How To Stop Suffering on Your Ascension Journey

Your feelings always expose the truths of your energies. This is why they’re the perfect key to revealing how you can stop stuffing on your ascension journey.

You cannot hide from your true feelings. Even if you bury them, they will resurface later.

Remember that all feelings are energies. And you can utilize your feelings as a way to discover blocks and distorted beliefs.

Read this blog post while remaining non-judgmental of the feelings, thoughts, and beliefs that you dislike. Remember that you are powerful and can transform all undesirable energies. 

Feelings are Your Guide to Stop Suffering 

Suffering is like being stuck inside quicksand. Once you get stuck, it can be very difficult to free yourself. This is where spiritual tools can help, so you stop suffering.

The situations and people around you may be stressful, distorted, or appear miserable to tolerate. However, you have complete control over your emotions. You choose how you're going to think, act, and react within every moment.

You cannot control or change other people. But, you can improve yourself on the inside, and protect your energy from other people.

When thinking about feelings, thoughts, or beliefs you dislike, remember you have the power to change them. Those energies are not who you are.

Get started by enhancing your self-love while applying the plan in this channeled message. 

Channeled Message from Archangel Gabriel with a Plan to Stop Suffering

Dearest Beloved Soul, as you continue along your ascension journey there may be times where you feel stuck or trapped. You might feel down about external situations not improving after doing extensive inner work. Or, your vibration might become lowered because of other people around you.

There is a solution to improve how you feel without having to suffer on the inside.

The types of energies within your energetic system are attracting the same types of energies back to you through the Law of Attraction. This includes energies stored in your aura, chakras, and subconscious mind beliefs.

If you dislike the feelings or outer circumstances in your life, start to improve everything on the inside first. Remember as within, so without.

You Have Freedom to Stop Suffering

Check if recurring struggles are related to a past life issue, soul lesson, or outdated beliefs. Harmful beliefs could be buried so deeply in your subconscious mind that you do not recognize them easily.

Dear One, please know that suffering is optional. It is a choice. You do not have to suffer because of feelings, energies within you.

Many lightworkers have ascended beautifully while living with someone who tries to keep bringing them down. It is possible to stop suffering on the inside.

Only you choose what types of energies you are going to hold onto. If you find yourself feeling disappointed or upset that life seems unfair, this does not have to continue.

You can choose to stop suffering at any time. Yes, there will be work required on your part, however you can do it with angelic help. 

Transform Your Life with a 3 Step Plan

You are a loving soul of light meant to live a life that feels joyful, happy, blissful, and peaceful. And, to not be significantly affected by other people who are vibrating at a lower frequency than you.

Today we give you a three step plan created by the masterminds on the Council of Light so you can stop struggling. Please keep in mind this plan assumes you are continuing to do daily energy cleansing and energy protection. Plus, doing regular deep chakra and aura cleanses as needed. 

Step 1: Practice Awareness Daily

The recurring theme we see among lightworkers who are struggling is their mindset. They have learned about maintaining mindfulness. However, they are not applying it within every moment of every day.

How are you doing with maintaining awareness? Remember to always be non-judgmental and truthful with yourself.

When another person tries to drag you down, or acts negatively toward you, how are you reacting?

Is it easy for you to react negatively toward that person? If yes, this is a clear indicator that there is a deeper issue. Look into why this is happening?

For some of you it may be as simple as switching your mindset through positive affirmations. While for others, digging deeper into the root cause of the problem is needed to become aware of exactly what you need to work on. 

Step 2: Subconscious Mind Beliefs

If you have deeply buried subconscious mind beliefs, reprogram your subconscious mind. The easiest way is to use positive affirmations that are the opposite of the negative belief.

For example, most people have experienced rejection at one time or another in their life. A positive affirmation to resolve that harmful belief is to program into you that you are accepted. Acceptance is the opposite of rejection. 

Step 3: Discover Past Life Traumas

Everyone has past life traumas stored in the aura. Past life traumas can also show up as current life struggles that begin in early childhood.

Your soul always reaches out to you in a powerful way, trying to get your attention to resolve your biggest blocks. Are you noticing the signs from your soul? 
You are Ready to Heal
For example, notice if there is heaviness in your heart especially if it keeps reoccurring off and on. This could be a sign of past life trauma.

There is nothing that your soul nor the angels will bring up until you can handle it. Whatever appears is only showing up because you are ready to resolve it. And, when you work with angels, it may be much easier than what you think to resolve past life traumas.

It is true that forgiveness and sending love is required. But, what exactly do you need for your unique healing journey? Find out so you can remove the block and move forward in life. 

Choose The Route to Your Destination

Beautiful Soul of Light, please take action steps for yourself to stop struggling. You deserve it!

Your life is meant to wonderful. Yes, it will be a journey from your current situation to your desired destination. However, the route to that destination is up to you.

It can be a smooth, short journey. Or, it can be a bumpy road with obstacles, setbacks, struggling, and other people pulling you down. The choice is yours.

Angels are always here to support you, guide you, and uplift you. We want you to heal and reach the next highest level. Reach out to us and let us help you stop struggling. We love you unconditionally forever.
Thank you, Archangel Gabriel for this helpful message. Channeled by Brenda Lott.

Energy Flows Where You Focus It

Why do some people remain trapped for years while others become freed fast? It’s because of where their thoughts and energies are being focused upon.

If you focus on physical pain, it can easily linger around longer than needed. The best plan for dealing with physical pain is to recognize its presence, and do what is needed to properly care for yourself. Then, immediately refocus your thoughts on other things. 

Discover Your Blocks and Become Freed

The entire archangelic realm is here for you!
Discover what messages the angels have for you in an angel card reading. Discover what is holding you back right now, and what the angels want you to focus on.

If you need additional assistance to stop suffering, an Angel Energy Healing session can give you a boost in removing blocks. 

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 

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