new doors opening up for you.

Reach up to the stars to grasp an opening into your dreams. And, to connect more with seeing the details about how you are an infinite, unlimited soul of light.

If the ego brings up a thought that you are only human, release this for you are so much more than just a human. You are an unlimited soul, inhabiting a human body for human experiences.

You are never disconnected from your soul for this is who you truly are. Your soul is meant to shine through your human body and into your human experiences in a beautiful way. And in loving ways that uplift your life and the lives of others around you. 

Embrace Nature

Spend time in nature this month. When in nature, honor who you truly are. And honor the important role that you have during this crucial time in humanity's ascension process.

Embrace nature’s healing ability to gently wash away a layer of stress and leave you feeling uplifted. And, allow it to sink deep into your mind, body, and soul as it refreshes and rejuvenates you.

Beautiful Ending for June

With angelic assistance, you will be more aware of your intuitive abilities. And your psychic senses will be heightened by the end of June. The energies present this month are contributing to helping you open up your abilities.

You can feel much more connected to the angels, and their guidance will be easier to recognize. The signs and messages from angels will flow through your heightened awareness while flowing their love and light into you.

Recognize the signs from angels by tuning into your intuition. And trust in the wisdom within your soul which is also guiding you to what is best for you.

One way that your soul communicates to you is through your intuition. Pay attention and trust it. 

Inner Child Healing

One benefit of linking with your psychic senses is that it helps your inner child to heal from the past.

As a child, if adults shut down your imagination, it might have gone dormant along with your intuitive abilities. However, now you have the opportunity to use your imagination more which benefits and helps heal your inner child. 

A Special Thank You from The Angels

By the end of June, with your heightened awareness, it is easier to sense and feel your connection as a bridge between the higher dimensions and Earth. Along with feeling how it is working through you to enhance your life and to improve the world.

We thank you for your dedication to following an ascension journey, and for helping humanity one person at a time.

Always remember to focus on yourself first and properly take care of your needs so you can serve others in the best way possible. We send you our blessings and love.
- From Archangels Michael, Muriel, and Gabriel 

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of link4din.com/angelic-sparkles-numerology. Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 

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