Eliminate Life’s Challenges and Unwanted Feelings

This blog post is one of the most amazing things I’ve ever channeled. The immense wisdom and powerful method from two archangels is incredibly helpful.

Follow this guidance from the angels to start eliminating your life’s challenges and unwanted feelings.

While reading, keep in mind that all feelings are energies.

Channeled Message for Eliminating Life’s Challenges with a Unique Method

Greetings from Archangel Michael and Archangel Gabriel. We are here to provide you with a wonderful method to eliminate your unwanted, recurring struggles.

First, take a moment to view the types of emotions attached to your life’s challenges. Write them down if it helps you to keep track of what to remove.

Is there negativity, anger, distrust, disappointment, or fears attached to your life’s challenges? When you recognize the types of feelings that are recurring, it aids you in discovering why they are present.

Soul Lessons as Life's Challenges

Sometimes recurring challenges indicate a soul lesson, or past life trauma that needs healing. If you suspect that this might be your situation, then also ask Archangels Raphael, Jeremiel, and Raziel for assistance.

Soul lessons require understanding of the lesson before you can completely clear the energetic blocks. Ask your guardian angel to help you become consciously aware of the soul lesson, the reason for it, and to help you understand it. Requesting help for understanding along with knowing what you learned from it helps free you faster. 

How To Eliminate Recurring, Unwanted Emotions

Dear one, this new method aids you in gaining control over any unwanted feelings along with removing your life’s challenges. Yes, this does require some time and a commitment to work on improving things one day at a time.

Start by looking at only one unwanted feeling attached to a recurring struggle. 

Example #1: Recurring Negativity

We will use negativity as an example because of how common this is for many people.

Assume that negativity appears every time you are around a certain person. Whether it has been recurring for years, or for a short time, you can remove the negativity.

It is very helpful to view this negativity from a different perspective. First by seeing and understanding that negativity is a certain type of energy. The negativity, or energy, is inside of your energetic system.

Because it has been recurring, this indicates that you, on some level, have formed a relationship with the energy of negativity.

You have a relationship with the negative energy just as much as it has a relationship with you; because it is within you. It has not left you, despite all the energy cleansing you have done up to this point, because of your relationship with it. 

Why are You Clinging onto The Unwanted Energies?

In order to eliminate your relationship with the negativity, it is crucial for you to understand why you are clinging onto it. In this example, why are you clinging onto the energy, or emotion, of negativity?

Are you tightly clinging onto the energy of negativity as a way of security? Perhaps it has become very easy for you under certain circumstances, or around certain people, to revert back to the way you have always reacted.

Oftentimes, life’s challenges that are recurring have been happening since before awakened.

Once you are aware of the recurring pattern and unwanted feelings, then you can begin resolving the issue. Remember that if something does not feel good to you, it is a sign to release it from your life. 

Are Your Life’s Challenges Based in Fear?

Dear one, it is important to keep in mind that all feelings fit into two main categories: love or fear. Any emotion that does not feel good is always based upon a certain type of fear.

For example, negativity has fear-based roots because it causes a person to react in unkind ways toward another person. Additionally, negativity can very easily cause you to be very harsh on yourself especially within your ego mind.

The opposite of negativity is positivity. While everyone would choose positivity over negativity, this does not always happen easily.

Why? Because the energies causing the negativity or fear first have to be removed from within you. This often involves healing in some way whether it is healing from past life trauma or healing from unhealthy ancestral patterns.

Ask Archangel Zadkiel to work with you to remove any fears that are holding you back. 

Example #2: Trust Issues

Another example is looking at a person who has difficulties trusting other people. Assume the person has past life trauma from being severely punished for telling the truth.

The person’s soul chose to heal from those trust issues during the current lifetime. And as a result, the past life trauma carried over into the present life as childhood issues.

The person’s trust issues will have plenty of opportunities throughout life to heal and learn how to trust others again. 

Why Life’s Challenges are Recurring

However, this is often accompanied by many situations where the person continues to have challenges. Or, even getting hurt when others are dishonest.

Why? Because the person’s soul is pointing out which area needs healing. In this case, experiencing situations where the person has an opportunity to heal by trusting. If the person trusts, and is then hurt when trust is broken, this will cause the person to not want to trust others as easily in the future.

Why did the person repeatedly get hurt again after trusting? Because the person’s energetic system contains fear related to getting hurt by others being dishonest.

Recognize the Pattern to Heal

It is essential to recognize this pattern, heal from the trauma, and learn how to open up to trust other people. Until the person notices what is happening and why, it will feel comforting to tightly hold onto the fear energies. These may include being cautious, guarded, and careful about who to trust.

