Energy Healing Q&A with Angels

Have you ever wondered what energy healing is, and how you can benefit from it?

Or maybe you’re curious about how angels can help you on your healing journey?

In this post, join me for a Q&A session with archangels who specialize in energy healing.

You just might be surprised at all the amazing things angels can do to optimize the balancing and functioning of your mind, body, and spirit.
The following answers are channeled from Archangels Michael, Raphael, and Orion.

Introduction to Energy Healing

Greetings dear one, we are here to answer your questions regarding how and why energetic healing works. And, to inform you about how this powerful tool can assist you in restoring balance in your life.

To begin, let’s look at why it is possible for energy healing to help you.

You may already know that science, specifically the field of physics, has proven that everything is made up of molecules. And that everything is constantly vibrating even when in solid form, such as a rock.

As a human, you are vibrating too. As a soul of light, you are composed of sound frequencies, colors, and your own unique energetic signature.

This is why energy healing works because it modifies your energy along with increasing your vibration. The higher your vibration, the more joyful you feel, and the easier it is to remain aligned with the vibration of love. 

What is energy healing?

In the simplest definition, energy healing modalities work on your energetic system.

They help to rebalance your mind, body, and spirit so you are able to feel your best. And, they aid you in improving upon anything that is unbalanced or not functioning properly.

When dense energies are removed from you, it opens you up to hold higher levels of light.

This means you feel lighter along with having your natural flow of source light flowing more smoothly through you. 

How does it work?

The process often starts by cleansing away heavy energies that are weighing you down. Heavy energies include fears, negativity, sadness, nervousness, and feeling hurt.

After the undesirable energies are removed, then you are filled up with new light which increases your vibration.

Not all energy healing modalities perform this step. However, Angel Energy Healing and Arcfusion Energy Healing do provide you with this important step.

It is important for your energetic system to receive new light after removing heavy energies so you continue feeling good. Otherwise, you could experience detoxification symptoms which are common after receiving Reiki. 

Why should energetic blocks be removed?

The most important reason is so you can feel better, and become free to co-create your dream life with the universe.

Without proper removal of energetic blocks, they will remain within your system. And are guaranteed to return at a later date to cause issues again.

Or, they will continue holding you back on an ongoing basis if you are dealing with the same struggles regularly.

As an energetic being, the only way to resolve energetic blocks is by removing them at the energetic level. 

Can you remove blocks yourself?

If they are minor blocks, then yes. For example, you can flow white light from source through your chakras and aura to cleanse and uplift your energetic system.

Additionally, you can use a breathing exercise to remove unwanted emotions as they appear.

For deeper energetic blocks, more assistance is often needed to remove them. So, why continue to wait? Especially with how easy it is now to get powerful cleansing for deeper issues. 

Does it work to just ask the angels to heal you instead?

For this question, we first would like to remind you about the Law of Free Will. Angels can only work within the set of energies you are carrying around.

And, angels are only allowed to help you one step at a time. So, you would have to keep up on asking daily for the specific type of help that you want. All while modifying your requests for assistance as things change.

Angels can help you heal when your requests do not interfere with soul lessons. However, it can take much more time this way especially if you have an unknown block to receiving healing.

That is why the fastest and easiest route is through a professional energy healer such as Brenda. 

What would cause someone to not notice improvements in the way they want?

If you have a soul lesson attached to your challenges, then it must be learned first before the energetic block can be fully resolved.

When this is the situation, then angels help you to learn the soul lesson first. Once you have learned it in its entirety, then you are allowed to become freed from it. 

What can you expect to receive?

Depending upon the modality, you can expect cleansing, energetic healing, and to feel better.

Angel Energy Healing offers you complete cleansing for your chakras, meridians, and aura. It cuts energetic cords to other people who may be draining your energy. Plus, you receive assistance for removing outdated beliefs in your subconscious mind.

The angels also place you inside an Angel Energy Healing orb that remains around you for at least 24 hours after your session ends. This orb will continue to provide you with more healing energies.

When you receive Arcfusion Energy Healing, it is always based on exactly what you want it for. One of the beautiful features of Arcfusion is that it can be sent on repeat for up to a month at a time. This allows you to continue receiving healing energies from archangels every night. 

Are the benefits lasting?

Yes. Whether you choose Angel Energy Healing or Arcfusion, the benefits will last.

Is there anything special you need to do to receive energy healing?

No. While it is preferred to relax during Angel Energy Healing sessions, it is not required. The angels will deliver the full amount of healing energies intended for you. And, they will continue working when you are sleeping if they cannot finish during your session time.

Arcfusion Energy Healing is mostly delivered to you when you are sleeping. If you are relaxing when it is first sent, then you may or may not feel the healing energies. It depends on how sensitive you are to noticing and sensing energies. 

Why does distance energy healing work?

It works because us archangels and ascended masters deliver your energy healing session in a unique way. Brenda is attuned to both Angel Energy Healing and Arcfusion. We utilize this close connection to her to more easily flow healing energies to you.

Brenda acts as a bridge between the angelic realm and Earth. And it is through this strong, open connection that the angels perform their work. 

How often is energy healing needed?

The answer varies depending upon your unique set of internal energies.

As a guide, we suggest Angel Energy Healing at least once. And then Arcfusion to address more of your individual concerns.

Pay attention to how you feel, and use that as an indicator for how often you need energy healing. 

Which energy healing modality is best for you?

Give them both a try to experience which you prefer. Both Angel Energy Healing and Arcfusion Energy Healing are equally effective.

It is important to keep in mind that Angel Energy Healing can also remove dark entities and dark programs from both you and your home.

Whereas Arcfusion is unable to work with dark forces. This is the main reason why we recommend Angel Energy Healing at least once. It will discover and remove any harmful dark energies so you are no longer affected by them.

When you desire longer, ongoing assistance, Arcfusion Energy Healing is a wonderful way to receive energy healing for up to 30 days at a time. 
Thank you, Archangels Michael, Raphael, and Orion for the answers to these questions. Channeled by Brenda Lott.

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 

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