How to Deal with Negative People on Your Spiritual Journey

Dealing with negative people
No matter how spiritual you are, there are times where you will encounter negativity and unkind people. When you're on the path to becoming a better version of yourself, it’s important to learn how to deal with negative people in a way that can benefit both you and the people around you.

What should you do when you're in the presence of a negative person and feel weighed down by their negativity? There are a few ways to safely navigate the situation while protecting your energy.

First, it’s helpful to understand why negative people act the way they do. 

Understanding Why Negative People Are Unkind

Remember everything is energy including people. Every reaction is completely based upon energies stored within the body’s energy system.

It helps to understand that negative people are only reacting to low vibrational energies. They're actions are based on dense energies stored within their chakra system. Hidden underneath all of those toxic energies is a soul of light. There are often deep layers of fears that cloud the person’s inner light.

Unkind people are running on automatic based upon toxic energies within their subconscious mind. And, they might not even be consciously aware anymore of the impact their words and actions are having on others.

Negative people have gotten used to life being struggle after struggle. To them, anything different appearing can seem impossible to obtain. Even people who want to improve their lives might be too scared to change. 

Why Negative People Can Significantly Drain Your Energy

It only takes a few seconds for negative people to make you feel bad about yourself. And, they will continue to be mean-spirited if you allow them to drag you down.

Did that last sentence catch your attention? There is a way to energetically inform negative people that you are no longer allowing them to treat you badly. More about that a little later.

The reason why negative people drain your energy is because humans tend to match the energy level of the lowest vibrational person around them. This is all done at the energetic level. 

Do You Really Need To Avoid Negative People?

Some people believe that you need to detach yourself from negative people in order to live a happy and peaceful life. However, is this true?

You should not completely avoid dealing with them since they can provide you with an opportunity to learn about your own weaknesses. It does not matter what the situation is; we all have our challenges and difficulties. You just need to be aware of how negative people affect both you and those around them.

Give the negative person a chance to improve. If they do not change after some time, then the best option is to avoid them if they keep dragging you down. Or, remove the person from your life if needed. 

Tips For Dealing With Negative People

When you're around someone negative, it's easy to get pulled down into their bad mood and start feeling that way yourself. Negativity is contagious. And, it takes time to bounce back afterward.

The following tips are all things I have tried out, and they all work. Remember that the other person will need an adjustment period to transition to how you’ve changed. If the person is unable to improve after some time, then the person is clearly not ready nor willing to change. 

Remain Aware of Your Reactions

When you're around a negative person, remain aware of how it affects your mood. When you’re mindful of your actions, words, and thoughts, it helps you respond in a controlled manner that benefits both you and the other person. Reacting quickly can lead to adding fuel to the other person’s already raging fire.

If they're not willing to change their attitude, protect yourself by leaving the situation or setting boundaries. Ask archangels to protect you immediately. Then, cleanse your energy when you're away from the negative person. 

Practice Patience

It's important to be patient and calm when you're around negative people. They're often unhappy with their own lives. So instead of getting upset or angry, remain positive and kind.

Silence is Golden

If your own thoughts are unkind, and you feel like lashing out at the person, stop yourself. Remember that silence is golden during these times, and it benefits both you and the other person.

If you cannot remain silent, then say as little as possible. And get away from the person as soon as possible.

In a work environment, escape to the restroom for a couple minutes if you cannot handle the negative person. Or, if you’re close to lashing out or breaking down yourself. 

Set Boundaries With Negative People

There are two ways to set boundaries. One way is to directly talk to the person, but this is not always possible. The other way is to energetically set your boundaries. This second option is best if you’re unable to directly talk to the person.

Directly Communicating Your New Boundaries

If possible, sit down to calmly talk to the negative person. Set firm boundaries so they know how you expect to be treated, and then stick to those boundaries.

It can help to start the conversation by informing the person that you recently began doing self-improvement work. And, part of the process of working on improving your life means you've chosen to stop arguing with others. You could also mention that you’re committed to begin living a more heart-centered life.

