Council of Light Channeled Message: Angel Energy Healing and Soul Lessons

In this channeled message, learn about angel energy healing, soul lessons, and how to boost your spiritual journey.

Channeled Message From The Council of Light

Greetings from the Council of Light. The message that we want to bring forth is on the topic of angel energy healing and how it can help you in your life.

Connecting to archangels for energetic healing is a wonderful way to accelerate your ascension path.

Archangels are very powerful angels who have the ability to completely transform your life. Each archangel specializes in a certain type of healing. When you invite archangels into your life, they will help you and rejuvenate you in various ways. 
All healing is always done according to divine will for your highest good, and for the highest good of all.

What Does Angel Energy Healing Do For You?

Angel energy healing is the process of connecting with archangels in a way that opens up your mind, body, and spirit to heal at the energetic level. Because you are a soul, an infinite being of light, healing always starts at the level of your soul.

When you receive angel energy healing, the angels deeply cleanse your chakras. They also repair your aura, and start to remove damaging beliefs from your subconscious mind. Additionally, angels always uplift you and increase your vibration during every session.

You notice improvements immediately after your angel energy healing session thanks to angels. Results include feeling less stress, feeling calm, and feeling energetically lighter.

The reason why you notice a boost in your emotions and experience less stress is because a thick layer of density has been removed. Plus, energetic blockages that were previously blocking you have been broken up. 
All forms of energetic healing can only be felt and thoroughly experienced by quieting your mind and connecting with your heart.

Why Energetic Healing Sometimes Requires More Time

If you do not fully heal the ways you had hoped for right away, it’s due to one of two reasons. Or, perhaps both reasons.

First, you might have several deep layers of density that need to be cleared away. The process of removing deeper layers of density requires more time. The reason why is to prevent your human body from experiencing a type of shock. This is when follow up angel energy healing sessions are highly recommended.

The second reason is because there is a soul lesson tied to your challenges. If this is the case, ask archangels to help you. 

Your Soul Lessons

Soul lessons are things your soul came here to learn. Overcoming challenges related to soul lessons is how your soul grows and learns.

You can identify soul lessons by looking at the types of recurring struggles in your life. Or, you can ask your team of angels to point out your soul lessons in a way that you’ll recognize them.

Understanding the reasons behind your soul lessons is the first step. Angels are here to help you with the entire process of understanding, learning, and becoming freed from your soul lessons. Once you’ve learned the lesson, then you can move forward in life. 

Healing Light For Your Energetic System

Your soul is light, and it needs light to thrive. How do you do this? By connecting to source light, and by properly taking care of your energetic system on a daily basis. Your energetic system includes your chakras and your aura.

Flowing source light through your chakras and aura cleanses you, uplifts you, and increases your vibration. Additionally, opening up your heart to source light opens you up to divine healing in all areas of your life.

When you continue to cleanse your chakras and aura daily, even in as little as five minutes a day, the positive benefits add up over time. 

Speed Up Your Spiritual Journey and Boost Your Vibration

We angels who make up the Council of Light would like to encourage you to try an Angel Energy Healing session to boost your spiritual journey. It does not matter if you're new on your awakening journey, or if you have been on it for years.

An Angel Energy Healing session opens you up to receive the highest level of energetic healing from angels directly into your life.

When you clear away density with archangels, it opens up your system to hold higher levels of light. Plus, it increases your vibration. No matter how you need or want your life to improve, everything begins at the energetic level. 

Your Dream Life Ahead

You’re here on earth to share your unique gifts with the world. Do not allow low vibrational energies and densities to hold you back. You deserve much more than what you ever imagined was possible.

Open up your heart, expand your consciousness, and start working with angels and the universe to co-create your dream life.

You really can have the best life possible, whatever you desire. You can align with your highest goals and dreams by using the law of attraction. Angels are available to guide you one step at a time through the process. And, to support you in releasing every block that is holding you back in the present moment. 

Invite Angels Into Your Life Every Day

Keep asking angels for help every day. Make it a habit. Put it into your daily routine. Invite angels into your life, and you will start to notice a big difference.

Experiment with it daily for 7 days by expecting nothing, and see what happens.

Be prepared for good results for that is what you will receive. The more you work with angels and follow their guidance, the more angels will continue helping you co-create the life you desire.
Angels are always available to support you, guide you, and help you with everything in your life. The law of free will prevent angels from stepping in and interfering. That is why you must continue asking for help on a daily basis. 

Invocation For Daily Angelic Assistance

Say the following request everyday to ask for angelic help. Or, create your own version.

“Beloved angels, I invite you fully into my life in all ways. Please help me with everything in my life. I fully invite in your assistance and guidance. Help me to understand and learn my soul lessons so I may move forward in life.

One step at a time, I am willing to take action and follow the guidance steps that are shown to me. If I do not understand a step, I will ask for clarification.

Angels, please help me to see and be grateful for all of the good things already in my life. Assist me in being the best version of myself that I can be.

Help me to maintain
mindfulness everyday, and help me to follow a routine of doing energy work daily. And so it is. Thank you.”

You Are Already Receiving Angel Signs

Keep watching for signs and synchronicities that the angels are bringing you. You’re always receiving signs from angels, whether you realize it or not. Learn to recognize angelic signs. Ask your angels to help you notice and be confident in knowing what is an angel sign.

Focus on remaining aware, living in the present moment, and cleansing your energy daily.

We thank you for taking time to listen to our message, and for inviting the angels into your life everyday. Connect with us anytime through your heart. We are always here for you. And we will always love you. 
Thank you to all the angels who work on the Council of Light for providing us with these messages and helpful information. 

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 

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