How to Use a Feelings Wheel for Ascension

When you are following an ascension journey, it is important to have a good set of spiritual tools to support all aspects of your journey. A feelings wheel is a very beneficial tool because it shows the different emotions that you experience.

By identifying your exact emotions, you can begin to work through the underlying issues. While also clearing energetic blocks and healing from the past.

Additionally, this process assists you in raising your vibration. And tuning more into your authentic self as you shed away the lower emotions.

Keep reading to discover what a feelings wheel is, how to use one, and how it supports you on your ascension journey. 

What is a Feelings Wheel and Why Use One?

A feelings wheel is a tool that assists you in discovering which types of emotions are present in your energetic system.

With so many feelings that people are able to experience, sometimes it is not easy discovering your exact emotions. This is where a feelings wheel can significantly help.

It helps you understand your emotions through examining them more closely.

The wheel contains three layers of circles with each layer containing different emotions. Moving from one layer to the next helps you to further see more deeply into the exact feelings you are experiencing.

By understanding the different layers of your emotions, you can start to clear them through energy cleansing. So you can begin to move forward in life and leave your struggles in the past.

Maintain a Non-Judgmental Viewpoint

When using a feelings wheel, it is important to remember to do so only in a non-judgmental way. This means that you should not label any emotions as “good” or “bad.” Instead, simply observe them as they are.

Viewing your feelings from a higher perspective aids you in knowing what energies, or feelings, need to be healed within you.

As you cleanse, heal, and uplift your emotional body, you feel better and are able to ascend higher on your journey. 

How to Use a Feelings Wheel

Begin by identifying which emotions you are currently experiencing along with where they are in your body. Are they in your chest? In your gut? In your head?

Once you have pinpointed where they are located, begin to work through them systematically. Start in the inner circle of the feelings wheel and working outward.

As you do so, try to identify where those feelings are rooted within you. Are they based in a past trauma or unknown?

As you go through each emotion, remember to do so with compassion and without judgment. 

Example of How to Use a Feelings Wheel

The inner circle of a feelings wheel contains basic emotions that are easy to identify. Such as sadness or anger.

From there, you move to the middle layer, where you start to investigate the different shades and nuances of that feeling. For example, you might move from sadness to hurt, or from anger to frustration.

Lastly, move to the outer layer, where you examine the more precise options for your emotions. For example, what began as sadness, and then hurt might lead to discovering that you feel defeated in a particular situation.

Or, what began as anger, and went to frustration, ends up being feeling annoyed at someone or something. 
There are different versions of the feelings wheel. This one was created by Dr. Gloria Willcox.

How to Better Understand Your Emotions

Notice the effects that each feeling is having on your life. Then, ask yourself how you can begin to heal from it.

Is forgiveness needed?

Do you notice that this is a pattern repeating in your ancestral lineage?

Or, is it from a particular traumatic experience?

Your emotions are also tied to your thoughts. Therefore, look at any negative thoughts you have about yourself. Are they attached to this particular feeling, or a different feeling?

When you recognize the exact emotions, and can pinpoint a possible cause, it is easier to heal from them. 

Benefits of Using a Feelings Wheel

The main benefit of utilizing a feelings wheel is that it helps you progress on your ascension journey.

By identifying what needs to be healed within yourself, you can take action to address the issues holding you back in life. Which leads to feeling lighter and more attuned to your authentic self.

Every time you use it, you will likely notice different emotions come up for healing. This is because as you heal old wounds and traumas, new ones often come to the surface.

The key is to remain patient and non-judgmental throughout the process.

Humans can feel thousands of different emotions. This can make it challenging sometimes to pinpoint exactly how you are feeling.

A feelings wheel provides you with clarity of your inner world. So you can recognize and describe exactly which emotions you are feeling. And then take action to heal, cleanse, and uplift yourself. 

Benefits of Understanding and Recognizing Your Emotions

  • Know yourself better
  • Identify patterns that are holding you back in life
  • Helps stop negative thinking
  • Provides clarity
  • Boosts your emotional intelligence
  • Discover hidden energetic blocks
  • Heal from past traumas 

Angelic Help for Healing from Intense Emotions

Everyone needs help from time to time especially when dealing with undesirable emotions. Having a support team of trusted friends helps significantly.

And when you need extra powerful support, there is always a team of archangels waiting to help you. Connecting with Archangel Raphael and/or Archangel Orion is a wonderful way to begin breaking apart the deeper wounds. So they can be cleansed away from your energetic system.

The easiest way to get powerful assistance is through an Angel Energy Healing session.

In only one session, archangels cleanse away the emotions that do not feel good. They dive deep into your emotional body to heal and uplift you. And, the angels continue to provide you with healing energies for at least 24 hours after your session ends. Get started today to start feeling better sooner rather than later. 

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 

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