Hidden Blessings Message From Archangel Metatron

You may not see them at first glance but you have been blessed with many hidden blessings in your life.

Hidden blessings can be easy to overlook or dismiss as insignificant. Sometimes they appear in powerful ways, and other times they're more subtle. But once you start recognizing them as intentional, the more likely you'll recognize hidden blessings when they happen. 

Hidden Blessings Appear in Big and Small Ways

One way hidden blessings occur is through timing. Have you ever been delayed when leaving somewhere? Maybe the delay is because the angels are protecting you?

This happened to me one time, and the reason for the delay became obvious shortly after I started driving. The reason I wasn't able to find the keys right away was to prevent a vehicle accident. Leaving just a little bit later aligned me with being further back away from the intersection when a truck sped through a red light.

You might even end up with a miracle that starts out as a hidden blessing. 

Channeled Message About Hidden Blessings

My dearest beloved, this is Archangel Metatron here today to bring you a message about hidden blessings.

What does a blessing in disguise mean? And, how can you know if the undesirable situation you are currently experiencing is actually a hidden blessing?

The angels and your team of spirit guides are always working for your highest good. Sometimes when you request help, the assistance may not arrive in a way that you had hoped or expected. Your mind might be set on only one solution. However, the angels have a much wider viewpoint of your situation along with knowing all the possible outcomes available. 

Always Trust The Angels

It can be challenging to not understand why the exact type of help you asked for is either not showing up, or is appearing in a different way.

The angels understand that from your human standpoint you may not yet see why something else appeared. This is when it is best for you to trust the angels.

Take a leap of faith and dive into knowing that it is okay to take a step toward the solution the angels brought to you without knowing what lies ahead. 

The Employment Example

When a young lady graduated from college, she continued to work at the same company where she had her internship. The work was easy, but sometimes she was bored with the repetitive work.

The pay was also significantly less than she had been making at the restaurant where she previously worked. She took a reduction in pay because she saw it as a way to get into the industry she was planning on working in possibly for decades.

Sometimes she questioned if she should look for a different job because she noticed how the company was not keeping up with technology. The work she continued to perform was already an outdated version of what she learned in college.

She remained at the same company, hoping that they would start something new to keep up with how technology was changing. But, it never happened. 

Sudden, Unexpected Changes

One day she walked into work, arrived at her cubicle, and a manager quickly arrived. He told her that this was the end, to gather up her belongings, and he would walk her out the door. Of course she was devastated, and did not know what to do for another job.

The economy at that time was not doing very well which meant many companies were not hiring anyone.

She asked angels for help, and found another job. Although it was not within the same industry, it provided an income. It definitely did not appear to be a hidden blessing in any way. 

One Year Later

The following year, she found out that the company she previously worked for was in major financial trouble. The employees worked for weeks without any pay.

The angels saw that the company was headed toward the end of its existence which is why they helped her get away from that company sooner.

It was a hidden blessing. However, she was unable to see it that way at the time.

This often happens in life when you think that a challenge or sudden change is bad. But when you look back at the situation much later, it is often easier to see how it really was a hidden blessing. 

Recognizing Hidden Blessings

Think back in your life to a time when something undesirable happened, but it ended up being a hidden blessing. Had it not been for the unpleasant situation occurring, you might not be where you are at right now in your life.

Hidden blessings can be difficult to recognize especially if you are experiencing intense emotions over a big change. This can happen with relationships, moving to a new home, or even with an injury that forces you to take a break away from everything.

Anytime life brings you a drastic change, always keep asking the angels for help daily. Remember to focus on the outcome, and not the destination to that outcome. Leaving open the route to your desired outcome allows the angels to work in a way that leads you to the destination. And, the angels always do this in the fastest and easiest way possible. 

Angels May Lead You To Something Unexpected

For example, if you lose a job, ask the angels to help you get hired for a new job doing something you will enjoy. And, to be hired by an employer who respects you. If you need more income, then also include that in your request.

Next comes the part that might push you out of your comfort zone. Pay attention to signs from the angels. Follow their lead.

Accept an interview from an employer or type of job that you might not have considered. Doing an interview is also a way to gain more experience for the next interview. Maybe the position will not be right for you, but it could be a hidden blessing that leads you to your dream job. 

Hidden Blessings in Relationships

Another example of hidden blessings is with relationships. Have you had a relationship end that made you very sad?

It is common, and is the only way that you are able to open up to the universe bringing you a better relationship. Just be sure to take as much time as you need to grieve the relationship that ended so you can fully heal. 

Be Kind to Yourself During Major Life Changes

Hidden blessings are more common that you might realize. The more you trust the angels and follow their guidance, the quicker you can start a new phase of your life. Most likely the new phase will contain something better than what you lost.

During times when your life is transitioning into a new chapter, take extra good care of yourself. And remember to love yourself unconditionally.

If you need assistance to remove a layer of stress from an undesirable situation, place yourself inside the middle of Metatron’s Cube. Ask for cleansing and also for your energy to be protected. 

Angels Understand Emotions During Times of Change

Remember that I, Archangel Metatron, am always here for you. And I completely understand what it is like to be human because of the human life I had before ascending to become an archangel.

All angels know that humans deal with a variety of emotions that are sometimes intense, but I have experienced those same emotions myself.

I encourage you to reflect upon the hidden blessings from your past. That way when a new hidden blessing appears in your life, it will be easier to recognize the possibility of it being a hidden blessing. I send you love, cleansing light, and protection. 
Thank you Archangel Metatron for this wonderful message with the perfect example that people can relate to. Channeled by Brenda Lott

What Hidden Blessings Have You Experienced?

When you feel like luck is against you, it might be a blessing in disguise or the angels protecting you. Sometimes it’s easy to recognize hidden blessings, and other times they take longer to notice.

Start recognizing hidden blessings in your life by asking yourself if it's possible a situation could be a hidden blessing. Then, take actions when angels show you a step to take, even when it leads you to something you previously would not have considered.

What hidden blessings have you had in your life? Feel free to share in the comments section below. 

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of link4din.com/angelic-sparkles-numerology. Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 

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