How To Live in The Present Moment

Are you trying to live in the present moment, but find yourself constantly dragged back into the past? Or worried about the future? Don't worry, you're not alone.

This can be a challenge for some people, but with practice, it's possible to learn how to live in the present moment. And, make it a positive habit that you automatically do daily.

Focusing on living in the present moment frees you from the chains of the past. And leaves your future wide open to unknown blessings from the universe.

In this blog post, the angels share some tips on how to live in the present moment and enjoy your life today.

Channeled Message to Live in The Present Moment

Greetings from Orion. When the mind swirls around like a kaleidoscope, and thoughts have gotten out of control, it can be challenging to step out of the pattern.

The unhealthy habit of living only in the past and/or only in the future can keep you trapped from enjoying the best years of your life.

Right now, choose to take a step off this treadmill by asking angels for assistance daily. Angels will help you claim your full power to create your own destiny by living in the present moment. 

Are You Stuck Living in The Past?

Dear one, when your mind is thinking too much about the past, it indicates that you have etheric cords tied to the past.

Take some time to examine the reasons why. Do you need to forgive someone for hurting you or abandoning you? Forgiveness is very powerful, and you only need to forgive for yourself to heal; not for the other person.

Cut cords to the past with help from Archangels Michael and Raphael. And ask them to cut the cords that are specifically attached to each past memory that you keep thinking about.

Keep cutting the cords until you are no longer thinking about past memories. Additionally, ask Archangel Michael to quiet your mind when it wants to pull you back into the past. 

Why The Mind Focuses on The Future

Living only in the future robs you from enjoying life right now.

One reason why the mind can get caught up in only thinking about the future is often due to dissatisfaction with the present moment. Some people may think that the timing will be better later, so they continue putting dreams on hold. Or, use thoughts about the future as a distraction away from unhappiness in the present moment.

It is important to know what future dreams you are working toward manifesting. However, only know the destination for each dream. Then, focus on the action steps you can take now to reach your dreams. 

How to Start Focusing on Living in The Present Moment

Begin by focusing only on the task that you are doing right now. What task are you working on? A great way to start is when you are eating and making meals.

For example, when making a meal, focus on each task one at a time.

Notice how the vegetables feel before you cut them up. Pay attention to their vibrant colors. See if there are any bruises or marks on the vegetables.

Listen to the sounds of boiling water, or oil frying in a pan.

As you are cooking, notice how the aroma of the food becomes stronger and more distinctive as it nears completion of the cooking phase. 

Focus on Details within Each Moment

While eating, focus on what you are eating. Does the food feel dry, soft, moist, hard, crispy, or chewy?

What does it smell like and taste like?

Is it packed with nutrients so you feel full faster?

What are the ingredients in the food that you are eating?

Do you know what types of foods your physical body needs? Figure out which foods nourish your body in the way that is best for you.

Notice the messages from your body by examining how you feel after eating. Do any foods make you feel lethargic? If yes, stop eating them.

When washing the dishes, notice the temperature of the water: is it too hot, too cool, or just right? How do the soap bubbles feel on your hands?

Pay attention to help your mind live in the present moment. 

Fulfill Your Soul Purpose in The Present Moment

Have you been trapped in a line of work that you dislike? Being bored or unhappy with a job can be an indicator that the universe is pushing you to discover your soul purpose.

It is much easier to live in the present moment when you are fulfilling your soul purpose. Why? Because your mind and heart are linked, and are fueling your desire to serve daily.

What brings you the most joy? What are you passionate about doing? This is where you will discover the type of work that will bring you fulfillment and joy. 

The Future is Unknown and Never Guaranteed

Living in the present moment is a skill that may require daily work until it becomes a beneficial habit. And becomes something that you do naturally without thinking about it.

Remember to be kind to yourself if you slip backwards. Remaining non-judgmental over yourself is important because it helps you stay in a place of self-love where it is okay to make mistakes.

Your journey should be filled with as many days as possible where you are overflowing with joy, love, and excitement for living life.

There will be some challenging days and times when you are grieving. However, you are able to recover and heal faster from the challenges when you work closely with archangels.

See your life's journey as an adventure while utilizing your power to create the future that you desire. 

The Present Moment is A Gift

Give your full attention to each task as you are completing it throughout each day. And keep doing this daily until it becomes easy to focus on living in the present moment.

You are a beautiful soul of light meant to have a beautiful life experience. Anything that is holding you back can be released, so you are free to live in the present moment.

Make the most of this lifetime with assistance from angels. And, continue to work toward achieving all your dreams and manifesting your wishes.

Treat yourself the same way that angels treat you. Do this by loving yourself unconditionally while applying understanding and forgiveness to yourself.

We love you unconditionally, and are always here to assist you with living in the present moment. 
Thank you, Archangel Orion for this message. Channeled by Brenda Lott

Do You Need Extra Help?

If you are still stuck and unable to live in the present moment, get extra help. There are different ways to assist you in becoming freed to live in the present moment.

One way is through an Angel Energy Healing session. A distance session can remove energetic blockages that are attached to the past.

Another way is through a channeled angel reading. These can reveal if there is a past life block that needs to be addressed so you can be free to move forward in life.

If you need extra assistance, get help now so you’re able to start fully enjoying living in the present moment. 

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 

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