How To Heal Your Inner Child

Children are often open and pure while believing in magic and the possibilities for happiness and joy.

But as you grow older, life experiences can shatter that innocence and leave you feeling wounded.

You may feel like your inner child has been abandoned, or that you have to put on a tough exterior in order to survive.

If you're struggling with fears or depression, learning how to heal your inner child can be the key to restoring balance in your life. By reconnecting with the part of yourself that still believes in magic, you can begin to experience the world in a new way.

In this blog post, Archangel Haniel shows you how to heal your inner child to restore balance in your life. 

Channeled Message from Archangel Haniel to Heal Your Inner Child

Greetings dearest soul of light. As you may already know, your inner child is an aspect of you. Within your multidimensional soul, your inner child plays an important role throughout your life.

When your inner child is happy, you can feel joyful, blissful, and carefree about life. However, if your inner child is scared or has been traumatized in any way, this can lead to life not feeling as wonderful as it should be.

Inner child wounds remain present within your system until you go within to heal them.

Your inner child wants to be healed from the fears and past hurts, but you must be the one to lead the healing process. 

Steps To Heal Your Inner Child

The first stage of healing your inner child is with assistance from I, Archangel Haniel. One of my specialties is inner child healing.

To begin healing your inner child, go into a meditative state, and invite your guardian angel to assist you in connecting to me. Call upon my name and request healing for your inner child.

Focus within your heart, and breathe deeply until you feel relaxed. Ask your inner child to step forward and ensure your inner child that he or she is safe and protected in doing so.

Your inner child is accessible from the middle of your heart. Imagine yourself at a very young age, and let your inner child know that you love him or her. 

Heal Your Inner Child with a Waterfall of Rainbow Light

Next, imagine a waterfall of rainbow colored light flowing down from the sky, and completely surrounding you. Imagine the waterfall of light flowing into your head, and filling you up completely. This light continues flowing through you and all your chakras while removing a layer of density.

Set the intention that your inner child is receiving the exact type of healing that he or she needs most right now in the present moment. 

Release Fears and Hurts to Heal Your Inner Child

Ask your inner child: what is one thing you are afraid of? Wait for an answer to appear in your mind or to show up as a feeling.

Tell your inner child that it is good to let go of the feeling that does not feel good.

Then, ask your inner child to place the fearful or hurt feelings inside a garbage can that sits in front of your inner child.

Continue asking your inner child to place more fears, hurts, and insecurities into the garbage can, one at a time.

When your inner child is finished, ask your inner child to hand the garbage can over to the angels. The angels will take it away and safely transmute all the undesirable energies and feelings into the light of the divine. 

Thank Your Inner Child

Thank your inner child for participating in this exercise, and let your inner child know that you are proud of him or her for doing a great job at releasing.

Also let your inner child know that he or she can come to you anytime with problems. And, that you two will figure out a solution together without your inner child being judged.

Let your inner child know that holding onto feelings that do not feel good only make him or her feel bad. And, oftentimes not understanding something is what leads to fears, confusion, and not feeling good.

Remember to always give your inner child the attention that he or she needs especially when concerns come up. 

Rinse with White Light

Imagine white light flowing all around you and through you again. This light rinses away any remaining debris left from the clearing. When you are ready to come out of the meditation, slowly open your eyes, and thank the angels.

Repeat this meditation as often as you intuitively feel is needed. Even after you sense that your inner child is healed, you may need to revisit this inner child healing meditation from time to time. The reason why is because as you ascend, your inner child will be able to start releasing deeper layers. 

Connect to Your Inner Child Daily

The other important aspect to heal your inner child is through connecting to your inner child daily. This healing activity can be fun and does not need to require a lot of extra time.

You can easily incorporate your inner child into your daily routine while having fun together. Taking a few moments daily to connect along with telling your inner child that you love him or her is incredibly healing.

Where can you make your inner child part of your daily routine? Try connecting to your inner child every morning when you are getting ready for the day. 

Heal Your Inner Child while Taking a Shower

When you are taking a shower, ask your inner child to choose what color the body wash should be that day. Then, use your imagination to visualize the soap being that color all over your skin.

Also, try rising off the soap in rainbow colored light as you are standing under the water. Rainbow light is very healing for your inner child because it offers your inner child the full spectrum of healing light. The exact amount of each color that your inner child needs will flow into him or her to aid in the healing process. 

Let Your Inner Child Make Fun and Creative Choices

Another way to have fun with your inner child daily is to let him or her choose the flavor of toothpaste each day. You can imagine that it is any flavor your inner child will like.

You could also ask your inner child to choose a scent for your hand soap that day. Every time you wash your hands, try to imagine that scent.

Extend this even further to allow your inner child to choose what color your hand lotion is each day.
Is it a solid color?
Are two colors swirled together?
Does your inner child want yellow starbursts inside the colored lotion?
Or, what about tiny specks of green leaves inside your lotion?
Does your inner child want the lotion to contain shapes of watermelons while smelling like chocolate ice cream?

Have fun with this, and get creative with your inner child. 

Include Your Inner Child in Enjoyable Activities

When you are enjoying your favorite activities, invite your inner child to play with you. Even if you only go on a walk, talk to your inner child in your mind while walking.

Does he or she want to cook their favorite meal?
Or, make a special dessert together?
If you are planning on getting groceries soon, ask your inner child what he or she would like to get at the store.

Heal Your Inner Child while Having Fun

The more you invite your inner child into your daily life to play, and to love your inner child unconditionally, the healing process speeds up.

When your inner child feels safe, protected, and loved, your entire life can improve. You will no longer feel like the same person, and your vibration will increase significantly.

Start talking to your inner child daily, and love your inner child very much. By sending him or her love, you are improving your life in a beautiful way.

Enjoy playing with your inner child and freely express your creativity with your imagination. From, I, Archangel Haniel, I send you a waterfall of rainbow light to heal your inner child. And, encouragement for your inner child to come out of hiding and start living a wonderful life. 
Thank you, Archangel Haniel, for this inner child healing message. Channeled by Brenda Lott

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 

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