How to Manifest The Life You Want

The Law of Attraction is only one tool that can help you to manifest the life you want. However, it is lacking one critical aspect. And without applying this vital aspect, you could be left wondering why the Law of Attraction did not work for you.

The details of energetic vibration are often missing from Law of Attraction teachings. And are often only mentioned without informing you how to become aligned energetically with your desires.

Yet this is one of the most important aspects to understand when it comes to manifesting the life you want. If you want to break free from old patterns and finally manifest your desires, this blog post will help you learn how to do that. 

How to Manifest The Life You Want

The most important aspect of manifesting the life you want is energetically aligning with your desires. But how do you do that? And how do you know if you are close to aligning with manifesting more of your desires?

The best way to begin is by taking inventory of your current thought patterns, beliefs, and feelings.

Why your feelings? Because your feelings always reveal the truth to you about the exact types of energies that are inside your energetic system.

Each of your thoughts, feelings, and intentions all carry their own unique energetic vibration. When these are high vibrational, you can more easily manifest the life you want. If too many of these are low vibrational, they will continue to hold you back. 
Only thinking positively does not work well because you must address the lower vibrational energies within you first.

How to Recognize Your Energetic Blocks

Your thoughts, feelings, and belief patterns are always revealing to you the types of energies within you. It is the energetic vibrations of these things that attract more of the same types of situations and experiences in your life.

Only view your low vibrational thoughts and feelings from a place of neutrality. While also remaining non-judgmental. Not all of your lower vibrational energies are yours. You picked up some from other people along with inheriting some from your ancestors.

Even though they might not all be yours, it is still up to you to remove them from your energetic system.

Make a list of the lower vibrational thoughts and feelings you notice. Then, start transmuting them one at a time. 

3 Ways to Transmute Low Vibrational Energies

  1. 1
    Violet Flame
  2. 2
    Energy Healing
  3. 3
    Deep Breathing Exercises
1. Violet Flame
The violet flame is a powerful spiritual fire that is intelligent. When you connect to the violet flame, it knows where low vibrational energies are being held within you and begins to transmute them.

If an energetic block is several layers deep, the violet flame transmutes one layer at a time.

Use the violet flame daily as a way to both cleanse your energy and transmute energetic blockages.

Click here to learn more about the violet flame in a blog post, and to download a free violet flame meditation. 
2. Energy Healing
Old energies can keep you stuck in patterns that no longer serve you or help you reach your goals.

Maintaining a daily energy cleansing routine assists you with continuing to make progress.

However, we all can benefit from receiving an energy healing session every now and then for a boost. Along with tackling those deeper layers while the angels increase your energetic vibration at the same time.

Explore energy healing sessions here.

Or, click here to learn Arcfusion Energy Healing so you can send powerful healing energies to yourself anytime. 
3. Deep Breathing Exercises
Breathing deeply while sitting up straight opens up the flow of vital life force energy flowing through you. At least once a day, inhale deeply, pause, and then exhale. Continue this breathing exercise for one to five minutes.

Deep breathing assists you in quieting your mind while you are focusing on each step of the process. When you practice deep breathing exercises often, you increase your energetic vibration.

This is also a wonderful way to release stress and recenter your energy in a public area without anyone else knowing what you are doing. 

Match Your Vibration to Manifest The Life You Want

Combining these three techniques provides you with a potent formula to manifest the life you want. Because they work at the energetic level to transmute the low vibrational energies that are holding you back.

There are some additional steps you can take to support your journey. However, these activities do not remove energetic blocks.
Spend Time in Nature
Connecting with nature helps you ground and increases your overall well-being. 
Visualize and Feel Your Dream Life
Visualization helps to focus on what you want instead of what you currently do not have in your life. Close your eyes and visualize living your life as if your dreams have already manifested. It is also important to feel the wonderful feelings you will have after your dream has already manifested.
Embrace Gratitude
Taking time daily to feel gratitude for things you already have is very powerful. Gratitude carries a high vibrational frequency. When you feel gratitude, your energetic system sends a signal out into the universe. Telling the universe to bring you more things to be grateful for.

You will know that you are close to aligning with manifesting more of your desires when you feel lighter each day. This means feeling gratitude, love, joy, and peace on a regular basis. You will feel more of these high vibrational energies as you continue to increase your energetic vibration. 

Understanding The Law of Vibration

The Law of Vibration shows how everything in the universe is in a constant state of motion.

When you want to manifest the life you want, the first step is always energetically aligning with your desires.

How do you know what the energetic vibration is for your dreams? The simplest way is by aiming toward aligning with high vibrations such as love, joy, and peace. Utilize the Omega Frequency Chart to keep track of your progress.

Examine which emotions are helping you versus those that are weighing you down. Heavy or dense emotions include anger, negativity, stress, fear, guilt, and shame.

As you release the low vibrational energies, you naturally vibrate faster. When this happens, you feel better and start to notice more positive experiences showing up in your life. 
Omega Frequency Chart

Choose to Shift Now

Make a choice to stop defaulting to the lowest energetic vibrations that you will accept for your life. When you choose to shift and take action steps, you line yourself up for manifesting the life you want.

The angels are always here to assist you every step of the way. However, they cannot interfere with your free will, so invite the angels into your life every day. 

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 

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