How To Recognize and Reduce Ascension Symptoms

Ascension Symptoms
The ascension process can be an intense and sometimes challenging journey. There are some symptoms that can weigh you down. But when this happens, it’s always a sign that dense energies are coming up for you to release.

It's imperative to know what your body and mind are telling you, so you can best manage the symptoms. Sometimes an energy cleanse can work very well to boost you up at the energetic level, and to lessen ascension symptoms.

Before getting into specific ascension symptoms, let’s look at the extreme importance of not giving too much power or attention to them. Through the Law of Attraction, you have immense power to attract more ascension symptoms into your life. 

Ascension Symptoms and The Law of Attraction

There are a wide variety of ascension symptoms that you may or may not experience. While it’s good to be aware that what you’re experiencing is due to ascending, it’s extremely important to not dwell on your ascension symptoms.

Even the simple act of telling a friend that you’re dealing with ascension symptoms will attract more ascension symptoms into your life. The reason why is because of the Law of Attraction.

Every thought and every spoken word sends out signals into the universe to bring you more of the same types of energies and experiences. This process continuously happens throughout all of life whether you’re consciously aware of it or not.

Strictly limit your thoughts when thinking about ascension symptoms, and try not to talk about them. Notice what symptoms are present so you know how to deal with them, then immediately move your thoughts to more positive thinking. 

Physical Ascension Symptoms

  • Lightheadedness; possible slight dizziness
  • Difficulty sleeping including waking up in the middle of the night
  • Needing lots of extra sleep or naps
  • Heightened sensitivity to sounds, sights, smells, tastes
  • Physical pains
  • Headaches
  • Nausea
  • Not needing as much food (because your body is adjusting to hold more light)
  • Needing to eat more often
  • Abdominal weight gain
  • Night sweats
  • Hot flashes
  • Suddenly feeling cold
  • Ringing in one or both ears

You Can Become Overloaded with Stimulants

When your five human senses become more sensitive it can lead to feeling overwhelmed with too much stimulation. For example, other people around you might not notice the volume of music playing in the room. But to you, it will be too loud and might physically make your ears hurt. Or it might irritate you.

Mental and Emotional Ascension Symptoms

  • Emotional ups and downs
  • Mood swings
  • Intense feelings including stress
  • Difficulty focusing
  • Brain fog
  • Temporary short-term memory loss
  • Disorientation
  • Anxiety
  • Panicking
  • Ego mind gets loud (especially when its afraid of changes)
  • Depression
  • Irritation
  • Agitation 

Other Ascension Symptoms

  • Increased intuition
  • Sensing angels or spirits around you
  • Hearing guidance from angels in your mind
  • Seeing flashes of light (orbs and sparkling lights are angels)
  • Tingling in one part of your body or everywhere
  • Feeling like you're floating outside of your body
  • Losing your previous self-identity
  • Inability to tolerate unawakened people
  • Sensitivity to EMF radiation
  • Changing your routine or habits
  • Passion for activities you previously enjoyed might decline
  • Newfound desire for wanting to learn about the universe, angels, and metaphysics
  • Deep desire for wanting to discover your soul purpose
  • Vivid dreams, sometimes violent
  • Kundalini experiences (feeling intense tingling, pulsating, or pains along your spine or in chakras)
  • Becoming more sensitive to all types of energies
  • You're affected by full moon energies
  • Feeling uncomfortable in the meat section at grocery stores (you might sense pain energies stored inside the meat of animals who were slaughtered for food)

You’re Not Going Crazy!

Feeling as if you're going insane is an ascension symptom. Do not worry; you are not developing a mental illness. This intensity will pass. Take extra good care of yourself and keep asking your guardian angel to help you release heavy energies as they come up.

Additionally, if you sense that your life is intended for something bigger and better, trust that feeling. Your soul can help drive you toward discovering your soul purpose and aligning with your highest timeline. 

Longing To Go Home

Have you ever found yourself looking up at the sky and feeling an inner desire of wanting to go home? But not knowing where home is? This is also a sign that you’re a starseed. And, it can include feelings of not belonging on Earth anymore.

Relationship Changes are Part of Ascending

People who are no longer meant to be in your life will fade away. The good news is that the universe will bring you new friends who are in alignment with the new you.

I know it’s not always easy, and I had tears flow when a few, old friends left my life. But each time someone left, the universe bought me someone new almost immediately.

Do not try holding onto a relationship that is toxic to the new person you're becoming. However, this is different with relatives especially when you want to keep loved ones in your life. 

How To Handle Relationships with Relatives While You’re Ascending

Give yourself a break from being around relatives that bring you down, or who do not support your spiritual journey.

Tell them you started working on self-improvements in your own life and you need more time alone. Help them understand that the distance you need away from them is only temporary. And that you can spend more time together later once you're further along your journey. 

Yearning For Major Home or Career Changes

You might also start to dislike your job or current home, and strongly desire a new change in one or both of those areas.

