How to Recover from Soul Fragmentation

Have you ever heard of soul fragmentation? If not, it’s something that you should know about especially when you’re on a spiritual journey. Soul fragmentation prevents you from living your full potential.

Certain common situations even have potential to cause your soul to become fragmented. If this happens, it can quickly decrease your quality of life. And, leave you not feeling well for years, or possibly for the rest of your life.

Soul fragmentation can happen anytime, even decades after you experienced the traumatic event! You must take charge over your healing process, otherwise do not expect things to improve.

The good news is that there are ways to recover lost pieces of your soul with archangelic help. Ancient cultures also knew about soul fragmentation and had methods to help people. 

What is Soul Fragmentation?

Anytime you experience anything traumatic in life, including feeling pain, pieces of your soul might leave you. This is commonly called soul fragmentation or soul loss. It can occur after suffering through any kind of abuse, or a major shocking event such as losing a loved one.

When pieces of your soul leave your body, it leads to feeling disconnected, lost, or even depressed. Your entire life can be flipped upside down quickly.

No matter what caused the soul to become fragmented, all hope might suddenly be gone. Sometimes it can trigger a dark night of the soul period. 

Why Soul Fragmentation Happens

Soul fragmentation occurs after an intense shock to your mind or body. Or, from going through any kind of traumatic experience.

Pieces of your soul leave your body only because your soul wants to feel safe. Any kind of trauma can trigger your soul to feel unsafe. The more severely traumatized you feel, the more likely your soul will be deeply affected. 

Causes of Soul Fragmentation

  • Experiencing any kind of abuse; the longer is lasts, the more harmful it is to your soul
  • Remembering past life traumas especially through a dream
  • Abandonment during childhood
  • Growing up with adults yelling regularly
  • Feeling unloved as a child
  • Suffering from injuries caused by a major accident
  • Any kind of physical pain
  • Going through a divorce
  • Being in a coma is a sign of severe soul loss, no matter what appeared to cause the coma (accident or illness)
  • Any traumatic event
  • Losing a loved one
  • Becoming triggered by someone who caused you harm in a past life
A common sign that someone caused you harm in a past life is not liking the person when you first meet them. And, not being able to explain why you’re affected by that person. The person might do something that makes you feel extra mad, hurt, or angry. Although, if another person would’ve done that same thing, your reaction wouldn't be as intense.

What Does Soul Fragmentation Feel Like?

From personal experience, I know how intensely the soul feels severely traumatized from past life traumas. The same intense feelings also occur with your current life traumas.

It feels like your entire life suddenly crashes down. You don’t know what to do, and are unsure about everything in your future. Dreams get put on hold. And, you might start wondering how you’ll ever recover. Daily energy work doesn’t appear to help much, if at all. While energy cleansing still works, you cannot feel it.

When my soul became fragmented, I temporarily lost my ability to channel messages from angels. And, I was not able to feel angels around me. It was devastating, and felt like I was dealing with the intense, traumatic feelings alone.

Feeling disconnected is difficult. But that is when you need to focus on living one day at a time along with taking care of yourself. 

Signs of Soul Fragmentation

  • Feeling disconnected
  • Emptiness
  • Depression, sometimes severe
  • Weakness
  • Fatigue
  • Anxiety
  • Feeling like something is missing, but you cannot figure it out
  • Emotional numbness
  • Shutting down and being unable to react in certain situations
  • Ego mind completely controlling your thoughts
  • Addictions
  • Eating disorders
  • Low self-esteem
  • Fear
  • Insomnia
  • Disappointed with life
  • Excessive busyness as an escape method
  • Feeling unworthy about being loved
  • Vulnerability
  • Feeling like you do not have control over your life
  • Getting sick easily including during childhood

How To Recover Missing Pieces of Your Soul

Immediately call upon Archangel Michael and Archangel Jophiel for help. They both specialize in helping people retrieve lost pieces of their soul.
Use this request daily to invoke angelic help:

“Beloved Archangel Michael and Archangel Jophiel, please help me to fully recover all missing pieces of my soul. Help me to feel whole again. And, help me daily to take care of myself and do things that will lead to me healing faster. And so it is. Thank you.”

Top 3 Self-Care Things To Do Daily

While recovering, it’s important to take extra good care of yourself. Doing little things daily will help you heal faster from the soul fragmentation. In addition to using the request above for archangelic help daily, also do at least these things: 
  • Ask your guardian angel to help you download divine unconditional love, joy, and feelings of being safe from source light every morning
  • Cleanse your chakras and aura every night, even if it’s only 5 minutes
  • Protect your energy and aura with orbs of light twice a day (more about how to do that below)
A note about downloading love from source: 
Will you feel a rush of unconditional love when downloading it from source light? Probably not when your soul is fragmented. But, it will significantly help you at the energetic level especially with starting to heal your spirit. 

