How To Resolve Karma

Resolving Karma
Everyone is born with karma. You’ve most likely heard about the common description about what karma is, but there is also another big part to karma. Understanding the aspects of karma will help you to resolve karma within your energetic system.

Karma is More Than Payback

Karma is neither good nor bad. The majority of the time, karma means that there is something from your past that caused a traumatic experience. This includes past life traumas and fears whether you’re aware of them or not. And, it does not have to be severely traumatizing to still affect you.

Karma means your system is carrying around unresolved fear energies. It’s the fear of having the same bad experience occur again. It does not matter whether the trauma, fear, or hurt was caused by you or someone else. 
Both people who went through the experience that created the karma will continue carrying around fear energies until they’re cleared.

What is Karma?

Karma is anything that is unresolved. Whether positive or negative, karma keeps you stuck in a repeating cycle until it’s either healed or cleared. The healing process can take a very long time which is why choosing to clear it away gives you faster results.

Every action, every word, and even every thought has potential to create karma. It’s based on the universal law of cause of effect. All actions from your past and in the present moment will play a role in your future. If you’ve caused harm to another person, negative karma remains with you until it's cleared.

However, you do not need to keep dealing with repeating karmic cycles. Once you make the decision to clear it, angels can assist you in removing the karma. Resolving karma means it will no longer affect you in the present moment nor in the future. 
Karma is also created after someone else hurts you. The fear of having the same thing happen to you again remains with you. It can also become deeply hidden within your energetic system if you try to ignore it. 

Identifying Karmic Blockages

You have the chance to settle karma by choosing to take steps that lead to making improvements. However, healing from karmic blockages can take years, or possibly several lifetimes to fully heal. But, with the earth ascending at the fastest rate in history, it’s now possible to get off the karmic wheel much easier and faster.

Karma also appears as soul lessons especially if it’s related to certain types of challenges. For example, this can occur through repeating struggles if a soul has karma in the areas of poverty or greediness from past lives.

If karma is part of a soul lesson, then you must first understand the soul lesson. Angels can only guide you through the process of learning the soul lesson until it’s completely learned. After you’ve successfully completed the soul lesson, then you’re able to become freed from it. 

How Karmic Debts Appear in Your Life

Karma plays out in relationships when karmic debts are unresolved between two souls. It can also happen on a larger scale. For example, in the case of an entire family owing each other different amounts of karmic debt. They all might chose to incarnate together as a family with an opportunity to end the detrimental cycles.

Another way karmic debts appear is through deeply rooted blockages. These have potential to keep you stuck for years or decades. 

Ways Karma Appears

  • Lack of money
  • Difficulty attracting true love
  • Inability to keep a job very long
  • Consistent unhappiness
  • Procrastination (when it lasts years)
  • Inability to move forward in life
  • Fears that hold you back from making positive improvements 

Clearing Negative Karma

Resolving karma is easier with help from angels. The reason is because angels are able to see the sources of your karma even if you’re unaware of them.

Negative karma ends one of two ways. First, by living through repeated challenges until you are able to overcome them. Or the second way, by communicating with angels to remove karma faster and easier.

You can also use the violet flame to help deal with low vibrational energies from karma. It will help disperse some of the unwanted energies from your energetic field. However, the violet flame alone is not as powerful as working with angels to transmute and clear karma. 

How To Start The Karma Cleansing Process

When starting to cleanse your karma, take some time to notice where there are repeating challenges in your life. Those are signs of karma being present in those types of struggles. When you recognize karma, the angels can assist you in clearing it.

Always ask your guardian angel to assist you even if you are also working with archangels. Guardian angels can show you signs, point things out to you, and will support you throughout the entire process of removing karma.

The end of this post contains a request that you can use for asking archangels for help in resolving karma. 

Karma Cleansing Techniques

Meditating with archangels can be one of the easiest ways to end recurring karmic cycles. Remember to specifically ask for karma resolution so angels have your permission to remove it.

It’s important to know that very deep layers of karmic trauma often require more time for healing. Why? Because the layers need to come off one layer at a time. This prevents your human system from going into shock from too many extreme changes at once. 

If you feel overwhelmed by too much karma, an Angel Energy Healing session can speed up the clearing process. 

More Ways To Resolve Karma

  • Remove toxic people from your life
  • Learn from your mistakes, and take steps to not repeat those same mistakes
  • Be honest with yourself about your weaknesses (hiding the truth from yourself only keeps you a detrimental cycle)
  • Find a better way to respond to challenging situations and negative people
  • Practice forgiveness regularly

How To Balance Your Karma

Practice mindfulness and forgiveness often until you master both. After practicing for a few days or weeks, maintaining awareness and forgiving others in the moment will become a beneficial habit. 
When working on balancing your karma, it’s helpful to focus on creating balance in all areas of your life. This includes everyday things such as your finances, diet, and getting enough sleep. These might seem like unrelated things to karma, but they can be part of karmic debts. Therefore, taking action steps to resolve areas where you’re struggling in speeds up the process of balancing karma. 
Balancing Karma

Resolving Karma Begins with You

There are action steps you can take daily to speed up the process of resolving karma. 
  • Discover the areas of your life where recurring challenges are present
  • Remain aware of your thoughts, words, and actions in every moment of every day
  • Genuinely forgive both yourself and others
  • Be compassionate and kind toward others
  • Stop negative thoughts as soon as they appear
  • Recognize the ego mind when it starts to get loud (ask Archangel Michael for help to immediately quiet your ego)
  • Love yourself exactly the way you are (ask Archangel Jophiel for assistance)

Dealing with Negative People Around You

Do not take attacks from others personally. Take a step back, and stay silent when possible. It helps to remember that the person is only reacting to fear energies within their system. Often, people react automatically without thinking, and do not recognize how their negativity is affecting you.

When someone is acting a negative way around you, remain calm, and send the person love light. Sometimes it’s easier to ask any of the archangels to send the person love and light for you. 

Requesting Angelic Help To Resolve Karma

Resolving karma happens at the level of your soul. Say the following anytime to clear one karmic debt at a time:

"Archangel Michael, Archangel Metatron, Archangel Raphael, and my guardian angel, please help me to resolve my karma. Any karma that is part of a soul lesson, I request that you assist me in recognizing and understanding the soul lesson.

Help me to see where I need to change, what I need to improve, and how I play a role in healing from this karma. One step at a time, I am willing to take actions that you show to me, so I can become freed from this repeating karmic cycle.
Archangel Michael and Archangel Raphael, please cut all etheric cords that no longer serve me. And, remove the roots and debris from these cords with a waterfall of white cleansing light that flows through me now.

Assist me in genuinely forgiving those who have hurt me. And, I ask for forgiveness to the souls where I have caused harm from all lifetimes. I am ready to move forward in life with this karma resolved for the highest good of all souls involved. Thank you."

Resolve Karma For A Better Life

Ask your guardian angel and archangels anytime for assistance in learning soul lessons and resolving your karma. You will need to take certain actions, but resolving karma leads to a better life. One step at a time, you can start to notice quicker improvements when you invite angels to help you.

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 
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