How to Trust in The Universe Supporting You

Trust in The Universe
Have you ever had a time where you felt like the universe was not helping you?

You might have had a string of unlucky events, one after another. Or maybe you couldn't understand why things weren't going your way.

In these moments, it can be hard to trust that the universe is actually working for your highest good. But it’s important to remember that the universe always wants to help you achieve your biggest dreams.

Learning to trust in the universe supporting you first requires believing that this is possible. 

Building Trust in The Universe

Learning to trust that the universe will support you may take some time; similar to building a new friendship.

To start trusting in the universe and allow yourself to be supported by its love, take a leap of faith.

This involves trusting your own intuition. Because answers and guidance often appears as subtle nudges to go in one direction over another.

It also means remaining calm when a challenge appears. And resisting the urge to revert back to thinking you are not supported.

Let it all go. And focus on trusting that the universe is supporting you even if you cannot see a clear route to your destination. Or, if you do not know the reasoning behind a challenge.

Also be sure to maintain peace internally because this relaxes you and keeps the flow of support open for you to receive your desires. 

How to Trust in The Universe

  • Believe that it’s possible to be fully supported by the universe
  • Keep an open mind and stay positive
  • Maintain consistent faith
  • Believe that everything happens for a reason
  • Release control and accept that what is happening is for your highest good
  • Hold trust within your heart
  • Take action steps to co-create your dream life with assistance from the universe 

Signs that The Universe is Supporting You

  • Receiving unexpected blessings
  • A person, information, or resource showing up that is able to answer your question to help you
  • Suddenly receiving a genius solution to a problem
  • Finding clarity
  • Recognizing that something prevented you from making a mistake
  • Seeing how a delay ended up being a blessing
  • Finding something on sale that you needed
  • Understanding a life lesson so you can learn from it and start moving forward in life
  • Meeting a new friend with someone who ends up being special to you
  • Discovering an easy way to stop a recurring struggle
  • Feeling healed and uplifted by angels after feeling sad or after grieving
  • A new opportunity showing up
  • Feeling gratitude, joy, and love daily

Recognize When Fear is Preventing You From Trusting

Notice when fears, doubts, worries, insecurities, or concerns are arising related to whether or not your will be supported. Or, even questioning if you can trust in the universe.

A great example is if a person has a block related to a lack of money, or financial struggles. It could be easy for that person to revert back to questioning if there will be enough money in the near future.

Those types of concerns, worries, or even just questioning it, all have the energies of lack attached to them. And will continue to attract a lack of money for as long as the belief is still held within the person.

These outdated beliefs can be removed through using positive affirmations. However, if they have deep roots, especially from ancestral lineage, then extra assistance may be needed to fully clear them. 

Channeled Message from Archangel Michael to Trust in The Universe

When you trust the universe, it will support you throughout life to ensure that your basic needs are being met. Specifically with shelter, food, and clothing.

These may not be your preferred choices for each in the present moment, however you can improve upon them to receive exactly what you desire.

Send your dreams, goals, and wishes up to the universe, and trust that you will receive them in divine timing.

When you trust in the universe to support you in manifesting things you desire, you are able to attract them into your life easier.

Aligning energetically with your wishes is easier than you might realize especially with help from angels.

Remove the outdated beliefs and patterns that are energetically blocking your desires. And it opens you up to unlimited possibilities for what you can attract into your life. 

Are You Running on Outdated Programming?

Human programming over many centuries has led people into believing that it is difficult to break free from struggles. And, that it is too hard to obtain what you truly wish for in life.

Many people continue running on automatic where the outdated programming keeps bringing more of what they do not want.

As a lightworker, you are aware of your individual power to transmute energetic blocks within you that you dislike. If something is blocking you or causing a recurring struggle, you have full control to change this around for the better.

As always, you do not have to go through this energetic work alone. Angels are always next to you, waiting for you to give them an assignment to assist you.

Remember the Law of Free Will. And continue to ask the angels for more assistance because they can only help you one step at a time. 

Deep Layers of Energetic Blocks

Many things in life require more than one step to reach a destination. This includes cleansing away energetic blocks to completely dissolve them.

Deeper layers may remain hidden for a while, so it is common to see progress and then have a setback.

When this occurs, it is a sign that it is time for the next layer to be removed from your energetic system.

Remove them through energy cleansing with archangels. Plus, by using positive affirmations.

For example, if you wish to attract more money, it is essential to believe within your subconscious mind that this is possible to obtain. It is equally essential to believe that you are good enough and deserving of having more money. 

Quiet Your Ego Mind

Trusting in the universe to support you, is a process that needs some time to intertwine into your life.

Part of this process involves disciplining your ego mind when it attempts to pull you back into lower thought patterns. That is a sign to immediately stop; do not allow the ego mind to become loud.

When you are in the process of training your ego mind to remain calmer, call upon, I, Archangel Michael anytime. And I will immediately be there to assist your ego mind in becoming calm so it is easier for you to refocus on positive thoughts.

Why Extra Abundances Appear

When you are in energetic alignment with attracting abundance, the universe may bring you extra of what you asked for.

The reason for this is so you are more easily able to share your abundances with others. These abundances can arrive in many forms. There is an abundance of love, joy, money, certain material items, and even time.

Share these with others including utilizing your extra time to volunteer or spend extra time with a loved one. 

Enjoy the Journey to Trust in The Universe

Learning to trust in the universe can be a slow or quick process. It depends on your unique set of energies and the beliefs that you are working with.

However, the process should be enjoyable. For you will continue to notice improvements along your journey to the destination of trusting in the universe. And seeing the beautiful results of being more supported and taken care of by the universe.

At this time, those of us in the angelic realm send you a waterfall of sparkling white light to refresh your mind, body, and spirit. And to infuse you with encouragement and inspiration to take the next step forward to trust in the universe taking care of you in all ways. 
Thank you, Archangel Michael for this message. Channeled by Brenda Lott.

Integrate Trust into Your Life Daily

Practice trusting on a daily basis, and see how it changes things for the better. The universe would love to send you more blessings, both expected and unexpected, that goes beyond providing for your basic needs.

By taking a moment to appreciate all the ways you are already supported, you build up gratitude. And the vibration of gratitude tells the universe to bring you more things to be grateful for.

Trust that you are fully supported, no matter what challenges you face, and you will remain aligned to receive more support from the universe. 

Receive Archangelic Help for Clearing Deep Blocks

When you have deep blocks, or just want extra assistance, angels can help you. Often, the fastest and easiest way to remove blocks is through Arcfusion Energy Healing.

Arcfusion has the ability to dive deep to cleanse away blocks so you can trust in the universe to support you.

It also creates lasting benefits, so there are no concerns about relapsing into old patterns.  

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 
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