How to Write a Letter to Angels

Have you ever thought about writing a letter to angels? This blog post will teach you 5 easy steps to write the perfect letter. Whether you want to ask for help, or receive assistance to make your dreams come true, angels can help. 

Why Write A Letter To Angels?

Angels can help you with anything. They may guide you through difficult times, or help you overcome impossible obstacles. Sometimes their messages come through loud and clear. And other times, they whisper so you can intuitively hear them if you listen closely enough.

When you're facing an issue, writing a letter directly to the angels can be an ideal way to request help. A letter is a wonderful way to get out all of your feelings around a situation. It also helps you make clear what your desired outcome is for the situation. 

How To Choose Which Angel To Write A Letter To

There are countless angels available to help you, but how do you know which one is best for you in the present moment? It varies based upon the kind of assistance you’re looking for, and the severity of the problem. However, it’s easy to figure out which angel can help you the most.

Your Guardian Angel

You have at least one guardian angel that you have a deep connection with who watches over your life. If you’re only writing a simple letter, then your guardian angel is best.

Examples include a letter to say hello, thank you, or to ask for something little. If you wish to strengthen the bond that you feel with your guardian angel, writing a letter is a good way to get started. 


When you have a big problem, it’s better to write a letter to at least one archangel. If you’re unsure about which archangel can help, then address the letter to Archangel Michael. He is the head archangel and he can send any archangel to help you.

Which Archangel To Write To

  • To improve a relationship: Archangels Raphael, Chamuel, and Jophiel
  • For any kind of healing: Archangel Raphael
  • Help making important life decisions: Archangels Uriel and Michael
  • Knowing what step to take next in life: Archangels Gabriel and Chamuel
  • Assistance with prioritizing tasks and managing time: Archangel Metatron
  • Help with creating positive life changes: Archangel Ariel
  • When you need wisdom, inspiration, or genius ideas: Archangel Uriel
  • Boosting your self-love and self care: Archangel Jophiel
  • When you’re grieving or going through any major life change: Archangels Michael and Azrael
  • Discovering your soul purpose: Archangels Michael, Gabriel, Uriel, Metatron, Chamuel, and Jophiel 

Do You Want Help To Happen In A Specific Way?

Please avoid doing this because it creates an energetic blockage.

It’s essential to keep the pathway to your desired outcome or solution fully open. If you insist on, or even suggest, that the angels do something in a certain way, it prevents them from helping you in the best way possible. There are several options to reach your desired outcome. And the angels will choose the one that works the fastest and is the easiest to line up on the human plane.

Remember that if at least one other person is involved, the angels need to work with that other person too. This adds in many variables to reach your desired outcome. Let the angels take care of the hard part while you focus on your desired outcome. 

How To Write A Letter To Angels In 5 Easy Steps

Follow these steps to write a letter to angels that will invoke angelic help for solving any problem. Address your letter to one angel or to several archangels.

An easy way to remember the steps is to think of it as sandwiching layers of thanks between your request. 

1. Choose The Angel

Start with: Dear guardian angel or (names of) archangel(s).

2. Send Thanks For Previous Assistance

Starting your letter by thanking the angels is a great way to show your appreciation. This does not have to be long. It can be as simple as saying: Thank you for all of the love, help, and protection you’ve given me during my life up to this point.

3. Make A Clear Request For Help and Pour Out Your Emotions

Your message should be heartfelt and sincere.

What exactly do you want help with?

What is your desired outcome that will be for the highest and greatest good of everyone involved? 

Step 3 Details

Pour your heart out and explain all of the emotions you're feeling. Be completely honest with the angels. Let the angels know if a situation or a person is making you feel hurt, negative, angry, sad, confused, anxious, nervous, worried, or fearful.

After explaining your concerns or problems, then ask the angels for a solution. Be sure to include that you "want a solution that is for the highest and best interest of all people involved."

Fully release the entire situation over to the angels. Then, be open to them working in ways you might not have thought about. Sometimes the fastest way to a solution will appear in ways, and through other people, that you never would’ve imagined being part of the pathway. 

4. Thank The Angels

Always end by showing gratitude and appreciation for how the angels will help you. Use this ending, or create your own, but always remember to thank the angels.

“Beloved angels (or names of archangels), please assist me with all of these feelings. Help me release the low-vibrational energies related to this situation. And, help me to resolve this entire situation in the highest and best interest of all involved. I am grateful for all of your support, and I really appreciate your assistance. Thank you.” 

5. Sign Your Letter

After you’ve signed your letter, read it to the angels either out loud or in your mind.

If you wrote it out on paper, place the letter somewhere such as under some crystals or under your pillow. If you typed your letter, keep the file where you can easily locate it later. 

How Long Will It Take?

The amount of time it takes before you notice angelic help varies especially if other people are involved. However, you can help speed up the process. Inside your letter, let the angels know that you will take actions based on the guidance that you receive. It can also help to ask for help in recognizing what action steps the angels want you to take.

Time Frame Examples From My Letters To Angels

In the first letter, I asked for help with something really big that I knew would require much more time. In that case, it took several months, and was almost a full year before I received the desired outcome.

In the second letter, I asked for help in resolving a situation with another person. After five days, the angels showed me what they lined up. It required me taking an action step. I was given a choice: take this action right now that will lead to things improving faster, or do not take action and wait longer for help in another way.

It’s important to be patient and give the angels plenty of time to show up your desired result. Focus on other things while waiting, and when you notice an action step appear, be sure to take action. 

Trust That Angels Will Bring You A Great Outcome

Anytime you want help from angels, writing a letter to angels can be a wonderful way to get assistance. Writing out your emotions is especially helpful with difficult situations.

Remember to be fully open to the exact pathway the angels lead you along. And take action when the angels show you a step to take.

Let the angels know your desired outcome for the situation. Then be patient while they line things up for you. While waiting, be grateful for the good things you already have in your life. And, appreciate the work that the angels are doing behind the scenes that you cannot see yet.

After you receive your desired outcome, take time to thank the angels again. 

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 

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