How To Get Unstuck on Your Spiritual Journey

Ever feel like you're just stuck? Like you can't move forward in life and it's hard to know what direction leads to the best solution. You find yourself on this never-ending spiritual journey that feels more like a treadmill than an adventure.

The good news is that there are ways of getting unstuck. In addition to revealing solutions I've used that work very well, Archangel Michael has a message for you about getting unstuck. 

Channeled Message From Archangel Michael

As you walk along your spiritual pathway, there may come a time when you get stuck. Ego is usually the main cause of getting stuck on your journey. However, it can also be a combination of dense energies in your system along with the ego that causes the problem.

It is vital to recognize when you become stuck in ego, and are running on automatic through your subconscious mind programming.

When this happens, take a step back, and view things from a higher perspective. Ask your guardian angel to help you see things from the same perspective that your guardian angel has looking at you from above the situation. 

You Must Do Your Part

Be patient with yourself. Go easy on yourself during the difficult times, When you're stuck, take time to cleanse your energy every day. Cut cords every day. Protect your energy at least twice a day. And focus on the positives. Focus on the things you have right now that you are grateful for. When you express gratitude in your life, you’re attracting more things to be grateful for. This is the law of attraction at work.

Angels are always here to support you. However, it is extremely important for you to also do your part.

When you are stuck in ego, and your system contains heavy energies that are controlling you, praying alone will not bring you the desired results that you are looking for.

If It Doesn't Feel Good, Release It

You must take responsibility for the feelings within your system that you do not like. Always remember if something does not feel good, then you must take responsibility for it being within your system and clear it. This is the only way to remove unpleasant energies. They must be removed at the energetic level.

Once they are cleared away, ask your angels to fill you back up with source light, and to increase your vibration. They will be able to do this for you immediately after you cleanse the density away.

Keep repeating this process every time density comes up. Remain highly aware of your thoughts, words, actions, and intentions everyday, but especially when you are stuck. 

Stop The Cycle of Being Stuck

Practicing mindfulness makes it easier to see how your thoughts and dense energies have taken over control of your experiences in life. Do not allow the dense energies to take control you anymore.

They may affect you for a short amount of time, but do not let them linger on for days, weeks, months, or perhaps even years. Toxic energies within your system will remain there until you take responsibility for them. And properly clear them at the energetic level.

At times throughout your entire life, your ego will try to interfere and hold you back. Do not allow this to happen. Call on me, Archangel Michael, when your ego gets loud, or even when the thoughts in your mind start running too quickly. I will help you each time. And the more you keep asking for help, the quicker your ego will naturally calm down, and remain quieter. 

What Are You Attracting?

As you go along your journey, remember the laws of the universe, especially the law of attraction.

What are you attracting everyday?
Are your thoughts attracting good things?
What are your feelings attracting?

Remember everything is energy; every thought, every feeling, and every word, whether it's written or spoken. They all contain energies. They are all energy.

Are the energies of your thoughts and feelings heavy like pavement, or lightweight like a feather?

What you are sending out through your thoughts, words, and feelings into the universe is a signal to attract back to you the exact same things.

You Have Full Control Over Your Energies 

This is why it is vital to gain control over your thoughts, feelings, emotions. And, the types of energies that you allow to be present within your energetic system.

You have full control over the types of energies that you hold within your system, whether it is thoughts, words, emotions, actions, or anything else. They are all just energies.

Remember that the angels are always there for you. We are here to help you co-create your desired life with the universe. However, there is only so much we can do and the rest is up to you.

We send you our love, our healing energies, and hope that you follow our advice to get unstuck so you can get back on track as soon as possible. We love you. And we are always here for you. 
Thank you Archangel Michael for providing us with this helpful message.

Battles with Your Ego

Throughout your spiritual journey there will be times when your ego tries to take over control again. This can quickly lead to feeling like you’re falling backwards and losing some of the progress you’ve made.

The ego is only trying to protect you and keep you safe. That is the job of ego: to protect you from doing anything that might cause you to get hurt or be harmed. 

How To Stop Your Ego

Maintaining mindfulness of your thoughts and words is a great way to recognize when you start to get off balance. The ego can become very loud if you allow it to continue on a downward spiral of negative thoughts.

When you notice that your ego is getting loud, ask Archangel Michael to quiet your ego mind immediately. 

Dealing with Deeply Buried Dense Energies That Appear

Every month, the days surrounding the full moon are more likely to bring up dense energies within your system. Full moons help you progress along your journey by illuminating what is still within your system that no longer serves you. When you're consciously aware of what is present, then you’re able to release it and heal from it. 

How To Release Heavy Energies

There are several ways to clear away energies that are no longer serving you:
  • Connect to source light, and imagine the dense energies flowing out of you and dissolving into the white light
  • Surround yourself with the violet flame and ask your guardian angel to help you release the energies that no longer serve you
  • Ask Archangels to help you release it

Affirmations and Gratitude

One thing that is really helpful is to use positive affirmations daily because they help focus the mind in a positive direction.

Inside your affirmations, express gratitude for what you already have in your life. Being grateful attracts more things for you to be grateful for. 

Be Patient and Kind To Yourself

Everyone has times where they get off of track or feel down for a period of time. When this happens, be patient with yourself and accept where you’re at in the present moment. Be kind and gentle with yourself because being harsh on yourself only keeps you stuck longer.

Live Only in The Present Moment

Focusing intensely on trying to reach a certain future point where you have something that you really desire only makes the time go by slower. And, it can push away your desires because through the law of attraction, you will be sending out signals of lack for what you do not have. This only attracts more of the same back to you, which keeps you trapped in a recurring cycle of repeating the same struggles.

Live only in the present moment, and be grateful for the things you do have. Also, ensure you do not get trapped into thinking about the past too much. The past is over. Accept it for what it is, release and heal what no longer serves you, and then switch your focus back to the present moment. 

Enhance Your Self-Love

Take care of yourself and boost up the amount of self-love you have for yourself. When you increase the amount of love you feel for yourself, it increases your vibration, and aligns you with receiving more love in your life.

Additionally, self-love helps you align with your other desires much sooner. The reason why is because love is very powerful. Feeling love raises you up so high that you’ll begin to attract your desires by utilizing the law of attraction. 

More Ways To Get Back On Track

Angels Help Pull You Back Up

It's never easy feeling like you’ve gotten off track, or have fallen backwards. But, there are ways to speed up the process of getting back on track to feeling better. Getting stuck can be triggered by your ego, deeply buried energies coming up for resolution, or by an external situation. No matter what caused you to feel stuck, angels are always available to help you. Just ask them for help, and then focus on living one day at a time while taking good care of yourself.

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 

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