Improve Symptoms of Ascension with Energy Healing

Energy Healing
When you’re struggling with symptoms of ascension, it can be harder to function or feel like yourself.

It might be helpful to remember that ascending higher raises your frequency and expands your consciousness. However, you do not need to continue suffering so much. There is a rather easy way to lessen ascension symptoms with help from powerful healing angels.

Angel Energy Healing can assist you in various ways. This includes dealing with and lessening unwanted side effects from ascension. In this blog post, I'll discuss how energy healing works and why it can boost you back up. 

Why Symptoms of Ascension Occur

You may be noticing symptoms of ascension such as pain, fatigue, anxiety, and more.

The reasons why you experience physical and emotional turbulence are because of how your energetic system is changing. As old and outdated energies are stirred up, and appear for release, it can cause you to not feel very well.

This also happens as you’re ascending higher because you are integrating new light codes into your system. While these changes are always for your highest good, getting through these transitions can be inconvenient. 

How and Why Angel Energy Healing Helps with Symptoms of Ascension

Angel Energy Healing helps improve symptoms of ascension by focusing on healing your energetic system.

How Angel Energy Healing works is by infusing your energetic system with new light. This rejuvenates your energetic system while also removing dense energies. The benefits then expand outward from your chakras.

One session provides you with a full chakra cleanse, refreshes your aura, and removes all etheric cords that are draining your energy.

It also cleanses the energies within your home and removes any dark entities to provide you with a refreshed home environment. This ensures you can continue feeling uplifted after your session ends. 

Why Angel Energy Healing is The Perfect Energy Healing Modality

An important aspect of Angel Energy Healing is how angels work on you.

Angel Energy Healing works because angels know your system better than any human will ever know. The angels only work in beneficial ways, and will only help you.

Angels fill you up with new light immediately after dense energies are removed. This prevents detoxification symptoms that are often common in other healing modalities. And, it’s how and why your mind, body, and spirit feel refreshed and balanced after receiving Angel Energy Healing. 

Improve Symptoms of Ascension with Your Customized Distance Session 

To improve symptoms of ascension with Angel Energy Healing, it's best to relax during your session. While this is not required, it aids you in feeling the angels around you, and in sensing the energies.

Drink plenty of water both before and after your session to help the energies flow effortlessly. And, to keep your body well-hydrated.

Also, ensure that you get enough sleep the night after your session. These two self-care actions will assist your body in integrating the new light into your system.

Another benefit is that healing angels remain around you for a minimum of 24 hours after your session ends. They will continue flowing beneficial energies toward you. So, you can expect to receive the complete amount of healing energies intended for you in the present moment. If the angels need more time to finish working, they will stay with you longer. 

Dealing with Symptoms of Ascension

Angel Energy Healing is a wonderful way to assist you along your journey. However, it also helps to create a self-care plan for when your ascension symptoms peak to aid you in feeling better sooner.

The first step is to always recognize whether the cause of not feeling good is due to ascension or something else.

It’s important to remember that symptoms of ascension do not last long-term. The same types of ascension symptoms may reappear over and over again, however you will be given a break in between peaks. If any symptoms consistently last without improving, then it could be due to a health problem that requires assistance from an expert. 

What Makes You Feel Better While Experiencing Symptoms of Ascension

Discover what improves your feelings during times when you’re experiencing symptoms of ascension. 
  • Does it help to get more sleep?
  • Are there certain foods you need more of, or need to avoid?
  • How much time do you need to spend in nature to feel refreshed?
  • Do you require more alone time to deal with ascension symptoms?
  • How long do you need to meditate to cleanse your energy?
  • Do you need help from angels to ground or protect your energy?
  • What uplifts you? A funny movie or listening to solfeggio music?

How Angel Energy Healing has Helped Lightworkers

While each person’s experience is unique, there are several common benefits that people receive.

Additionally, each Angel Energy Healing session feels different. This happens because angels focus on what you need most in the present moment. What was cleansed away earlier is gone. So, in any follow-up sessions you may choose to do, the angels work on something new.

The most common benefits are feeling relaxed, peaceful, and calm after your session. Plus, feeling uplifted because of an increase in vibration.

As a lightworker, you can also expect to sense that dense energies were removed from your chakras and aura. If you’re sensitive to energies, then you’ll be able to feel the energies flowing through your chakras during a session.

More common benefits include feeling like your heart is being opened and glowing brighter. And, a heightened sense of feeling connected to the angelic realm while also being well-grounded.

Testimonials From Lightworkers

"Thank you, Brenda, for this beautiful shower of angelic energy! I feel both relaxed and energized... I already feel my mind becoming more optimistic. There were some aspects of my life that had been causing me some frustration and uncertainty. But, I feel like new life has been breathed into my path forward." - Ellwood

“That was incredible, thank you Brenda!...Now that I think of it my upper back does not even hurt, I felt like I was carrying a ton of weight before. I'm so grateful for this experience with you. Thank you.” - Lili

I felt as though my heart was somehow being opened, as I almost felt heart palpitations at times... I also almost simultaneously felt a very relaxing wave of energy throughout my entire body during several points of the session.” - Michael

Testimonial with an Update

“I had such a difficult day. Emotional flashbacks, just awful... Thank you so much, this morning I am feeling much calmer and so I truly believe the healing has helped me, even though it was remote.” - Heather

Update from Heather 3 days after her session:
“Seriously Brenda, I have been having a great week...what a difference from the last. The work you do is incredible! Thank you!” - Heather

Getting Started with Angel Energy Healing For Symptoms of Ascension

When you schedule your Angel Energy Healing session, you have the option to request specific assistance for anything. This includes symptoms of ascension, and any additional concerns you have regarding your mind, body, or spirit.

Powerful healing angels will work to improve your symptoms of ascension so you can ascend more smoothly.

Give yourself a gift of Angel Energy Healing to improve your ascension journey. You also get to choose a day and time that works best for you. Then, enjoy relaxing while the angels work on your entire energetic system. 

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 
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