How to Clear Energy Blockages in The Body

Clear Energy Blockages in the Body
If you are not feeling quite like yourself, it might be due to energy blockages in the body.

Think about the last time you felt blocked. Maybe it was when you were trying to manifest something and it just was not happening. Or you had a lot of anger and frustration built up and did not know how to release it.

In these moments, it's likely that there is an energetic blockage in your body preventing you from moving forward.

These blockages can create imbalances in your health, preventing you from feeling your best. Fortunately, there are ways to clear these blockages and restore the balance of your energy.

In this blog post, explore several methods for clearing energy blockages in the body so you can get back to feeling your best. 

What are Energy Blockages in The Body?

Energetic blockages are interruptions in the natural flow of Chi energy through your mind, body, and spirit. Blockages can occur for many reasons: physical, emotional, or spiritual.

They can be caused by stress, trauma, negative thoughts and emotions, or physical injuries. 
Chi, also known as Qi, Ki, and Prana, is vital life force energy. It is an energy current that naturally flows throughout your entire body. This energy makes up who you are, and how well it is flowing determines how healthy you are. 
Anytime the natural flow of Chi in your body becomes disrupted, you are more likely to not feel very good.

This often happens when you get caught up in a busy lifestyle and stop taking care of yourself both physically and emotionally.

Over time, the blockages build up and lead to physical ailments because your natural flow of Chi is out of balance. 

Chi Flowing Smoothly versus When it is Blocked

When your Chi is flowing smoothly and evenly throughout your entire system, you feel amazing. You are able to think clearly, you have boundless energy, you sleep well, your skin glows, you attract abundance into your life...the list goes on and on.

Basically, this is when you are in a state of optimal health, and you feel your best every day. Or nearly every day with only occasional dips.

When there are blockages in your system, it is like a dam that stops the water from flowing freely. Eventually, the strain of holding back all that energy results in cracks forming in the dam which leads to breakage. In Chi, this is when physical symptoms start to appear. 

How Does The Flow of Chi Become Obstructed?

It often begins when your aura becomes stressed with too many dense energies. 
Heavy or dense energies are any fear-based energy such as lower emotions and thoughts. These include fears, negativity, sadness, anger, nervousness, anxiety, frustration, and boredom.
Anytime you are in a public place, watching a movie, or looking at social media, your aura picks up energies from other people. This is why people cry during movies or when reading a book. It is because your aura senses the energies and you feel them through your feelings.

In order to relieve some of the tension on your aura, the dense energies move from your aura into your chakras. When you have a blocked chakra, the dense energies then spill out into your body's meridian system. This is when physical ailments show up. 

Reasons Why Energetic Blocks Happen

  • Not cleansing the chakras and/or aura regularly
  • Ancestral lineage patterns that you inherited
  • Programming in your subconscious mind beliefs related to lack, rejection, not feeling good enough, etc.
  • Storing energies from traumas
  • Childhood wounds
  • Past life issues
  • Etheric cords that other people have attached to you

How to Identify Energetic Blockages

Have you been experiencing any of these symptoms, or others that seem out of the ordinary? If yes, it might be time to look into ways of clearing away these energetic blockages.

Some common signs and symptoms of energetic blockages:
  • Foggy brain
  • Feeling spacey or disconnected
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Other chronic conditions
  • Anxiety or depression
  • Negative thinking
  • Digestive issues
  • Neck pain or stiffness
  • Problems sleeping
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Headaches or migraines

Benefits of Clearing Energy Blocks in The Body

The benefits of clearing energetic blockages are restoring your mind, body, and spirit to an optimal state of functioning. This significantly helps you to feel better because the natural flow of Chi flowing through you is unobstructed.

Benefits of having a clear energetic system include, but are not limited to:
  • Feeling better
  • Having more energy
  • Carrying higher levels of light
  • Higher energetic vibration
  • Manifesting more easily with the Law of Attraction
  • Obtaining an optimal state of health
  • Having an easier time attracting more good things into your life
  • Improved relationships 

How to Clear Energetic Blockages for Optimal Mind, Body, and Spirit Functioning

There are many spiritual tools to cleanse and uplift your energy. Plus, energy healing can give you a big boost to start removing the energetic blocks.

Connecting with source light is an essential part of cleansing and maintaining a proper flow of Chi energy.

This is because source light is what supplies you with vital life force energy, or Chi. Your mind, body, and spirit thrives when it has an adequate supply of Chi flowing smoothly through you. 

Ways to Keep Your Energy Clear and Balanced

How to Get Your Energetic System Back on Track

Energetic blockages happen when the natural flow of Chi in your body becomes disrupted which can eventually lead to physical ailments if left unchecked.

The good news is that there is an easy way to start restoring your mind, body, and spirit back to an optimal state of functioning. This is where the angels can help you get back on track quickly so you start feeling better soon.

Angel Energy Healing covers everything in one session. And, the healing energies are delivered by powerful archangels who know your energetic system very well.

Give yourself the gift of feeling better by scheduling your Angel Energy Healing session today. Restoring your natural flow of Chi is easy and uplifts you into a higher vibrational state. Get started now. You deserve to feel your best. 

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 
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