How To Start Over in Life with Angelic Help

Whether you want to completely start over in life, or restart during a difficult day, the angels are here to help you.

At some point, every lightworker goes through challenges. Sometimes challenges can cause feelings of hopelessness, being stuck, or unsure about how to improve things. Don't worry, you're not alone.

This blog post will assist you in starting to move forward in life, and includes a channeled message.

7 Archangels who Help You Start Over in Life

  • Anytime you need powerful angelic assistance, immediately call upon Archangel Michael
  • Archangel Raphael helps when you feel stuck in life, and aids with mixed emotions
  • When dealing with life’s most difficult challenges call upon Archangel Haniel
  • If you’re unsure about which direction to take in life, get help from Archangel Gabriel
  • When you’re forced to start over in life due to any type of major loss, Archangel Azrael is perfect for you
  • For assistance in making decisions and choosing your best path ask Archangel Chamuel for guidance
  • When you’re uncertain, Archangel Jophiel provides clarity along with bringing you peace, comfort, and hope

Why Unexpected Challenges Appear

Sometimes life can be going great, and then you’re suddenly thrown into challenges. When this happens, sometimes the only thing you can do right away is to handle everything as it appears.

Why does this happen? Typically it’s either due to a life lesson you need to learn, or you’re being tested by the universe.

When you’re close to completing a specific soul lesson, the universe will give you a test to see how you respond. If you handle the situation much better than in the past, and prove that you’ve learned the lesson, then that particular soul lesson will be over. 

Why Help May Not Appear Immediately

I know how difficult it can be during intense moments to try to remain calm or neutral, but doing so helps you too. It’s even harder if you just asked angels for help, but it does not appear as if you’re being helped. Please avoid getting upset or discouraged.

Remember that sometimes angels are unable to get involved if your soul is using the undesirable experience to learn a soul lesson.

It does not mean you’re alone. Angels are still attempting to guide you, however your ego mind can become so loud that you do not notice the angels surrounding you. 

Why Do You Need or Want to Start Over in Life?

If you dislike the current circumstances in your life, then ask the angels to guide you toward which changes that are best for you in the present moment. Remember to trust angelic guidance along with listening to your intuition.

Anytime you embark upon a journey to start over in life, you must be willing to change. Sometimes life forces changes while other times you will be in charge of making the decision.

Knowing why a new start is needed makes it easier to take action steps going forward. 

Common Ways To Start Over in Life

  • Get rid of material items that remind you of the past
  • Focus on being happy with what you have, not on what you don't have
  • Say no to helping other people when you have not taken care of yourself first
  • Find your passion in life and pursue it wholeheartedly
  • Give yourself permission to make mistakes
  • Take a break from social media
  • Move to a new location if possible

Channeled Message From Archangels Gabriel, Jophiel, and Chamuel

Dearest beloved soul of light, we are here to bring you a message of love and hope along with guidance for anytime you need to start over in life. Whether it is through making a major change or when you need a restart during a challenging day, we are always here for you.

Utilize these tips whether you simply need a new start to the day, or if you desire to completely start over in life.

First, always remember that you are never alone even if it appears that way at times from your human standpoint. 

The Transition Phase when Starting Over in Life

The transition phase from your old life and into the new life might be long or short. However, it is an essential stepping stone that leads you toward a better life where you will be happier.

Leaving the past behind no matter what the reason is, always causes some extra stress. Even if it is a change that you choose, and is a change that you really want to make.

Call upon your guardian angel or archangels for assistance daily when you are in this transition phase. We will support you through it, comfort you, and guide you in making difficult decisions.

Take a moment to thank yourself for making the decision to leave behind the past, and step up onto a higher timeline. 

Starting Over in Life After a Big Loss

If the reason why you have to suddenly start over in life is due to an unexpected loss, call upon Archangel Azrael for help daily. This includes losing a loved one, a relationship that ends, or losing a job.

When you are forced to start over in life, focus on self-love and self care. Also, ask for angelic messages in dreams, pay attention to angel numbers, and ask your guardian angel to show you a symbol that has a special meaning to you.

During extremely difficult times when you need to start over in life, create a new solid foundation for yourself.

Build a Solid Foundation When Starting Over in Life

Spend a few minutes examining the foundation for your new life.

Build a strong foundation that includes energy cleansing and energy protection daily. Plus, communicate with your guardian angel and/or archangels every day.

Create your new foundation by writing down answers to these questions. 
  • What will support you the most in your new life?
  • Name at least one person who will support you during the transition phase.
  • What one thing can you do every day to make your inner child happy?
  • Are there any adjustments needed in your self-care routine?
  • What are your goals and what is one step to take toward manifesting them?
  • How much time do you need in nature to rejuvenate your soul?
  • What is a good schedule for you to do housework? 

Restart During Stressful Moments

Dear one, sometimes you might have an extra challenging day, especially if unexpected things suddenly pile up. On days like this, give yourself a restart.

Take a moment to handle the situation and start the process of what needs to be addressed. Then when you get a moment, remove a layer of stress with source light even if it is only for 30 seconds.

Next, restart the day by stating in your mind or out loud that you declare this now moment as your brand new start to the day. You still may not feel great, but stepping over an imaginary line to indicate a new start helps.

Try seeing how the beginning of the stressful situation is now behind you. You are done with it, and will only be taking steps forward from this moment in time.

Give yourself several restarts during the same day if needed. 

Recovering After Stressful Days

After you have been through a stressful situation, remember to take care of yourself.

What is one thing that you can do to feel better? Such as taking a relaxing bath with essential oils or Epsom salts, enjoying a cup of tea, going on a walk. Or, relaxing for a few minutes or meditating. 

Start Over in Life with Angelic Assistance

Dear one, when you start over in life remember the new pathway ahead will include blessings, happiness, and love. And, we will walk alongside you every step of the way along with comforting you when tears need to fall.

At this time, we wrap you in our wings of love, and flow a gentle waterfall of white sparkling light around you and through you. We love you. 
Thank you Archangels Gabriel, Jophiel, and Chamuel for this message. Channeled by Brenda Lott

Messages From Angels

When you’re starting over in life, it can be very helpful to receive guidance from the angels through a card reading or channeled message.

Ask the angels your specific question or choose a card reading to find out what guidance the angels have for you. 

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 

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