How To Overcome Fears and Embrace More Love

Overcome fears and embrace love
Fear is an emotion that prevents you from moving forward in life, and can leave you feeling trapped. Anytime you’re not feeling good, it’s a clear sign that you need to find out why.

Anything that does not feel good is based in fear on some level.

You can overcome fears by surrounding yourself with love and light. This includes practicing self-love, and releasing negative thoughts and emotions.

Also be sure to stay focused on living in the present moment so you’re not living in the past nor the future.

After you overcome fears, it’s much easier to embrace more love in all areas of your life. 

3 Steps To Overcome Fears and Re-center in Love

  1. 1
    Notice what is causing the fear by maintaining awareness
  2. 2
    Clear the energies with help from angels
  3. 3
    Re-center in love using the method the angels revealed in the channeled message below

Channeled Message: Overcome Fears and Refocus on Love

Greetings from Archangels Gabriel, Metatron, and Michael. We bring forth a message to help you overcome fears, and explain exactly what fears are.

There is a simple way to look at energies. All feelings are energies. There is a broad spectrum of different types of emotions that humans experience, but we can break them down into two main categories: love and fear.

Any emotions that are uplifting, light, and feel good are those that belong to the love category. This includes happiness, joy, bliss, excitement, and peace.

Any feelings and emotions that do not feel good, fit into the fear category. Let us explain the reasoning why. Heavy, fear-based energies hold you back in life. They are the root causes of struggles, not living your dreams, and not taking actions.

Fears are Low Vibrational Energies

Negativity can always be traced back to fears. Humans react in non-loving ways toward others because of fears. You can overcome fears no matter what caused them.

All humans operate at the level of energy first.

Some people are fearful of being judged, not being good enough, or have jealousy or anger because of what is lacking in their own lives.

The types of energies stored within the chakras, aura, and subconscious beliefs send signals out toward other people. And, also into the universe on a continuous basis. This happens naturally because humans are energetic beings.

If you are emanating fear, then fears will continue coming back to you. When you send out love, then more love keeps flowing into your life.

When you start to remove the fear-based energies within you and your subconscious mind, you will start feeling better and better over time. 

Overcome Fears Easier by Seeing That Everything is Either Fear or Love

Fear-based energies may not appear to have any fear attached to them. However, if something is not based in love, then it is a fear reaction.

The purpose for experiencing this human lifetime, and the challenges and struggles that go along with it, are so your soul can continue to grow. Your soul is always either learning or teaching.

This is another area where it can be broken down into two main categories. You are either teaching or learning from others.

Connect To Your Heart Light To Embrace More Love

Your soul is a gorgeous light that shines brightly like a star lighting up the night sky. Tune into this light to notice that you are pure love. You are a part of source light.

And, you are unique. Your light contains a unique set of gifts, light codes, and sacred geometry along with frequencies which can be described as your soul song.

Inhale source light into your heart chakra. Then on every exhale, imagine your heart light growing bigger and bigger. Keep expanding your heart light until it is as large as your aura. When your heart light surrounds you in an orb of your own self-love, it is easier to embrace more love in all areas of your life.

You can also expand your heart light until it wraps the entire Earth in an orb of love and light. 

Angels Can Help You Overcome Fears

Clearing away fears does take time and a commitment. However, the process is easier when you invite angels to assist you daily.

Remember that there are countless angels waiting for an assignment. You are not taking time away from other people by asking for more help. This is an untrue opinion that was created by humans. You can help clarify this for other people when you teach them to call upon angels for anything, big or small, anytime.

30 Day Angel Challenge

Invite your guardian angel, or an archangel, into your life every day for 30 days. Ask for specific assistance with anything that you desire. Give us angels a variety of assignments, so we can show up in more areas of your life.

Then, pay attention to the signs and messages that you receive during the 30 days. We suggest writing down messages when you notice something. Because your human mind may think that you will remember later, but it is too easy to forget. 

Dealing with Challenging People on Your Pathway

There will be times when you come into contact with a negative person. Please know that this is not always a reflection of the types of energies that are within your system.

This happens because of the number of people on the planet. You may even be dealing with someone on a daily basis who is negative, critical, or unkind in any way.

Sometimes people like this are placed on your pathway for the purpose of learning and teaching. This can go one way or both ways with learning and teaching.

People who are full of fear-based energies do not have a very pleasant life. Their lives are a continuous struggle. Many people are creating stress where it is unnecessary along with continuing to generate negativity. You can help stop the flow of fears immediately by choosing not to add fuel into the other person’s fire. 

Overcome Fears by Returning To Love When You’re Around Negative People

Remember that these people are also souls of light with inner lights that are tremendously dimmed. For many of these people, these patterns began in very early childhood.

Even many of you lightworkers had your inner lights significantly dimmed during the early phases of your life. Through the process of awakening, you shattered the fears, and filled yourself back up with love and light.

Are you affected on a regular basis by a negative person who is running on automatic? It can create an extremely challenging situation for you as a lightworker. The best thing you can do is show them a better way of life through your actions and words, or lack of speaking.

What To Do When Faced with Adversity

For example, when a person lashes out at you, take a step back mentally. Immediately ask Archangels Michael and Raguel for assistance. They will assist in calming down the person in a way that is best for them within the present moment.

Then, choose your words carefully. Remember that silence is golden sometimes. Use your best judgment as situations are always unique to the individuals involved.

Take time to respond in as loving of a way as possible. If you are unable to extend love in the present moment, that is okay. Remain neutral, and walk away when possible. 

How To Help Stop The Pattern

Often, people who are fearful are living on autopilot based on heavy energies and outdated beliefs in their subconscious mind. They expect you to continue to fuel their fire of negativity. And, they expect you to keep providing them with more reasons to react in unkind ways.

You can help stop this pattern by not giving them what they are looking for. At first they will keep trying to get you to join in their negativity and pull you down. But, you do not have to do that. You can choose much better.

Commit to improving the pattern for both yourself and the other person, and it will improve both of your lives. Eventually, you will be freed from that person. Please keep calling upon archangels every time you need help. 

Overcome Fears Through Acceptance and Clearing

Always remember that the fears within you are just energies. All undesirable feelings and emotions are not who you are.

Accept that the unwanted energies are present inside your energetic system. Then, take responsibility to clear them with help from angels. Whether it is due to a mental block, emotional trauma, or an unknown reason, use your spiritual tools for removing them.

We love you dearly. And, we send you a blessing of divine unconditional love, and a waterfall of gold and white sparkly light.
Thank you Archangels Gabriel, Metatron, and Michael. Channeled by Brenda Lott.

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 
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