It’s not uncommon for some lightworkers to become eager to make a drastic move away from their current location. If you feel that way, follow your intuition, and ask your guardian angel for guidance. 

Tingling and Other Extraordinary Sensations

Throughout your spiritual journey, you might feel tingling sensations. Or even have heart palpitations. There are many causes of tingling and other sensations.

The more you cleanse your chakras, you’ll be able to feel the energies flowing within your chakras. It can feel like a gentle tingling, pulsating, or even a slight sensation of warmth.

What is most important when you’re experiencing any feelings or tingling sensations is how they make you feel. Always take a moment to ask yourself: Does this feel good?

Practice Discernment

It’s good to get into the habit of questioning whether a feeling, person, thought, or location makes you feel good or uneasy. Always trust your intuition. If desired, ask your guardian angel for clarification or a sign indicating the correct option when you’re unsure.

Does it feel good?

If yes, then it's good for you.

Does it make you feel nervous?

If yes, try an energy cleanse. Feeling uneasy could be due to low vibrational energies coming up for release. Ask your guardian angel to help you remove the heavy energies, and to clear them across all time, space, and dimensions. 

Does it make you feel horrible for several days?

If yes, then there is something that needs your immediate attention. It could be due to a past life issue, or energies from a traumatic experience earlier in this lifetime. It’s not always important to know the cause, but in certain cases it can help to know what created the feelings.

An example is with past life traumas. Sometimes the only way you can fully heal is by understanding what happened along with your role. Sending and asking for forgiveness with all souls that were involved helps neutralize the energies. 

Your Intuition is Like A Best Friend

Some sources teach conflicting information about the meanings and causes of tingling sensations. Besides being confusing, it can create new energetic blockages that hold you back in life.

Stop trying to figure out the cause, and pay attention to how you feel along with listening to your intuition. The majority of the time, the cause is not important. And when it is vital to know the cause, the angels will help you discover it. 

This is also a great way to help lessen your ascension symptoms. When you notice density, you can remove it faster which leads to a decrease in ascension symptoms. 

Focus on Your Feelings

It's much easier to only focus on how something makes you feel.

When I began meditating, I started tingling everywhere. Later on, I learned what I was feeling were angels. The energies angels emit are very high vibrational. That is why when angels are close to you, it can cause tingling sensations in your entire physical body.

This may or may not happen to you. My entire life, I was always sensitive to energies. Once I began awakening, that switched to becoming extremely sensitive.

It obviously can make life more challenging sometimes, but it’s also an incredibly special gift. This gift is how I’m able to easily connect with angels and be a clear, open channel for the angels to flow their healing energies and messages through me. 

Cycles Meant For Resting Followed By Heightened Energy

Sometimes you won't feel like doing anything, or could feel depressed. When this happens, it indicates that your body needs more rest. Take a break, enjoy a relaxing activity, and take naps when you need them.

The other side is having your physical energy boosted, or feeling immense joy for living life and excitement. Utilize these periods to spread more love and kindness to people you encounter during the day. 

How Long Do Ascension Symptoms Last?

During your spiritual journey, the number of ascension symptoms along with the intensity varies. It completely depends on how much density needs to be cleared away from your system. Plus, whether or not you have deeply buried traumas from this lifetime or past lives in your aura.

Etheric cords that others have attached to you also determine how long ascension symptoms last, and which ones you experience. It’s truly a unique experience for each individual. 

What Happens After Ascension

As you continue to ascend higher, ascension symptoms may significantly lessen.

The ascension journey never really ends because there is always a higher level to reach. No one on Earth has ever obtained perfect enlightenment. Keep ascending higher and higher, as high as you choose to go. 

Grounding Lessens Ascension Symptoms

Ground your energy daily in addition to anytime you start feeling spacey or irritated by unawakened people.

If grounding feels hard to do, read this blog post to find out the most effective ways to ground.

Life is An Energy Game

Life can somewhat be viewed as a game of energies. The types of energies you carry within you are exactly what you're attracting back into your life. This is the Law of Attraction at work.

Everyone has challenges and struggles throughout life. But it's what you do when they arise that matters.

Will you choose to take responsibility over those energies being within your system? And clear them to increase your vibration?

Or, will you bury them deep and allow them to fester under the surface, so they reappear later without warning at the worst possible times?

No one can do energy work for you. However, you can get a boost and extra help from angels the easy way through an angel energy healing session. Beyond that, you’re the one who has to choose within every moment to keep aligning more with your goals, dreams, and desires. 

Navigating Ascension Symptoms

If your ascension symptoms have been preventing you from moving forward, consider getting help. Start by asking the angels for assistance on your journey.

Or, get an angel energy healing session to help get yourself back on track. A session removes dense energies, fills you up with new light, uplifts your vibration, and much more.

Remember the importance of not dwelling on ascension symptoms because of the Law of Attraction. Notice that they’re present, and take appropriate actions to take care of yourself. Then, switch your focus to other things so you’re not fueling their power.

Keep requesting help from the angels, and know that you’re not alone with experiencing ascension symptoms. 

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 
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