How to Protect Your Energy

As you progress on your spiritual path, it is vital to protect your energy. The harsh energies of others can lead to feelings of being overwhelmed. While negative encounters can disrupt your tranquility and mood.

When you safeguard your energy, it allows you to spend more time feeling uplifted. Rather than being weighed down by heavy energies.

In this post, explore five simple yet potent methods to protect your energy from external negative influences. Which enables you to stay calm even in challenging situations, and secures your energetic vibration. Plus, can continue to radiate positivity to those around you instead of getting dragged down. 

Why it is Important to Protect Your Energy

In the midst of life's hustle and bustle, it can be easy to forget that you are more than just a physical being, but energetic as well.

Your aura, a luminous energy field that surrounds you, can become burdened with the weight of other people's energies. This can lead to a stressed aura, which in turn can cause illness.

When blobs of dense energies from others invade your aura, everything slows down. As these heavy energies crowd your aura, they start to move into your chakras. Once the chakras are blocked, the dense energies seep out into your body’s meridian system. This is the point when health problems start knocking at your door.

Engaging in spiritual activities, including cleansing, is an integral part of energy protection. You feel better, lighter, and more vibrant. After all, a well-maintained energetic system is the secret to overall well-being.

How to Protect Your Energy

Here are five easy and quick spiritual tools that you can integrate into your daily routine. These tools will help to keep your aura and chakras clear and protected. 

  1. 1
    Shields of light and sacred geometry
  2. 2
    Severing etheric cords
  3. 3
    Inhaling source light
  4. 4
  5. 5
    Energy cleansing as a form of energy protection 

1. Shields of Light and Sacred Geometry

Envisioning your aura surrounded by a light orb or sacred geometry provides you with energy protection.

Accomplish this through visualization and setting your intention. Alternatively, you may invoke assistance from your guardian angel or Archangel Michael. Simply ask and they will guide you through the process. 

Light Orbs and Metatron's Cube

Every morning, envision yourself encased in a radiant orb of white light. Think of it as a luminous shield that safeguards your energy.

If you feel the need for additional protection, layer more orbs around you. You can experiment with different colors like violet orbs or reflective mirror orbs.

The sequence of these colored orbs is entirely up to you. However, mirror orbs should ideally be your outermost layer. Because of how they function to deflect negative energies away from you. 

Reapply Light Orbs for Ongoing Protection

Protective light orbs have a lifespan of up to 12 hours. However, their potency can be quickly diminished when exposed to negativity or other harsh energies.

Like a coat of spiritual sunscreen, reapply your energy protection as often as needed. So you can maintain your energetic shield and ensure ongoing protection.

Sacred Geometry to Protect Your Energy

If you are sensitive to energies, the power of sacred geometry offers potent energy protection. Metatron’s Cube, in particular, carries immense protective energy. Place yourself inside the middle of Metatron's Cube with the exterior of the symbol securing your aura.

Or, call upon Archangel Michael to receive help with this process. Ask him to place you within the powerful confines of Metatron’s Cube, or inside the colored light orbs of your choice. All you need to do is ask, and it will be done.

Another way to help protect your energy is by activating your personal Merkaba, and programming it for energy protection. Click here to read a blog post to learn how to do this process. 

2. The Importance of Daily Etheric Cord Cutting

Severing energetic cords that are draining you helps to protect your energy. Because you are ending a flow of negative energy that is unhealthy for both you and the other person.

Cutting these cords is easy. And ensures that you keep your own energy without allowing others to drain it away from you.

Begin by asking Archangels Michael and Raphael to assist you in severing all etheric cords that are draining you. Next, ask Archangel Raphael to tug on all the cords, while Archangel Michael cuts them. Then, request that the roots and remnants be extracted from you and transmuted along with the cords.

Next, visualize a cascade of white light washing over you and your aura, removing any debris from the cord cutting. Then, ask Archangel Raphael to mend any punctures or rips in your aura from the cords. Conclude the process by expressing gratitude to both archangels.

3. Harness the Strength of Source Light

Being consciously connected to source light also serves as an energy shield. Which has an added benefit of safeguarding your spiritual well-being. Because when you are centered within love and light, the white light naturally protects your energy.

Whenever you find a spare moment during your day, tap into the power of source light. You are always surrounded by source light. And even brief connections lead to cumulative benefits.

Inhaling source light is like giving your energetic system a shower. Ensuring smooth flowing of vital life force energy and proper functioning of all systems.

Concentrate on inhaling source light into your heart chakra. Then, flow this light throughout your body as you exhale. 

4. Safeguard Your Energy through Grounding

Grounding your energy is another form of energy protection. Because it helps you to control the flow of energies through you. Additionally, grounding anchors you which propels you to reach new heights. This is because grounding forms an essential, natural bridge between source light, yourself, and the Earth.

Every morning, as part of your energy protection ritual, incorporate grounding. Start by connecting to source light. Let it flow through all your chakras, and then ground yourself. Also visualize a protective tube of light enveloping you and anchoring into the center of the Earth.

Alternatively, invoke Archangel Michael to for help with this process. 

5. Incorporate Energy Cleansing into Your Everyday Routine

In the whirlwind of a busy schedule, it is essential not to overlook the importance of spiritual self-care. Remember that self-care extends beyond the physical and into the realm of energy cleansing and protection for your soul.

These spiritual activities are not time-consuming. And can be seamlessly blended into your daily routine.

Ensure these practices are part of your everyday life. Five minutes each morning and evening dedicated to these spiritual activities can make a difference. And will aid you in increasing your vibration along with maintaining a higher vibration.

Conclude Your Days with Energy Purification

Employ the violet flame or source light to dispel stress, negativity, and dense energies that may have latched onto your aura from others. It is important to remember that your aura absorbs energies from others, even when you are online, watching a video, or reading.

Revitalize your chakras with a swift cleanse by visualizing source light entering your crown chakra. And coursing through your inner light column. This central column interconnects all seven of your main chakras.

Visualize a cascade of white light washing away dense energies. And restoring balance to all your chakras. Envision this light sweeping the heavy energies down to the Earth's core where they are transmuted. 

Embrace Spiritual Tools to Protect Your Energy

Find solace in being less influenced by the energies of others by protecting your energy.

Combining all these spiritual tools offers a potent shield of energy protection. Which simultaneously supports your spiritual ascension.

What are your experiences with using these different forms of energy protection? Leave a comment below to share. 

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 

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