How To Reach Your Fullest Potential

What is your fullest potential? And what does it mean to you? How do you reach it? And what if you don't even know where to start?

These are all valid questions when it comes to understanding and reaching your fullest potential.

This post explores some tips and techniques to help you reach your fullest potential. So read on to start unfolding your destiny.

Reach Your Fullest Potential Through A Powerful Foundation

There are a few key points to keep in mind when building a solid and powerful foundation for your life. Having a solid foundation aids you in reaching your fullest potential. 
  • Maintain dominion over your own energy
  • Remember everything goes through the creator’s ego mind which includes limitations and fears they received from others
  • Do not allow other people’s fears to invade your life or hold you back
  • Take a few seconds to scan information; if it contains fears, leave it behind, move forward, and don’t look back
  • Refuse to give fears from others any of your time or energy
  • Remember that you are a powerful, unlimited, infinite soul of light
  • Access divine wisdom from angels to manifest your biggest dreams

What Does Reaching Your Fullest Potential Look Like?

It’s crucial to be very clear about exactly what you desire in life. If you’re unsure, or have doubts, then the universe will be unable to deliver your desires.

Write out your goals and other things you wish to manifest in your life. Leave out details about how you will get there, and only focus on the end results.

Once you’re crystal clear about your desires and dreams, then ask your guardian angel to show you one step to take toward achieving your dreams. 

Channeled Message from Archangel Gabriel to Reach Your Fullest Potential

Dearest lightworkers, there is a way to open up fully to the unlimited potential for your life.

We see many of you struggling and making significant efforts to achieve your dreams. The main reason for delays is all based on energetic blockages within your system.

As you already know, everything in the universe is energy including humans. Everything operates at the energetic level first. Therefore, it is crucial to focus on removing the deepest layers of blockages within your system.

Your soul will continue pushing you throughout your entire life to reach its fullest potential because you came here to learn and grow. 


Let's look at an example of a past life trauma. Assume that a person has a past life trauma from losing a spouse; the love of their life. The trauma from that experience carried over into this lifetime for the purpose of that person's soul to heal.

The traumatic energies lead to issues in the present lifetime with the person struggling to get close to anyone. And, struggling to open up their heart due to the fear of getting hurt and losing love. These fears are deeply ingrained within their energetic system.

The Situation Prior to Energy Healing and Cleansing

This can be a life lesson for the person to learn during this lifetime. The person may have gradual improvements over time, and always has potential to learn and resolve this life lesson.

The person can heal through positive life experiences within loving relationships. Because it will be slowly removed from the energetic system, the person can heal often over the span of many years. 

Energy Cleansing and Healing Speeds up The Process

Once the person is consciously aware of the root cause of the issue, then the person must choose to heal from it. One action step is to open up their heart more in relationships which would be incredibly healing for the person.

If the person begins to do energy cleansing, significant improvements may appear faster. There may be some deeper layers of the past life trauma that will come up for resolution later. However, these deeper layers do not have to affect the person's entire lifetime or hold them back.

Consistent energy cleansing combined with stopping the ego mind’s fears will greatly assist the person in moving forward in life. 

Your Soul will Keep Pushing You to Reach Your Fullest Potential 

The first step to reach your full potential is to recognize where you have energetic blockages and what they are related to.

Every human is born with dense energies within their energetic system. You came here to Earth because your soul wants to keep learning and growing. And how you do this is through experiences; some of which will be challenging while others are pleasant.

Reaching your fullest potential is a process that requires time. Plus, dedication to fulfilling your soul purpose, and taking consistent action steps.

One aspect is cleansing every emotion, thought, and belief pattern that does not feel good. If anything no longer serves your best interest, it is a sign to release it. 

Dealing with Undesirable Feelings within You

Every human on the planet arrived here with deeply buried layers. These layers continue to reveal themselves over time.

What is important is recognizing them as they emerge. And remaining non-judgmental toward the undesirable energies and feelings within you. Then, take responsibility over them in being within your system by clearing them.

There are numerous beneficial tools to assist you in removing every emotion that does not feel good to you. These include Angel Energy Healing, meditating with archangels, and breathing exercises.

Ultimately, you are the only one who can choose to reach your fullest potential by continuing to take the necessary actions as they arise. If you allow undesirable energies to remain in your system, they will only stay there and continue holding you back. 

Steps To Reach Your Fullest Potential

  • Throughout each day, recognize what does not feel good, remain non-judgmental about it, then clear it
  • Be accepting of other people and situations that you cannot control
  • Ask Archangel Michael to calm your ego mind every time it gets loud with negative or unhelpful thoughts
  • Cleanse your chakras and aura daily even if it is only for five minutes
  • Protect your energy and cut cords daily
  • Take action steps one at a time with assistance from angels toward working on achieving your dreams
  • Prioritize self-love and self care
Within every moment, maintain awareness, practice forgiveness, and stay centered in love 

Dreams Come True One Step at a Time

We are always here for you, and will help you one step at a time. The reasons why we only help you one step at a time is because we do not want you to get overwhelmed with the process. Plus, we are only allowed to give you one step at a time until you complete it. Once you complete it, then the next step will be shown to you.

If you commit to taking action steps on a regular basis for one full month, you will create beautiful, new habits for your journey. These new routines will immensely aid you in ascending higher faster and opening up to your full potential. 

Make Great Progress This Year

As Earth continues to transition closer to 5D, it will become easier for you to manifest every desire and big dream that you can imagine. Currently, Earth is on track for entering into 5D around 2032.

However, we do not want you to sit on the sidelines waiting. The deepest layers of heavy energies will still be there unless you heal and remove them from your energetic system.

It is possible for you to make great progress this year. Take action now toward stepping up onto your next highest timeline. You deserve it. Your soul is striving and pushing you to reach your fullest potential in life.

From all of us in the angelic realm, we love you and we send you blessings.
Thank you, Archangel Gabriel for this channeled message. Channeled by Brenda Lott.

Accelerate The Process

Reach your fullest potential sooner by removing energetic blockages in a short time span. An Angel Energy Healing session can enhance your journey in several ways.

It removes all the dense energies that are presently ready to leave, severs etheric cords, and cleanses your home. Plus, you feel uplifted afterward and more ready to jump into working on your biggest dreams. 

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 

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