Differences Between Energy Healing Modalities

All energy healing modalities have the same goal: to help people heal and become their best selves. However, each approach has its own unique way of achieving this goal.

Choose the type of modality based upon your own personal needs and your desired outcome.

In this blog post, explore the differences between old and new modalities. Plus, discover which two are the most powerful. These are the best ones because they're also gentle and offering lasting results.

Why Use Energy Healing?

Everything is energy, including humans. And everything that happens in life always begins at the energetic level.

When you resolve energetic imbalances, it opens up the natural flow of source light. This is the light that naturally flows through you, and helps you feel better.

It can also lead to optimal health on all levels through balancing your mind, body, and spirit. 

Examples of How Blocks Hold You Back in Life

One example is of an energetic blockage inside a chakra, your aura, or within your meridian system. When this occurs, it can cause physical issues and a decrease in quality of life.

Another example is with an outdated belief in your subconscious mind. Assume it's a pattern related to rejection that holds you back in several ways.

It might mean losing job opportunities. Or, not being able to create lasting relationships. Additionally, it could hold you back from achieving your dreams. There may be fears attached to the rejection belief that no one would support your dreams. 

The Benefits of Receiving Energy Healing

When there is an energetic block or something is out of balance, it can affect the mind, body, and spirit simultaneously.

Energy healing modalities work on removing energetic imbalances to restore optimal functioning. They do this on all levels to restore harmony between your mind, body, and spirit. By balancing all these areas, you feel better, and can have a better quality of life. 

5 Different Types of Energy Healing Modalities 

Energetic healing methods have been evolving even more over the last few years. The reason why is because of the pace at which humanity is ascending. Humans are now capable of carrying higher levels of light when compared to even just one hundred years ago.

Let’s explore two of the oldest modalities, and then newer modalities. 

1. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)

This healing modality has been around for over 2,000 years, and is still practiced in many Asian cultures. It includes a variety of healing options, yet most appear to be modalities on their own. These include acupuncture, acupressure, herbal medicine, qigong, massage, nutritional therapy, and more.

Oftentimes, when people start seeking alternative forms of healing, TCM is a popular option to start exploring.

Traditional Chinese Medicine has a long history of being effective because it addresses the body as a whole system.

It views the body’s meridians as having energetic blocks that cause physical issues. By addressing these energetic imbalances, it leads to the entire body functioning better. 

2. Reiki 

It is often believed that Reiki began during ancient Tibetan Buddhist times, but then became lost for a long time. It was rediscovered in Japan during the early 1800’s.

Reiki uses Universal Life Force energy to restore balance to a person’s energy field. Similar to TCM, Reiki addresses energetic imbalances. And, it also views the mind, body, and spirit as all being interconnected.

Reiki has helped countless people to feel better. However, there are limitations and drawbacks to Reiki.

It only uses Universal Life Force energy. The effectiveness may be dependent upon the skill level of the practitioner. And, recipients might experience detoxification symptoms for up to three weeks after each session. 

3. EFT Tapping

The Emotional Freedom Technique, or EFT, is a form of acupressure that originated in the 1970’s.

By tapping certain acupressure points along the body’s meridian system, it can open up the flow of energy. It is commonly utilized as a tool for dealing with emotional or physical pains.

For some people, EFT tapping is highly effective. Not everyone will notice benefits though because it does not dive deep into removing the root causes of issues. 

4. Angel Energy Healing

Angel Energy Healing is a beautiful and complete energy healing modality.

One beauty of Angel Energy Healing is that angels can remove energetic blocks without you always needing to know the exact causes of issues.

And, you can request specific issues to be addressed by the angels during your session.

In a distance Angel Energy Healing session, you receive everything needed for energetic healing:
  • Full chakra cleanse
  • Meridian blocks cleared
  • Etheric cords cut and removed including karmic cords
  • Aura cleansing plus repairing auric holes and tears
  • Removes your biggest subconscious mind block and inserts a positive belief in its place (the opposite of what is released)
  • Removes dark programs and entities
  • Feel less stressed
  • Increases your vibration so you feel uplifted
  • Feel more relaxed
  • Balances your mind, body, and spirit
  • Healing continues after your session ends for at least 24 hours

How Angel Energy Healing Works

Each session is conducted by archangels working with a certified Angel Energy Healer channeler. Archangels use the open heart of the channeler to flow the healing energies more efficiently to the recipient.

As a certified channeler of Angel Energy Healing, this is the most beautiful energy healing modality that I’ve ever experienced. The angelic healing energies are powerful yet gentle.

It’s also the most complete type of energy healing that covers everything you could possibly need in only one session.

Another benefit of Angel Energy Healing is that there are no detoxification symptoms. The angels always fill in any gaps in your energetic system with new light after removing blockages.

That is why you feel uplifted and refreshed after receiving Angel Energy Healing. And, it's the reason why you avoid detoxification symptoms after receiving a session. 

5. Arcfusion Energy Healing

Arcfusion is a new and unique energy healing modality. It's healing energies from the stars that is blended together with Angel Energy Healing. Plus, it adds in healing energies from sacred geometry, color therapy, and more.

It is delivered by Archangels and Ascended Masters. Arcfusion Energy Healing creates lasting benefits while also being gentle and powerful.

What would make you feel better?

Arcfusion Energy Healing can help with almost anything.

Archangels modify these star energies into forms that you can use and benefit from. 

Once you request Arcfusion, it's possible to keep receiving healing on a daily basis. The reason why is because Arcfusion can be set up to do repeat healings for you. 

How to Choose The Right Type of Energy Healing for You

When deciding which energy healing modality is best for you, first consider what you need it for.

Do you want a full chakra and aura cleanse, plus deep cleansing for all issues?
If yes, Angel Energy Healing is best for you.

Are you concerned about an entity or want darkness removed?
If yes, then the best option is Angel Energy Healing.

Do you only need a couple things improved to feel better?
If yes, Arcfusion Energy Healing is a wonderful option.

Is your issue something that could require more time to heal?
If yes, then Arcfusion sent on repeat can help you long term.

Are you continuing to struggle over long time spans from the same issues?
For example, repeatedly feeling rejected, or not feeling good enough.
If yes, Arcfusion  is a fantastic way to dive deep into the exact causes to resolve the issue. 

How To Get Started with Energy Healing

What would you like assistance with to start rebalancing your mind, body, and spirit? Choose one of these areas, or request energy healing for exactly what you need it for. Then get started through the links below the list. 
  • Energetic blocks causing physical issues
  • Past life healing and clearing
  • Ascension symptoms
  • Subconscious mind beliefs that are holding you back in life
  • Assistance to improve a situation with other people
  • Angelic help to stop recurring struggles
  • Increasing your vibration to ascend higher
  • Energetically aligning with your dreams
  • Clarity to discover your soul purpose
  • Inner child healing
  • Emotional healing for past traumas
  • And many more options...
Begin the process of manifesting a better quality of life today. Click one of the buttons below for the most powerful modalities available today. 

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of link4din.com/angelic-sparkles-numerology. Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 

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