How to Prevent Psychic Attacks and Remove Entities

Are you feeling under attack or as if an unseen force is affecting your life? Or, are you experiencing strange feelings of fear, anxiety, or anger without any apparent reason? If your answer is yes, then it is possible that you are being affected by a lost soul, psychic attack, or negative entity. Despite their unseen nature, these energies can have a significant impact on your overall well-being. Removing entities and preventing psychic attacks may require some time. However, there is always hope for much brighter days ahead.

In this blog post, learn how to release lost souls who are attached to your aura. Discover how to protect your energy from psychic attacks and dark entities. And know what steps to take if you find yourself affected by dark forces. By following these techniques, you can increase and maintain a high vibration. While also safeguarding your mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Why it is Important to be Aware of Psychic Attacks and Know How to Remove Entities

Navigating your ascension journey requires awareness of the influences around you. This includes other people and potentially dark entities. Ignoring these negative forces can significantly diminish your quality of life. And may have long-lasting effects.

Dark forces of any nature always feed off of low vibrational energies. Without low vibrational energies, they cannot survive.

This is why removing fear-based energies from your energetic system is one of the best prevention techniques. It also repels entities and halts psychic attacks.

Maintaining awareness of your thoughts, feelings, and energies is essential to ascending higher. If you are unfamiliar with mindfulness techniques, click here to read a blog post about how to master awareness

What is a Psychic Attack?

A psychic attack occurs when an individual is mentally targeted by negative energy. Leading to increased stress, fear, and negativity. This form of attack typically involves one person using their mind to manipulate or harm another person.

A psychic attack can manifest when another person bombards you with negativity. Or projects low vibrational energies toward you. During an attack, the individual may attach an energetic cord to you. These etheric cords are harmful and will continue to drain your energy.

If you feel drained after interacting with someone, it could be a sign that they have attached an etheric cord to you. Fortunately, there is a simple way to remove these cords with assistance from two archangels. There is more information about how to cut etheric cords further down in this post. 

Who can be Affected by a Psychic Attack or Entity?

Anyone can become a target of a psychic attack or entity at any point in their life. While some individuals may be more susceptible than others, no one is entirely exempt.

However, psychic attacks and entity attachments are more likely to occur when you are unable to maintain a high vibrational state. 

2 Categories of Entities

Entities can manifest in various forms. However, they generally fall into two main categories.

Understanding the specific type of entity is not necessary for clearing it. The following details are only for you to be more knowledgeable about the different types of entities. 

1. Confused Spirits

These energetic beings often originate from people who have passed away. Particularly those who may not realize they are no longer living. Sudden and unexpected deaths can confuse the soul, causing them to become lost spirits.

These spirits might be drawn to your bright light and, in their confusion, attempt to attach onto you for comfort. This has happened to me a few times. It is easy to clear them away with the help of Archangel Azrael.

In these cases, it helps to see the lost soul as desperately wanting to go back home, but not knowing how. They see your light and feel comfortable near you, hoping you can help them. You have the power to help the confused spirit ascend, relieve their stress, and make them feel better. It is a gift to offer a lost soul a direct route to heaven with assistance from the angels. 
How to Clear Lost Souls with Archangel Azrael
  1. 1
    Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to relax.
  2. 2
    Request to be surrounded by 100,000 angels.
  3. 3
    Invite Archangel Azrael to connect with you. And ask him to remove attachments from your energy field.
  4. 4
    Think or say: “Archangel Azrael, please fully release all attachments from me. Assist those who are unwilling to leave. Help them see the light of the divine and know they are safe in releasing from me. And so it is. Thank you.”
  5. 5
    Continue taking deep breaths as the angels complete their work.
  6. 6
    Allow a waterfall of source light to flow through you, refreshing your energy.
  7. 7
    Finish by grounding your energy to the center of the earth, and thank the angels.
If you are sensitive to energies, you may immediately feel a release or spontaneously take a deep breath once the attachment is gone.

2. Dark Entities

Dark entities may initially follow you, looking for an opportunity to enter your energy field. Once attached, they can drain your energy and severely impact your thoughts in a negative way.

A sudden decline in your vibration, coupled with an inability to raise it, could indicate the presence of a dark entity. These entities manipulate your thoughts, leading you into a very dark place. Which then opens the door for the entity to significantly control your life. 

Signs of a Psychic Attack or Entity Attachment

  • Your mind is overwhelmed with negative thoughts
  • A sense of hopelessness with no known explanation
  • You experience a sudden shift from feeling good to feeling worse without any apparent reason
  • Persistent fearfulness
  • Feeling as though an unknown force is controlling your life or manipulating your thoughts
There are multiple methods to clear entities. If one approach is ineffective, an Angel Energy Healing session can help to remove the dark entity. 

How to Protect Your Energy and Increase Your Vibration

Maintain a high vibration to safeguard yourself from psychic attacks and dark entities. 

There are several ways to continue increasing your energetic vibration along with protecting your energy.
Focus on laughter, joy, and gratitude throughout each day to help remove darkness. Love deflects entities, attachments, and darkness. 

How to Cut Etheric Cords with Archangels

  1. 1
    Take a few deep breaths and close your eyes.
  2. 2
    Focus within the center of your heart.
  3. 3
    Invite Archangels Michael and Raphael to come near you to cut all etheric cords that are draining your energy.
  4. 4
    Think or say: “Archangel Raphael, please pull on all cords that are draining me. (Pause for at least 10 seconds.) Archangel Michael, cut all of the cords with your sword of light. Thank you.”
  5. 5
    Allow Source light to flow through you, washing away all debris and roots from the cords.
Once severed, the cords are gone. However, the person who attached the cord will likely attempt to attach another cord for a while. This is simply how energy works. Continue to cut these cords daily, even after interactions with the person online or on the phone. 

How to Remove Entities

What if you do not notice any improvements after using these spiritual tools daily? It may indicate that a dark entity is occupying space in your energy field.

In such cases, removing entities yourself can be challenging. This is where professional help may be necessary.

An Angel Energy Healing session can remove entities. However, it might take more than one session to completely remove entities. It depends on the exact type of entity and your unique energetic system. A session also cleanses your entire home of dark forces.

Click here to learn more about Angel Energy Healing

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 

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