How To Identify and Become Freed From Negative Energies

Negative energies can come from anywhere and anyone. The best way to identify if you’re feeling any negative energy is by analyzing your thoughts, feelings, and actions. If you find yourself thinking less of yourself or others, then this may be a sign that someone has been putting bad energy into you.

This blog post will teach you how to identify sources of toxic energies. And, offer ideas for removing them along with how to become freed from their influence in your life.

How To Identify Negative Energy

In order to identify if the energy around you is toxic or not, tune into your intuition. Negative energies often make you feel drained of life force and vitality. While positive energies provide an uplifting sense of well-being.

Does being around a certain person cause you to feel drained and lethargic?

Do you feel like there are negative forces surrounding you?

In addition to the obvious signs of a person acting angry or speaking negatively, trust your intuition. The more you tune into your intuition, the stronger it becomes. And, the quicker you’ll pick up on the types of energies other people are emitting.

There really is no good substitute for your intuition because it always knows what is good and bad for you. 

Eliminate Sources of Toxic and Negative Energies From Your Life

One way to remove low vibrational energies from your life is by being mindful. Awareness help you recognize the types of energies you're allowing into your life.

What types of information, movies, television shows, videos, and social media posts do you pay attention to?

If the characters in a movie are emanating fear energies, hate, or negativity, it will affect your energy. Negative energies from movie characters enter into your aura and remain there until you clear them away. It might sound a little shocking, but it’s true. And, it's the same reason why watching emotional shows can make you cry.

This is how energies work in our world where everything is made up of energy including humans.

You have full control over what you watch and read. If it contains toxic energies, then eliminate it from your life. 

Negative Energies From News Sources

Watching the news is another way that you pick up negative energies that influence your life. You do not have to completely cut out watching the news and hide inside a shell from the world, but be mindful about it.

Limit your exposure. And if a news story is making you feel bad, sad, or brings up intense emotions within you, then stop watching it.

You could even do something to help people when you see a sad news story. For example, if you see a news story about an accident, request angelic help for the people involved. 

Why Negative Energies Are So Toxic

Each time you're exposed to negative energies, more blockages and limitations enter your system. These toxic energies accumulate within your aura and chakras. If not removed, they can lead to your physical health being significantly affected. The first effects often experienced can include stress, anxiety, or tension.

Is Negative Entertainment Worth The Harmful Energetic Effects?

For example, consider effects from a movie where the characters commit crimes and harm other people. Those same toxic energies move into you when you're watching it.

Even if you do not recognize it, all those toxic energies of hate, fears, and negativity will directly affect you. Those energies remain stored within your energy system until you consciously clear them.

Is it really worth it to watch those types of videos, shows, or movies? If you're serious about living a high vibrational life, then the answer is obviously no. Low vibrational energies are never helpful for your spiritual journey nor your energetic health. They also hold you back from reaching your dreams. 

What Will You Choose?

You have a choice every day with everything in life. Yes, there are always obligations like having to work. But, you always have choices that you’re consistently making.

For example, you have a choice how to react to every situation. You have the choice about what to eat. And, it’s your choice what types of energies you allow to remain within your energetic system, and therefore in your life.

Replacing low vibrational shows you're watching with neutral or high vibrational shows is one choice you have.

Another choice is with social media. There are both positive and negative options. Plus, you have the freedom to remove or unfriend any person who is adding negativity into your life.

At the same time, you also have an option to join positive groups on social media. Many private groups offer a safe place to connect with other positive people. 

Everyone Has Their Own Unique Filters

Every experience you’ve ever had during life has created what can be thought of as a filter within your mind. Whether it’s positive or not depends on each personal experience. All information that enters you is always influenced by your filters.

What also influences the creation of your filters are the limitations and opinions from other people in your life.

For example, during childhood many kids perform on stage in front of an audience either in a choir or in a play. If your personal experience was positive, then it’s easier for you to view those opportunities as being positive for children in general.

But if your experience contained fear, nervousness, or shyness, then you’re more likely to remember that first. And, it's the energies contained within that filter that determine your opinions now.

How is The Information Presented To You?

All information, whether fiction or nonfiction, must go through the filters of the creator's mind. And, opinions can easily be influenced by their ego. When considering if any type of content is good for you, first pay attention to your intuition.

Also look at how the information is presented to you.

Is the creator trying to strictly influence you only one way?

Is the person using fear as a way to get you to take action immediately or risk losing out?

Does the person give you freedom to make your own choices while trying to be neutral, helpful, or encouraging you in a positive way? 

How To Test Energies and Track Your Progress

One way to test the types of energies present is by looking at the Omega Vibrational Frequency Chart. Also, trust your intuition and your feelings about each situation.
Does something feel good? If yes, it's good for you.

If something feels neutral, then it’s okay. View it from a different perspective if you want. And, see if there is anything you can do to turn it into something positive for everyone involved.

Does it feel fearful, not right, or does it cause unpleasant feelings to arise? If yes, then it's not good for you. When possible, get away from the environment or person causing you to not feel good.

The Omega Vibrational Frequency Chart is a helpful tool for your spiritual journey. Use it to discover your vibration, track your progress, and to help you stay on track. 

How To Gain Control Over Negative Energies To Become Free

Gaining control over toxic energies in your life begins with you. Only you can free yourself, but angels can aid you in the process.

Stay mindful of the types of energies surrounding you. Plus, be aware of the energies from sources of entertainment that you’re allowing into your life.

When problems arise, ask your guardian angel for help in finding solutions.

Ask Archangel Michael for help with big problems, and when you’re unable to physically get away from a negative person.

It can help to write a letter to angels when you’re unsure about what to do. Or, when a situation is so bad that you feel trapped. Click here to learn how to write a letter to angels

How To Cleanse Away Toxic Energies

Now that you know how to reduce negative energies in your life, how do you get rid of what has already accumulated within you?

Removing toxic energies from your system must be completed at the energetic level. The reason why is because we live in a world where everything is energy.

Cleansing your chakras and aura is how you remove the layers of density. When they're gone, they cannot affect you anymore. However, remember that energy work is not something you do only one time. It requires ongoing maintenance to keep your chakras and aura clear.

Click here for a free chakra cleanse.

Or, boost your progress by receiving an angel energy healing session. One session deeply cleanses all your chakras, brings in new source light, and much more. Click here to schedule a session and learn more. 

Release Negative Energy From Your Life

You can choose to opt out of the things in your life that are not for your highest and greatest good. Invite angels to help you anytime, and be patient while they’re in the process of bringing you a solution.

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 

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