How to Transition into A New You

Are you feeling like it's time for a change? Maybe you’re tired of the same old patterns or routines? If so, then read on to discover how to create a new you.

Improvements in your life always begin with you making the decision to change things that are not working.

The best part is that by focusing on yourself, you improve your life faster. And can prevent others from pulling you down to their level.

In this blog post, the angels provide you with a plan to assist you in transitioning into a new you in only two weeks. It might not be easy at first, but it will be worth it. So get ready to make some big changes in your life.

Creating A New You Begins by Saying Yes

Transitioning into a new you always starts by first choosing to say yes to making an improvement in your life.

Be truthful with yourself about where you are at in the present moment.

Notice that you are not the old you anymore. At the same time, you have not yet reached the best version of yourself.

However, you have come a long way. Do not neglect giving yourself credit for everything that you have already overcome.

All the obstacles that are now part of your past helped form who you are today.

Honor all the progress and improvements that you have made; all those good things that are already part of your life. 
See how you are not the same person that you were in the past. With this realization, are you able to take a leap forward now?
It all begins with you. And, it can be easy. 

View Everything from a Different Perspective

Remember to only view undesirable situations and your reactions in a non-judgmental way.

How would the angels see your life and your challenges? The angels only have unconditional love for you, and they view your struggles as opportunities for your soul to learn and grow.

There is nothing bad about still needing to learn. It’s why you came to Earth so your soul can continue its evolution process.

Take a moment to reflect upon who you were prior to awakening.

Now, think about where you want to go in the future.

Who do you want to become?

How do you want to act toward others?

What is standing in your way of reaching your desired life? Sometimes releasing what is no longer serving you is required before the universe can deliver you something better. 

The Plan for Transitioning into a New You

This plan begins with foundational steps, and then moves into the details through different stages.

Once you have a solid foundation with the steps, then it's easier to move through the transition stages.

While the plan is centered around moving out of negativity, the same concept can be applied to other areas of your life.

Using negativity as the main example makes it easy to understand. So you can then modify it to what you want to use it for.

You could use this plan to help boost your motivation, or to transition into working on your goals regularly.

Or, use it to help yourself formulate the steps to start using a new daily routine that includes more time for self care.

Whichever way you utilize this plan, getting started today helps you transition into a new you faster. 

Are You Stuck in a Repeating Pattern?

For example, if you have been reacting negatively toward a certain person, you can stop that pattern.

Notice how and when the other person is dragging you down, so you can figure out the best way to stop the pattern.

Are you able to remain silent when the other person is acting negatively or in an unkind way toward you?

If not, pause for a moment to think about what to say. Then, only speak in a neutral tone of voice without using any harsh words with the person. 

The 5 Foundational Steps to Transition into a New You

Remember this main example is centered around transitioning away from reacting negatively.

Modify it to fit your specific goal. As always, call upon angels for help if needed. 
  • Maintain awareness of your thoughts and feelings
  • Pause to think about how to respond instead of reacting negatively
  • Aim toward being a little better than you were yesterday
  • Every one or two days, transition into the next stage
  • Forgive yourself when you make a mistake or feel like you went backwards

Modifying Step 2 of the New You Plan

Use the following examples to modify the second step of the plan. The other steps remain the same.

These ideas work well if your goal is to start working regularly on a new project, or if you are lacking motivation. It even works to apply it to changing your daily schedule so you can get more sleep.

For step 2, pausing to reflect on your options in the present moment helps you make better decisions.

If your goal is to work on a project or to exercise, are you choosing to engage in those new activities? Or are you choosing to give your attention to a distraction (such as social media)?

Is your goal to improve your daily routine so you get more sleep? If yes, what can you get done earlier in the day to make it easier for yourself to get to sleep at the same time every night? 

Getting Started with The Stages of The New You Plan

Going back to the negativity example, rate how intense the negativity is with the other person. Then, keep improving upon it.

Or, rate how easily it is to do something else instead of what you want to improve upon.

Every one or two days, move yourself into the next stage. And consciously stay focused on your progress throughout each day. After one or two weeks, you will have transitioned into a new you. 

The Lion and Lioness Stages

These stages use animals as a focal point to assist you in more easily remembering where you are at among the stages.

The lion is your starting point. This is where the negativity is at its peak. Or, your motivation is at its lowest point. It also indicates that you have not made any progress yet.

When looking at negativity, think of it as being like a lion, very loud, and having difficulty controlling automatic reactions.

On day 1, try to tame that lion down into a lioness.

Allow yourself the time needed to practice while transitioning into the new you.

The lioness is an improvement from the intensity of the lion’s roar. You decide what that looks like. However, aim for any type of improvement.

On day 2, do you need another day to be like a lioness, or are you ready for the next transition stage? 

The Panda Bear Stage

Day 3 is time to leave the lioness in the past.

Panda bears are next because of their black and white colors.

The black color represents some lower emotions that need to be addressed. Or, improvements that still need to be made.

The white in the panda bear represents the improvements that you have just made.

You are in the middle of your transitioning when you are in the panda bear stage.

How many days do you need for this stage? That is up to you, However, moving onto the next stage after two or three days will help you to keep on track to finishing.

The Koala Bear Stage

When you are ready, start the koala bear stage. This is when you are able to more easily control your emotions if you were working on reducing negativity with another person.

At this stage, you still have some improvements left to make. However, you are doing very well with keeping up with your new improvements. 

The White Dove Stage

The final stage, and your destination, is to become like a white dove. Doves represent peace and love which is what you have transitioned into during this process.

You have transitioned into a new you, carrying higher levels of light. And are more easily able to remain in a state of love, peace, and joy.

Even if you are among negative people, you are able to maintain dominion over your own energy. And can re-center within love and source light to prevent yourself from returning to the old aspects of you.

All the work that you have done to reach this endpoint has been completed. Congratulations! 

What if You are Still Struggling?

Sometimes it can be difficult to escape old patterns especially if the energetic roots are held deeply within you.

If you have tried this plan, and are still struggling, there is a way to stop the patterns.

Get help from Arcfusion Energy Healing to remove the energetic blocks. So you can start to more easily transition into a new you. 

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 

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