How To Overcome Limitations

Co-creating your life with angels is the key to overcoming limitations. When you ask for their help and do your part, miracles can happen.

This blog post will show you some ways to overcome limitations. So you can live a happy life filled with joy, no matter what challenges appear on your journey through life.

You Can Overcome Limitations

Asking archangels and your spirit team for help in resolving limitations is a powerful way to start moving forward in life. Your guardian angel and guidance team always want to assist you every step of the way.

There are obviously several options to overcome limitations. The first step though is to figure out what your limitations are. Make a list so you know what to work on, and to keep track of what work remains. 

If you're unsure about what your limitations are, write a letter to angels and request to be shown what you need to work on. 

What is Limiting You?

The answer to this question may surprise you. The majority of the time, it’s either dense energies in your system, outdated beliefs, or your own ego mind limiting you.

However, it’s also possible to be limited by a controlling person in your life. I know the constraints of this all too well. If you’re in this type of situation, focus on clearing the limiting energies within your system. Doing so makes it easier for the universe and angels to help pull you away from the person.

Also, keep ascending higher, continue asking angels for help, and have faith that a better life is coming for you. 

How To Overcome Limitations on Your Spiritual Journey

Let’s look at some of the best ways to overcome limitations so you can ascend higher. There are other options in addition to the steps on this list, so use whatever works best for you. The most important part is resolving limitations so you’re free to live your happiest life possible. 

5 Steps To Overcome Limitations

  1. 1
    Practice mindfulness
  2. 2
    Get help from angels
  3. 3
    Release the past and your fears
  4. 4
    Connect with your unlimited potential as a soul
  5. 5
    Benefit from angel energy healing 

1. Practice Mindfulness Daily

When you maintain awareness of your thoughts, emotions, and beliefs, it’s easier to discover blockages.

If a negative thought appears about another person or a situation, ask yourself why you feel that way. Did the person trigger anger, sadness, or negativity in you? If yes, that is a clear sign you have energies in your system that need to be resolved.

Do not hold in the energies. Allow yourself to feel the emotions even if they’re intense. Just try to not take out those emotions on other people. Vent in a quiet spot by yourself if needed. Then, ask Archangel Michael and Archangel Raphael to help you remove the unwanted emotions and energies. 

2. Angles Are Your Best Friend

Inviting angels into your life to help you overcome limitations means that you must do your part to heal. The angels will show you where blockages are, and it’s not always easy seeing what is holding you back.

If you do not ask the angels to show you what is limiting you, then the energies from full moons will continue to do this every month.

You must take action to overcome limitations and heal at the energetic level. Otherwise, it’s guaranteed that your darkest energies will keep reappearing in your life.

Your guardian angel is your best friend and is always there to support you. 

3. Release The Past and Your Fears

Holding onto hurts and painful memories from the past only traps you into living in the past. Ask Archangels Raphael, Jeremiel, and Zadkiel to help you heal and become freed from the past.

What are your biggest fears in life? Are you afraid of failure? Do not allow fears to hold you back. This is your life, and you’re meant to live your dream life.

Forget about social pressures, negative people’s opinions, and society’s outdated beliefs. Anything is possible! You can achieve anything!

You are unique, and you were not created to be like everyone else on the planet. Comparing yourself to others can create more restrictions that you don’t need. 

4. Choose To Connect with Your Unlimited Potential

Overcoming limitations is sometimes a process that requires time to heal. While you’re in the process of resolving limitations with angelic help, it does not mean you need to continue suffering.

In every moment, you have the option to shift your mind and your energy. You can choose to be happy, and to increase your vibration with help from angels. Ask Archangels Michael, Raphael, Jophiel, and Zadkiel to assist you. Ask them for help in overcoming limitations, increasing your vibration, and filling you back up with love and light.

Also, connect with your soul and your higher self by focusing within your heart. And, ask your higher self to download into you the qualities and characteristics that will most benefit you right now. 

Invest in Yourself

What steps do you need to take to start achieving your biggest goals? Make a list, and begin taking tiny steps either on a daily or weekly basis.

Do you need to take a class or get certified to start a business or have your dream job? If yes, ask your guardian angel to show you the best place for you to get educated.

Part of investing in yourself is also believing in yourself. And, remembering that with help from angels, you can succeed at any goal. 

Find A Positive Role Model To Inspire You

If you want inspiration to overcome limitations and reach your dream life, find a positive role model.

Look at the good qualities in other people to have a baseline for your goals, and how you want to be in your own unique way. For example, having a role model who is very loving can assist you in striving toward being more loving yourself. Just remember to embrace your uniqueness and don’t try to be exactly like any role model. 

5. How To Overcome Limitations When Nothing Seems To Help

If you’ve been trying to overcome limitations, and are still struggling despite putting in efforts, there is another option. An angel energy healing session can help remove limiting thoughts, beliefs, and patterns in your life.

When you schedule a session, let me know this is one area where you’d like the angels to focus on during your customized session. 

Overcome Limitations with Angels

Angels are always available to help you remove limitations that are preventing you from living a life full of joy and happiness.

If you feel like you’ve been struggling with any limiting beliefs, I invite you to schedule an angel energy healing session today. Not only will it give you relief but it can be just what is needed for positive change in your life. You deserve the very best when it comes to removing any limitation standing between you and success!

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 

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