Ask the person if he or she is willing to help you by also becoming more kind. It might help to mention that you understand both of you might slip sometimes in the beginning. And, that you’re going to work at remaining aware and stop immediately if you accidentally react in an unkind way. 

Indirectly Setting Boundaries With A Negative Person

Inform the negative person that you are no longer allowing them to drag you down through your actions and calm voice.

How you achieve this is through your actions, words, and your energy. There will be an adjustment period where the person requires time to change, so give the other person time to adjust.

Always be mindful of your thoughts, words, and actions. If you notice yourself starting to feel like you want to lash out at the other person, take a deep breath. Ask your angels to help take away the intense feelings, and walk away if possible.

Remain silent when you can. If you must speak, say as few words as possible in a calm voice. And, never repeat yourself; unless if the person did not hear you the first time. 

Your Sudden Improvements Are Helping The Negative Person Too

Often, your sudden changes will somewhat shock the other person at first. When you stop reacting, and remain calm and quieter, it forces the other person to become consciously aware of their words and actions.

Remember that many people who act negatively are running on automatic. When you stop reacting, it gives them a chance to think about what they’re saying and how they’re acting. You are giving the negative person an opportunity to improve their life too.

When they realize they need to start consciously thinking about how they’re interacting with you, they’re more likely to begin making small improvements. 

Your Energy Speaks Louder Than Words

The types of energies you emit towards negative people are much stronger than words alone. Focus on being loving and kind if possible, or at least neutral.

If possible, remove yourself from harsh situations immediately. If that is not an option, surround yourself with strong angelic protection. Do this by saying “Archangel Michael, please protect my energy on all levels. And so it is. Thank you.”
Radiating energy

More Tips For Navigating Stressful Situations With Unkind People

  • Stay away from toxic people if they're unwilling to improve
  • Remember no one is perfect
  • Be honest with yourself about what you need to change in your life
  • Remember that they have their own journey and own soul lessons to learn
  • Ask them what is going on in their life, and listen to the answer
  • Be compassionate and understanding with them
  • Do not take anything personally or get defensive when they criticize you
  • Tell them politely that you need a break from talking
  • Limit the amount of time you spend with the negative person
  • Remove the person from your life if needed
  • Remember that people who disrespect you do not have much respect for themselves
Also, try to see the other person as a soul of light whose inner light has been dimmed. People who are deeply hurting on the inside reflect this outwardly to the people around them. 

Diffuse The Situation with Angelic Help

Flow a waterfall of white and pink light down into the room where there is a negative person.

Ask both Archangel Michael and Archangel Chamuel to infuse the space with divine love and light. Sometimes this is a quick way to help the person calm down without you saying one word.

If you live or work with a negative person, ask Archangel Raguel daily to bring peace and harmony into your home or workspace. Combining this method with the waterfall of source light can be a fast way to diffuse arguments. 

Recognize When A Person is Unwilling To Change

Do not waste your time trying to change others who resist improvements. Remember that they're exactly where they need to be on their personal journey. The life that a person chooses to live is all based on energies, and whether or not the person’s soul is ready to change.

Ways To Boost Yourself Back Up

  • Cleanse your energy after you’re away from the person
  • Use positive affirmations daily
  • Be grateful for the good things already in your life
  • Enjoy one of your favorite activities
  • Spend time in nature
Also, surround yourself with more positive, loving people by forming new friendships. A great way to find new friends is to join a private group on social media. There are many private groups that offer you the freedom to be your true self in a safe place. 

Angels Will Always Help You

Do not be discouraged by the negativity you face, and never take another person’s harsh words personally. It happens to everyone sometimes.

If you're with a negative person, practice patience and be aware of how it affects your mood. If the negative person is not willing to change their attitude, protect yourself by getting angelic help. Also, set boundaries, and leaving the situation as soon as possible. Then, cleanse your energy after you’ve been around a negative person.

Keep asking the angels for help daily if needed. 

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 
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