While you might not feel the love, isn't it better to feel okay all day instead of feeling really down? That is the difference that downloading divine unconditional love can make when you're in need of deep healing at the soul level. 

How To Protect Your Energy in 5 Easy Steps

If you cannot visualize this, then ask your guardian angel to help you do it. 
  1. 1
    Connect to source light
  2. 2
    Flow source light through all of your chakras
  3. 3
    Ground yourself to the center of the earth
  4. 4
    Bring earth light up all the way through you
  5. 5
    Add protective light orbs
To add protective light orbs, state in your mind (or out loud) that you are now in a violet orb of light. Make this orb completely surround your entire physical body, and expand it outward beyond your aura. Violet helps to transmute any low-vibrational energies within your space.

Next, add on a white orb of protection. White is both healing and cleansing.

Finally, place a mirror orb around you as the outermost layer. This orb helps deflect other people’s heavy energies away from you. 

Additional Ways To Heal Yourself and Your Soul

  • If someone ask you do to something for them, feel free to say no
  • Get plenty of rest
  • Wear your favorite clothes
  • Meditate
  • Cleanse your energy with the violet flame often
  • Listen to healing music such as solfeggio tones
  • Keep asking angels for help everyday
  • Call on angels for help when you’re feeling down, sad, or angry
  • Spend time around people you love
  • Hug a loved one
  • Talk to one close friend for ongoing support
  • Be grateful for things you already have in life including little things
  • Do an activity that you enjoy as much as possible
  • Let a friend know that you appreciate them and are grateful for your friendship
  • Eat your favorite healthy foods
  • Avoid unhealthy foods; they keep you stuck longer
  • Use essential oils

Spend Time in Nature

Spending time in nature can be very healing, but it’s not always possible to get outside. If you cannot go outside, look at images of nature, or watch videos of landscape scenes. Visualize yourself being in each picture that you see. Feel the sunshine on your face, a gentle breeze, or raindrops or snowflakes hitting your face. 

Beneficial Crystals For Soul Loss

Crystals have potential to greatly help you at the energetic level. Amethyst is especially beneficial when you're dealing with soul loss. It helps you through the transition process along with providing a sense of calm. Additionally, it removes fears, balances moods, and eases sadness.

There are a couple important things to remember with amethyst. First, avoid those that are heat-treated or chemical-treated. Raw amethyst is best. Second, amethyst will fade if it's in direct sunlight too long. Carrying a pocket stone is a good way to discreetly keep amethyst on you all day.

Selenite is another good crystal for soul fragmentation after amethyst. Benefits of selenite include calming, a sense of peace, and mental clarity. Plus, selenite is self-cleansing, and it cleanses other crystals when set next to them. If your soul fragmentation is from a past life issue, selenite helps you see what needs healing. 

Where to Find Genuine Crystals

It is not always easy finding a reputable seller when looking for crystals. That is why I already did some research for you. The Conscious Items website has genuine crystals, crystal jewelry, and more. 

Click here to visit Conscious Items

Welcome Back Your Soul Fragments

Welcome back the lost or missing pieces of your soul. Simply say “my soul, I welcome you back, and want you to know that it’s safe to fully return.”

If there is a person in your life that triggers intense feelings in you, then it’s important to create a plan. Figure out in advance how to act around the person. 

What Happens When Your Soul Returns?

The moment when your soul returns can sometimes be felt. Every person has a different experience, but you might feel physically unwell or feel deeply hurt and start crying. This happens because as the soul reenters, you're finishing up the process of releasing all toxic energies from the traumatic experience.

Do not worry because angels ensure your soul only returns when you're in a safe place, such as at home. And, during a time when you can focus on taking care of yourself.

It happened to me during a meditation when divine love and light from source was flowing into all chakras.

If you experience unpleasant symptoms, know that it's only from toxic energies. Ask Archangels Michael, Raphael, and Metatron to help you fully release the toxic energies. Then request to be filled up with divine unconditional love. Finally, take extra good care of yourself until you're feeling better.

Call Upon Archangels For Soul Retrieval

Recovering from soul loss takes time, patience, and dedication to your healing process. Ask Archangel Michael and Archangel Jophiel daily to help you retrieve all of your missing soul fragments. And, keep asking your guardian angel for help with anything, anytime.

It’s crucial to protect your energy daily. You don't need to become affected by other people's dense energies too. You’re already dealing with enough.

Remember to take extra good care of yourself. Only live in the present moment, and be grateful for good things you already have. Expressing gratefulness increases your vibration and helps you progress faster. Incorporating your lost soul pieces back into you requires time, but you can do it with angelic help. 

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 

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