The person may have thoughts or beliefs such as “why bother trusting anyone when it leads to getting hurt.” Or, “I have to protect myself from others.” The person feels safer clinging onto those fears and may also have anger related to getting hurt in the past.

Understanding the relationship the person has with the fear-based energies is the first step toward healing.

Ending Your Relationship with Unwanted Feelings

The person must be willing to end the relationship with the past hurts, and to make positive changes.

The improvements needed in this example would include opening up the heart. And, trusting people who they know have their best interest at heart. Also, healing through positive life experiences and releasing fears with help from archangels. 

Why This Method is Effective

View life's challenges as having a relationship with the unwanted energies. This helps you in discovering why your life’s challenges are recurring.

Be honest with yourself about your unwanted feelings. And remain completely non-judgmental about them.

What is keeping you attached to the unwanted, recurring feelings? When you understand how and why you are clinging onto them, it becomes much easier to release them.

Stop Clinging onto Unwanted Energies

When you become too attached to a fear-based thought, belief, or emotion, it can feel like living in a dark cloud. But, the darkness is within.

There is no need to be fearful of the dark, negative, or undesirable feelings because they are just energies. Yes, they can affect you profoundly for years. However, remember that you have full control over the types of energies within your energetic system.

You have full power to remove any energy that you do not like. Yes, it is a process that requires time and some work on your part. But, you can do it! 

Being Human Does Not Limit You

Everyone enters into life with challenges to overcome as a human. The reason is so your soul can continue growing and learning.

However, this method significantly aids you in taking big steps forward. Every day, ask your guardian angel or an archangel to assist you during every moment when unwanted feelings appear.

You are a powerful, unlimited, infinite soul of light. Yes, you are in human form, but being human does not limit you. You can free yourself from the struggles and live the abundant, joyful, blissful life you desire. 

Two-Way Relationship with Undesirable Feelings

Accept unwanted feelings in a non-judgmental way. Take responsibility for their presence, then take actions to remove them.

Remember the energies are attached to you just as much as you are attached to them. You must be willing to release your relationship with them in order to fully clear it.

The reason why is because it has become a part of your identity in some way. You became accustomed to it being there, therefore your ego mind may expect it to stay as a form of protection.

If you have tried releasing, but it keeps recurring, it means some aspect of you is clinging onto it. Whether it is the ego, subconscious mind, past life trauma, childhood issue, or soul lesson. You will not fully release it until you are willing to let go of your relationship with it. 

Empower Yourself

Are your life’s challenges due to other people who are in your life? Perhaps, people you live or work with? There is a way to begin taking back control over your own energies when you are around other people.

Having dominion over your own energy is important. And it can speed up the healing and releasing process. What this means is having full control over the types of energies you allow into your energy field.

Create a new healthy habit, by saying this statement out loud to yourself daily in a confident, firm, and empowering voice. "This is my energy! I own my own body and I own my own energy! I command all unwanted energies to leave and stay out of my energy field!" 

Combine Intention with Energy Cleansing

While this is a fantastic way to empower yourself, we remind you about the importance of using it in combination with energy cleansing.

Setting your intention to have unwanted feelings, or energies, leave you is powerful. However, to properly complete the process, remove them with source light, or with angelic assistance. 

Apply this Wisdom to Eliminate Life’s Challenges

We have empowered you with knowledge and useful tools to aid you in eliminating life’s challenges. Now, we encourage you to apply this wisdom into your daily life to begin eliminating every unwanted, recurring feeling.

We send you blessings of love, healing light, and inspiration to propel you forward. And to aid you in taking steps toward reaching your dream life. We love you forever. 
Thank you very much, Archangels Michael and Gabriel for this divine wisdom. Channeled by Brenda Lott.

Summary of The Method

  • Recognize the types of unwanted feelings that are recurring in your life
  • Notice how you have a relationship with the unwanted feelings
  • Remain non-judgmental of yourself
  • Be completely honest with yourself; you cannot expect to heal if you deny having undesirable feelings
  • Discover why you are clinging onto the unwanted energies (is it due to fears of getting hurt or trying to protect yourself in some way)
  • Empower yourself through dominion of your own energies
  • Release and heal from the undesirable feelings with angelic help
When you are unsure about how to improve your challenges, an angel card reading reveals what to focus on. So you can resolve your challenges and move forward in life. 

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of link4din.com/angelic-sparkles-numerology. Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 

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