How to Manage Holiday Stress

The holiday season is often a time of great stress for many people. There are so many things to do and so little time, not to mention the added pressure of making everything perfect.

Managing holiday stress is an important aspect of self care. However, it can be exhausting finding time for yourself among all the hustle and bustle.

Plus, the added stress can weaken your immune system making you more susceptible to getting ill.

If you are feeling overwhelmed and need help to manage holiday stress, this blog post can help you. 

Ways to Manage Holiday Stress

You are probably familiar with traditional ways to relieve stress such as Epsom salt baths and exercising. Plus, breathwork exercises are effective for dealing with stress in the moment. However, there are other wonderful options with help from the angels.

When you are following an ascension journey, the violet flame is very helpful at transforming unwanted energies. This includes stress, tension, and negativity.

But, what do you do when the stress keeps coming back?

This is where Angel Energy Healing can significantly help you. It first assists you in feeling better so you can enjoy the holiday season more. 

What is Angel Energy Healing?

Angel Energy Healing is a type of spiritual healing. Archangels channel cleansing and healing energies through my heart chakra. And directly into you to help you heal emotional and/or physical issues.

It is a holistic approach that uses divine energy to promote healing on all levels – physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.

In an Angel Energy Healing session, you are connected with archangels. Plus, healing angels who work on you to bring about healing and transformation in your life. 

How Does Angel Energy Healing Help Manage Holiday Stress?

Angel Energy Healing makes managing stress easier for two key reasons.

First, it removes existing layers of stress and tensions from you. So, you are starting over with a new, cleaner, uplifted energetic field.

Second, the angels remain with you after your session ends to continue flowing healing energies to you.

People have also reported having an easier time managing stress after their session. Including not being as affected when faced with a challenge or another person who is acting negative. 

Benefits of Angel Energy Healing for Managing Stress

Some of the most common benefits of Angel Energy Healing are feeling calmer, more peaceful, and relaxed.

Angel Energy Healing also helps you reconnect with your higher self so you feel more connected to your spiritual path. By having greater access to divine wisdom it aids you in gaining clarity on your journey through life. And finding renewed purpose in what you do each day.

Additionally, this type of energy healing helps restore balance in your life. One way this is achieved is by clearing away negativity, fears, and anger which can prevent you from living your best life.

When you are carrying around heavy emotions, they are weighing you down, which makes it easy to be affected by stress.

After removing lower emotions, you are energetically lighter. And feel freer to not be brought down by other people or stressful situations. 
How Angel Energy Healing has Helped Others
These testimonials show how Angel Energy Healing has helped people feel more relaxed. And to be less affected by stress.

"Seriously Brenda, I have been having a great week! What a difference from the last. The work you do is incredible! Thank you!" - Heather

“That was incredible, thank you Brenda! I felt like I was carrying a ton of weight before. I'm so grateful for this amazing experience with you. Thank you!” - Lili

"I felt like every bad thing was being pulled from me for just a minute and there was like a barrier so all this good can come in. Now I feel calm, relaxed, and peaceful." - Lori

Why Angel Energy Healing Helps Manage Holiday Stress

If you are dealing with too much stress and need help to manage holiday stress, Angel Energy Healing may be the perfect answer for you.

The reason why is because in one session, angels remove stress that has already accumulated. Then, the angels fill you up with new light and love. The result is having a higher energetic vibration, and feeling more peaceful and relaxed.

Becoming freed from existing stress feels like removing a heavy weight from your shoulders and your life.

What would you do differently this holiday season if you felt better? And were less affected by stress?

Imagine feeling more relaxed in addition to having an easier time managing stress. It can happen; all you need to do is say yes to receiving. 

How You Can Get an Angel Energy Healing Session

Holiday stress does not have to be something that drags down your mood during this special time of year. With the help of Angel Energy Healing, it is possible to manage holiday stress easier while also feeling better.

It can even assist you in better handling challenges when spending time with people who do not resonate with your ascension journey.

Book a session now, so you can quickly start feeling the benefits of this powerful form of spiritual healing. 

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 

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