How to Master Oneness

Oneness is a state of being where you no longer feel separated from other life forms and the universe at large. It’s an incredibly powerful spiritual experience, however it can also be tough to master if you haven’t practiced it before.

Let’s look at how oneness works as well as tips for mastering this transformational shift in consciousness. Then, I'll reveal an easy way you can practice feeling oneness everyday. 

What is Oneness?

Oneness is a concept that describes the connectedness of all things. It’s also the first law of the universe. You achieve oneness when you rise above your ego and connect with something greater than yourself, like God or the universe.

This state of being can be reached through various practices, such as meditation or going on spiritual retreats. Oneness can also be experienced while performing humanitarian acts for others.

Why Separation Feelings Occur

One of the most fundamental problems with the world is separation. Too often, people believe they are not good enough for something or someone, and therefore feel a sense of separateness.

Whether it’s due to not having enough money, or lacking confidence in your ability to achieve certain goals, separation from others is common.

These types of feelings are rooted in lack and fear. This is why a sense of separation occurs especially with many unawakened people.

Fortunately, there are lots of ways you can move towards oneness rather than being separate from other beings or objects in the universe. 

How To Experience Oneness

Oneness can be experienced by anyone upon awakening from the egoic-trance state, also known as being asleep.

Experiencing oneness requires time, maintaining a clear chakra system, and a desire to obtain the feeling of oneness. 

Starting To Feel Oneness with The Universe

As you read this, pay attention to your thoughts. How do you feel? Is there tension anywhere in your body? Now, imagine that these sensations of stress and tightness are being absorbed by the universe and removed from you. Take a few deep breaths while allowing source light to take away the tensions. Do you feel lighter now?

The feeling of oneness with the universe is a beautiful feeling. It feels like you’re connected to all things in existence, and that there is no separation between yourself and anything else.

You feel at peace because you realize that everything is unfolding as it should be in its own perfect timing. There are no worries or concerns about what will happen tomorrow or even next month. Instead, you relax into the present moment knowing that each day brings new opportunities for growth.

The Law of Oneness

The first law of the universe is the Law of Oneness. It’s the foundation for all other laws of the universe because it’s based on recognizing that we all come from the same source light.

To master the Law of Oneness, send love and light to everyone around you, even if the person is acting in a harsh way towards you. If it’s too challenging to directly send the person love and light, ask the angels to send love and light to them.

Also, practice being understanding and accepting of other people’s situations. Every person is exactly where they’re supposed to be in their own journey in the present moment. Acknowledging this along with expressing compassion toward others helps you master this fundamental law of the universe. 

What Does Oneness with Nature Mean?

Everything in nature was also created by source light.

Oneness with nature means that you also feel connected to everything in nature. Sometimes it’s easier to feel oneness with nature before completely obtaining a feeling of oneness with humanity.

It can help to remember that every living thing on Earth has an electromagnetic energy field. It's through this energy, this light, that we are all connected to everyone and everything. 

First Time Feeling Oneness

The first time I felt oneness, it was like being opened up to a brand new, magical world and universe. It just clicked one day while meditating. One moment I was focusing on feeling blissful from source light, and the next moment everything changed forever.

I felt incredibly connected to the universe along with truly feeling infinite for the first time too. 

How To Achieve Oneness

Mastering oneness is an incredible way to experience life. Here are three essential steps to start your journey of mastering oneness.

The first step is learning how to let go of everything and everyone around you, including your thoughts and feelings.

Second, you must recognize that the consciousness inside of you has no boundaries in time or space. It’s free from all attachments of body and mind which means that the only limits are those which exist within yourself. It sounds complicated, but with practice you can achieve enlightenment.

Third, connect to source light, then expand your heart light across the entire planet. Spread love and source light to all of humanity and the Earth. This helps you tap into the sensation of your soul light being connected to all that is. 

More Ways To Master Oneness

Apply the following practices to assist you in feeling and mastering oneness.
  • Be mindful of your thoughts, feelings, and words
  • Quiet your ego mind
  • Expand your consciousness
  • Create a feeling of universal love for everyone and every living thing
  • Cultivate a sense of humor
  • Find ways to serve others
  • Spend time in nature
  • Eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly
  • Practice gratitude for what you have, not what you’re lacking
  • Understand and see that every human is a soul of light
Sometimes it can be very challenging to be around a negative person. But, these two perspectives can significantly help in those types of situations. First, understand that the person is only reacting to toxic energies within their system. Second, underneath all of their hurts and fears is a soul of light with potential to glimmer brightly. 

What Happens When You’ve Mastered Oneness?

Everything changes immediately when you reach the point of mastering oneness. Material items do not matter as much anymore, and your entire outlook on life transforms.

You feel more connected to the universe, and sense the vastness of the universe along with how you fit into it. You’re also more focused on how you can improve the world.

When you are faced with a negative person, it’s much easier to step back quietly. Because you are maintaining awareness, you are able to respond in a positive or neutral way while sending love and light to the person.

At this point, you also know the importance of allowing your emotions to flow. If tears need to flow, you let them fall. Of course it’s okay to wait until you are in a private environment to let certain emotions flow through you.

Mastering oneness is reaching a new level where you also feel infinite. 

Practice Oneness Daily

Oneness is the first law of the universe. And, it’s the experience of feeling deeply connected to all things in the universe without differentiation or separation.

Practice starting to feel oneness on a daily basis. Connect to source light, then expand your heart light outward across the entire planet Earth. Feel how your light is part of the light of everyone and everything on Earth. The more you practice this, the easier it becomes to start feeling oneness more and more. Enjoy your journey of mastering oneness. 

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 

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