How to Know Which Chakras are Blocked

Chakras are the wheels of energy in your body that keep you balanced and in tune with yourself and the world around you. When one or more of these chakras are blocked, it can lead to physical and emotional issues. Recognizing the signs of which chakras are blocked is the first step toward unlocking your energy. And bringing your body and mind back into balance.

How to Recognize Which Chakras are Blocked

Your body has seven main chakras that are aligned along the spine. Each corresponds to a different area of your physical and emotional well-being.

These chakras can become blocked due to physical or emotional stress or trauma. Or simply from neglecting to take care of yourself or not regularly cleansing your chakras.

Here are some common signs to help you recognize which chakras are blocked.

1. Root Chakra

A blocked root chakra can manifest as physical issues. Such as lower back pain or problems with the feet and legs.

Emotionally, it can cause feelings of insecurity, fear, and a lack of grounding. Problems with trusting are also linked to the root chakra.

Signs of Root Chakra Blocks:

  • Fears or obsessiveness related to survival issues with basic needs such as food and money
  • Feeling nervous or threatened
  • Difficulty accepting changes
  • Greediness
  • Seeking comfort and security in material items and money

One sign of a healthy and open root chakra is feeling confident even when faced with challenges.

2. Sacral Chakra

A blocked sacral chakra can cause reproductive and urinary tract issues. Plus, emotional imbalances such as mood swings and being either overly emotional or unemotional.

Signs of Sacral Chakra Blocks:

  • Lack of creativity
  • Inability to easily accept changes and seek out new experiences
  • Difficulty with control issues

Signs of an open sacral chakra include being passionate, open to intimacy, and allowing your feelings to flow.

3. Solar Plexus Chakra

When the solar plexus chakra is blocked it can lead to digestive issues. Such as stomach pain or ulcers, as well as feelings of anxiety, self-doubt, and low self-esteem.

Signs of Solar Plexus Chakra Blocks:  

  • Not feeling worthy
  • Lack of confidence
  • Difficulty making decisions
  • Being timid or passive
  • Dominating other people or being aggressive toward others

A few signs of a healthy and open solar plexus chakra are when you feel in control of your life. And feel that you can freely express yourself in the world especially through sharing your gifts.

4. Heart Chakra

A blocked heart chakra can cause physical issues such as heart disease or breathing problems.

Additionally, it may cause emotional imbalances. These include feeling closed off, guarded, or unable to easily connect with others.

Signs of Heart Chakra Blocks:  

  • Unable to give and receive love
  • Distancing oneself from others
  • Acting cold toward others
  • Being selfish with love
  • Lack of inner peace and joy

There are several signs that indicate an open heart chakra. These include being friendly, kind, compassionate, affectionate, and having harmonious relationships.

5. Throat Chakra

When the throat chakra is blocked it can lead to issues with communication. This includes difficulty expressing oneself or feeling misunderstood.

It can also manifest as physical issues such as thyroid disorders, hoarseness, or an inconsistent voice.

Signs of Throat Chakra Blocks:  

  • Inability to speak your truth
  • Shyness
  • Dominating conversations with excessive talking and/or not listening to others
  • Struggle to share your feelings
  • Having a hard time finding the correct word to communicate with others

Signs of an open throat chakra include the ability to express yourself, and being able to speak your truth to others.

6. Third Eye Chakra

A blocked third eye chakra can lead to headaches and vision problems.

It may also appear as emotional issues such as feeling disconnected from one's inner intuition and wisdom.

Signs of Third Eye Chakra Blocks:  

  • Feeling disconnected from the angelic realm and higher dimensions
  • Confusion and indecision
  • Unable to see life from a broader perspective

One sign of an open third eye chakra is when you receive intuitive insights from the angels.

7. Crown Chakra

When the crown chakra is blocked it can lead to issues with the nervous system. Such as migraines or neurological disorders.

It can also manifest as feelings of disconnection from one's spiritual self.

Signs of Crown Chakra Blocks:  

  • Poor mental functioning that may include rigid thoughts
  • Feeling disconnected from source light
  • Addicted to meditation in an unhealthy way that consumes a significant portion of a person's daily activities

Signs of an open crown chakra include expanding your consciousness, and feeling a sense of oneness.

What to do When You Know Which Chakras are Blocked

When you know which chakras are blocked, it is easier to start cleansing and healing them. A blocked chakra can indicate that both healing and cleansing are needed.

An example is a root chakra blockage that is showing up as a lack of trust. Trust issues might be based in past situations where a person’s trust was lost; possibly occurring from a traumatic event.

No matter which chakras are blocked, a good plan is to do energy cleansing daily for all your chakras plus your aura. Then, focus some extra time on the blocked chakra daily for at least one week. Or until you start to feel better and notice improvements.

Additionally, remember to keep your
energy protected daily.

Ways to Unlock Your Energy when You know which Chakras are Blocked

Recognizing the signs of which chakras are blocked is the first step toward unlocking your energy. And bringing your body and mind back into balance.

Clearing a blocked chakra takes time, patience, and daily care. Adding spiritual practices into your daily routine assists you in restoring harmony. Such as meditating with angels, the violet flame, and energy healing helps to unblock your energy centers.

Ways to Cleanse Your Chakras:  

  • Chakra cleanse with angels
  • Violet flame meditation
  • Angel Energy Healing session
  • Arcfusion Energy Healing
  • Past life healing and clearing

Cleansing your chakras and aura should be completed on a daily basis. Additionally, cleansing your chakras more thoroughly should be done as you feel it is needed.

Click here for a blog post that contains a free chakra cleanse you can download.

Read about using the
violet flame for energy cleansing in this blog post here.

How to Deeply Cleanse Your Chakras and Aura

If you feel overwhelmed by having more than one chakra blocked, there are easy ways to start resolving those blockages.

Angel Energy Healing session provides you with a full chakra and aura cleanse. Plus, it provides you with deeper cleansing for your meridians, cuts etheric cords, and revitalizes your mind, body, and spirit.

Arcfusion Energy Healing is a wonderful option when you want help fast. It provides you powerful yet gentle energy healing that focuses on specific areas where you want healing.

If you have not completed any past life healing and cleansing, it is an important part of your ascension journey.
Learn more about past life cleansing and healing here.

Get started today by taking care of your energetic system. And start to unlock your full potential for living a life full of vitality and joy.

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 

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