How to Overcome Struggles in Life

There are times when we all face struggles in life. Challenges can be quite difficult to overcome. And may seem to be never-ending or unfairly relentless.

It can feel like you are fighting a battle that you can never win.

If this is how you feel, do not worry; you are not alone.

There is hope. And with help from the angels, anything is possible.

In this blog post, the angels channeled a message about why struggles occur in your life. And more importantly, what to do to stop the pattern.

Keep reading to learn how to overcome the struggles in your life. And, how to triumph over any obstacle that comes your way. 

Channeled Message to Overcome Struggles in Life

Greetings from Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel, and Archangel Uriel. We come to you to provide you with information about recurring struggles in life, and soul lessons.

When you are experiencing recurring struggles in your life, it is often a sign that there is an energetic block.

Exactly what type of energetic block depends on what the struggle is related to. Because there are different reasons why the recurring challenge continues to show up. 

Unresolved Past Life Traumas Create Struggles in Life

Past life trauma is only one reason why ongoing struggles occur. This is especially true if your soul has chosen your current lifetime to heal from a particular past life trauma. When this is the situation, it may take years to fully overcome the challenges associated with it.

However, progress can be a consistent process of moving forward. 

Move Beyond Your Comfort Zone

One way to assist with this type of ongoing struggle is through past life clearing and healing. It will help to a certain extent, and then the rest must be resolved through human life experiences.

Most often this requires stepping out of your comfort zone. Because when you are dealing with past life trauma that is meant to be healed during this lifetime, the fears are deeply rooted within your soul.

This is why it requires time, building trust, and taking leaps of faith with angels by your side. Angels will help you push through the barriers that are holding you back from reaching your dreams.

When this is the reason for an ongoing struggle, it is possible to continue noticing improvements. Progress may appear slow, yet gradually takes you to where you will be fully healed. 

Recognize Your Fears

When you recognize past life trauma as an ongoing struggle in life, make a list of the things that you would like to do, but feel held back from doing.

You may feel afraid, have a lack of trust, or maybe even want to hide.

What is your reason for not wanting to take a certain step that leads you toward manifesting your biggest dream?

Recognizing the details with help from the angels is the first step to completely overcoming the past life trauma. Then, start the process of leaving your comfort zone. 

Do You Know Your Soul Purpose?

Another reason for recurring struggles is when you are not fulfilling your soul purpose.

Feeling held back in life, repeating the same struggles with the same people, may indicate that you are meant for something bigger.

Your unhappiness in a particular situation at home or work means you are not doing the work that your soul has planned for you.

A common reason for not knowing your soul purpose is energetic blocks preventing you from moving forward. By cleansing your energetic system from blocks, it becomes easier to discover your soul purpose.

For example, if one aspect of your soul purpose is to be a leader, then it is important to step into that role. Attempting to stay on your present timeline with the same challenges where nothing seems to improve is not helping you. And, it is delaying your progress. 

How to Find Your Current Struggles

Begin by making a list of your current struggles.

Then, mark which ones are recurring. Even if they appear to go away and come back later, it indicates a recurring struggle.

Next, tune into your heart’s desires.

What do you enjoy doing? Which types of activities bring you joy? If you could do anything for a job, what would it be?

Now look at how much you are doing the things that bring you joy?

Does your current work make you feel joyful, fulfilled, or the opposite of those feelings?

How can you find ways to share your passions with others? 

Soul Lessons Appear as Recurring Struggles in Life

Overcoming soul lessons is a smoother process when you ask Archangels Chamuel, Raziel, and Sandalphon for help.

Specifically ask them to assist you in recognizing your soul lessons related to your exact issues. And to help you fully understand the soul lesson along with how it played a role in your life.

Does your current struggle feel too overwhelming or impossible to overcome? If yes, then ask these same archangels to help you learn the soul lesson in a different way.

Once you completely understand the soul lesson, and have learned its purpose in your life, then you are free to move ahead in life without it. 

Ascend Higher to Triumph Over Any Challenge

How are you doing on your ascension journey?

Are you cleansing your chakras regularly along with doing at least a quick energy cleanse daily?

Every morning, do you protect your energy and ground yourself to the center of Gaia?

How well are you doing with staying focused on gratitude, love, and joy each day?

The answers to these questions reveal where you are doing well. And where you need to improve your foundation to ascend higher.

The higher you ascend, the more life starts to flow easier. Because carrying a higher energetic vibration means you are better able to manage and deal with challenges that appear.

We now wrap you in our wings of love, comfort, and support. To help you overcome struggles in life, and to uplift you. 
Thank you Archangels Michael, Gabriel, and Uriel for this information. Channeled by Brenda Lott.

How to Overcome Struggles from Your Ancestral Lineage

Have you noticed a pattern among your ancestors with a particular struggle? If yes, are you experiencing a similar version of that challenge?

It is not uncommon for the same types of challenges to repeat generation after generation.

The reason why this happens is because you inherited your ancestors' patterns when you were born. They are embedded in your energetic system until you break free.

Sometimes you can rise above these challenges easily. Other times, they can keep you trapped for decades. 

How Do You Resolve These Difficult Challenges?

How do you resolve these difficult challenges?

The easiest way is by getting help from powerful archangels with Arcfusion Energy Healing.

Request energy healing specifically for cleansing and healing your ancestral lineage today. The angels keep working on you daily until all of these issues are resolved.

Additionally, the angels also provide you with energy healing for whatever you need most in the present moment. 

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 

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