How To Overcome Mental Blocks

Have you ever felt trapped by your own mind? It can be like a cyclone that spins around you and keeps going, never giving you a break.

Maybe you want to make a change but don't know where to start. Or, you might have so many doubts, fears, and worries that are holding you back from being your best self. I completely understand!

It's hard when so many things feel wrong and nothing seems like it will work out in your favor. But there is always hope! If you would like some guidance on how to overcome mental blocks, keep reading. 

Mental Blocks are A Common Problem

Everyone goes through moments in life where it feels like you’re faced with a mental block. For some people, the blocks seem insurmountable and result in feelings of defeat. While for others it might be an opportunity to find out what is inside that needs to come out or be released.

The good news is that there are many different techniques you can try when facing this type of challenge. There is always something available to assist you in breaking through those barriers.

And if none of the techniques in this blog post help, Angel-Sparkles is here to help you remove those mental blocks with angelic help. More about that later. First, let’s explore what mental blocks are and how you can overcome them yourself. 

What are Mental Blocks?

A mental block is any thought or belief in your mind that holds you back in any way in life. If you’re unable to complete, or even start a certain task, the problem could be due to a mental obstacle.

We've all been there. It seems like everything is going right, but then one day you hit a mental barrier that won't seem to go away. If this sounds familiar, don't worry! Angels are here for you and they can help with any type of mental block including fear anxiety, or perfectionism; no matter what the cause may be. 

Types of Mental Blocks

There are many different types of mental impediments including fear, anxiety, and perfectionism. However, they can all be traced back to dense energies within your energetic system.

Self-destructive thoughts are often created by the ego mind. The energies creating those detrimental thoughts are often caused by density inside the root chakra. Or, sometimes dense energies within multiple chakras.

The inability to focus is also considered a mental block. Several things can make you have difficulty focusing, but you can regain control anytime with help from angels. 

Most Common Mental Blocks

  • Fears including the fear of failure
  • Self-doubt
  • Limiting beliefs that restrict your abilities, dreams, or goals
  • Indecisiveness
  • Uncertainty in any areas of your life
  • Being trapped in your own perspectives
  • Comparing yourself to others

Common Causes of Mental Blocks

  • Restrictive energies stored within your chakras or subconscious mind
  • Lack of sleep
  • Mental exhaustion
  • Poor diet
  • Procrastination
  • Cluttered home or work space
  • Alcohol
  • Medications

What Triggers You?

One of the best ways to overcome mental blocks is by identifying triggers. Discovering your triggers can help significantly in overcoming repeating patterns.

For example, are you triggered when you see a reminder of an ex-partner. Does your mind become distracted for hours or days after this happens?

The key to overcoming mental barriers starts by being aware of what triggers them.

Do you get distracted by your phone while working? Switch it to silent or move it away from your physical space. Then, listen to music while you work to see if that helps.

Is there something you tend to do every time you’re supposed to be working on a project or doing housework? Instead of getting started, do you look for a snack or something else to do first?

Recognizing triggers helps you take action so you’re able to stop the destructive process.

Activity for Discovering Mental Barriers

Identifying what is causing mental blocks can help you know where to focus your efforts.

Look through the list of statements and questions below. Pay attention to the thoughts that pop up in your mind when reading through each one. Write down the first thoughts that appear in your mind along with recording any feelings that arise.

If it helps, imagine that a highly intuitive person you know and trust is saying each of these things to you. Where does your mind go?
  • Next month there are huge changes arriving.
  • Do you know what is going to happen after your life suddenly changes?
  • Are you fully prepared financially?
  • Do you have any concerns about your safety?
  • Is it important to stock up on extra food? 

Analyze Your Answers

Look through your list of feelings, thoughts, and beliefs that you wrote down. There is a good chance that some fear energies appear in your answers. Now that you know what is in your system, you can clear them.

You can remove unwanted energies by asking archangels or your guardian angel for help.

It also helps to fill your mind with a positive affirmation that is the opposite of the unwanted belief. For example, do you have a fear about not feeling safe? A positive affirmation to use is “I am safe and protected by angels.”

How To Overcome Mental Barriers

Science has shown that the first three items in this list are a great way to handle a mental block.
  • Spend time in nature
  • Exercise
  • Take a nap
  • Mindful meditation
  • Take a break away from everything
  • If you feel overwhelmed or have too much stress, walk away to gather your thoughts
  • Break large tasks down smaller steps
  • Only focus on completing one small step at a time
  • Organize your work area and your home
  • Get help from a friend or someone who understands your project
  • Ask Archangel Michael to quiet your ego and calm your mind
  • Control stress with angelic help, self care, self love
  • Create a calm, quiet working environment
  • Reprogram your mind with positive affirmations
  • Live only in the present moment
  • Find inspiration
  • Detach yourself from the outcome
  • Do not judge yourself
  • Give yourself a small reward when you finish a challenging step

Which Angels Can Help You Overcome Mental Blocks

Archangels can be a big help in assisting you resolve mental obstructions. The three best angels to call upon are Archangel Michael, Archangel Uriel, and Archangel Jeremiel.

When you ask two or more angels for help at the same time, they combine their powers which benefits you even more.

Use this request for angelic help when you have low-vibrational thoughts, or when you want to have more positive thoughts: 
“Archangels Michael, Uriel, and Jeremiel, please help me overcome mental blocks. Quiet my ego, calm my mind, and assist me in having more positive thoughts. Show me the sources of barriers in my mind, and help me to both recognize and understand these blocks so I can learn from them. And give me strength to move forward in life with more positivity. Thank you.”

How To Clear Mental Blocks When Nothing Helps

If you find yourself feeling stalled on your spiritual journey, the cause could be from a blockage that just won't go away no matter what you do. The good news is there are ways to break through these barriers and get back on track with your life goals.

One way to help remove mental blocks is by paying attention to the thoughts in your mind. Thoughts can reveal beliefs you hold about yourself or others that may not be serving you well and need an update.

If mindfulness does not seem like it's working for you, or if you're looking for faster relief, consider an Angel Energy Healing session. A customized session with angels clears out dense energies so they don't keep coming up as obstacles. 

Clear Your Mind, Body, and Spirit with Angel Energy Healing

A team of powerful archangels would love to assist you in overcoming mental blocks. Angel Energy Healing sessions are a wonderful way to remove anything that is holding you back in life so you can move forward with confidence. You deserve the best life possible!

Schedule an Angel Energy Healing session and see what happens when you’re freed from the energies that are no longer serving you.

Click here to schedule your personalized session now

Remove Mental Blocks To Ascend Higher

When you are facing a mental block on your spiritual journey, it helps to take a step back to identify the cause. Once you know what is holding you back, there are some ways to find relief.

If you are really struggling to remove mental blocks, listen to subliminals to reprogram your subconscious mind. Click here to find subliminals that have been tested to be effective.

It's possible that these techniques might not seem to work well. Or, you might want faster results than self-awareness provides. If this is the case, an Angel Energy Healing session can provide the boost you are seeking.

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 

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