Coping while Grieving on Your Spiritual Path

Dealing with the loss of a loved one is never easy. And, it almost seems different in a way after you’ve started ascending on your spiritual journey.

But, do you know that a grieving process also occurs after any other big loss in your life? It could be the loss of a relationship, a job, or even housing (whether due to a natural disaster, fire, or economic hardship).

Immediate and intense feelings of shock, hurt, sadness, grief, or anger rush in and completely take over your mind, body, and spirit. It’s difficult to focus, hard to eat anything, and your soul can feel shattered by the sudden loss.

While this post focuses on coping after losing someone, or a pet, the same information can be applied to any situation where you’re grieving. 

What To Do When Life Suddenly Changes

When you reach a certain point on your ascension journey, the people who know you, almost expect you to maintain a high vibrational all the time. Especially if they notice that you have reached a point where maintaining awareness is easier to do. Taking a moment to stop and think about things before responding to others has become a beneficial habit.

But, what do you do when everything suddenly comes crashing down? Intense feelings of shock, disbelief, loss, grief, and sadness immediately flood you. And, it can be impossible to even think straight especially immediately after receiving the sad news that a loved one is gone.

First, take a break for yourself. Remember that you’re human, and all humans need to go through a grieving process. The feelings must be felt and dealt with before you can release them. 

Tips When Posting on Social Media Shortly After Grieving Begins

Immediately after receiving devastating news, stay off of social media, unless if you’re sending a private message to a friend or loved one. Give yourself at least several minutes, or even an hour or more, so your brain can start to process what happened.

It’s okay to let people know that you’ve lost someone. There is no need to go into any details about how you knew the person, nor how close you were if you don’t want to share that information.

If you need to post on social media to inform several people about the sad news, take your time writing the post. Then, wait at least several minutes after you’re done writing before clicking the button to post it. This gives you the opportunity to change anything in the post before anyone sees it. 

Ideas For What To Write

Write the sad news in a way where you’re thanking or honoring the person who passed away. 
  • Do you want to mention your connection to the person?
  • Was the person a relative or close friend?
  • What was the person like?
  • Did the person shine his or her light brightly in the world and make a big difference in some way?
  • What special things did the person do during life?
These are a few ways to keep a social media post loving and caring. Add a couple sentences to thank the person. Express gratitude for the ways the person helped your life be better. And, show appreciation for knowing the person. 

Navigating The Grieving Process

How long the grieving period lasts obviously depends on how close you were to the person you lost. But, never judge yourself or your feelings while grieving.

If you’re empathetic, you will naturally feel more intense feelings even after losing someone that you weren’t very close to.

Allow yourself to feel the sadness and cry. Let yourself feel any anger if it appears. And, focus on taking care of yourself. 

Find Ways To Release The Sadness

Crying is very healing at the energetic level because crying releases sad feelings.

Holding in any emotions only leads to blockages in your chakra system. And, guarantees that the heavy emotions will come back up at a later date for you to deal with them. 
  • What makes you feel better?
  • Spending time in nature, or going for a walk?
  • Listening to certain songs? 
  • Doing one of your favorite activities?
  • Talking to a close friend?
Do something for yourself, even if it’s only for a few minutes at first. This also helps to release some of the sadness.

Remember to ask archangels for help every day, even if all you can ask for at first is just help getting through the day. 

No One Ever Passes Away Alone

From my near death experience, I learned one important thing from angels. No one ever passes away alone. Even if a person appears to be alone with no other humans around, the person never feels alone.

When a person’s soul is transitioning out of a human body, the person is completely surrounded by what seems like thousands of angels. It’s like looking out into a sea of angels everywhere where all you can see are angels and nothing else.

The angels immediately pour an amazing, endless flow of unconditional love into you along with bringing you a deep sense of peace. The amount of unconditional love is like nothing else on Earth. Nothing even comes close to comparing the enormous amount of beautiful unconditional love that the angels give you. 

Get Help From Archangel Azrael

You might already know that when souls are getting ready for their transition, Archangel Azrael starts to help them. And, he continues helping them after their human life has ended.

Archangel Azrael is also available to help you through the grieving process. He will take away grief as you release it over to him. All you need to do is keep asking him for help. And, be willing to release the variety of feelings as they appear during the grieving process.

You can also ask Archangel Azrael to help other people who are grieving. 

Request For Help For Yourself

Say the following to start receiving angelic help for yourself. Use it right away, and continue daily as needed.

“Archangel Michael and Archangel Azrael, please take away these feelings of grief (and/or sadness, hurt, anger, etc.) to lessen this heavy load of emotions. Assist me in feeling love and support from many angles who surround me every time I cry. And, please bring to me one thing that will help me the most right now. Thank you.”

Request For Sending Help To Others

Use this request to send support to someone else at any point during their grieving process. Even if it’s more than a year after their loss.

“Archangel Michael and Archangel Azrael, please help (insert name of person or an entire family here) in recovering from the grieving process. Assist them in feeling completely surrounded by angels each time they cry. And, help them to feel love from angels in their life a little more every day. Thank you.”

Connect To Source Light

After receiving devastating news that throws you into the grieving process, take time to connect to source light. Wait at least one day though so you can process what happened.

Ask archangels to help you connect. Then, focus on a waterfall of white and golden light flowing all the way through you and around you. Meditate with relaxing music or in silence while inhaling light with each breath. Start with 20 minutes, but do what feels right for you. Even five minutes helps, and the benefits accumulate day after day.

Remember that you’re an infinite being of light, a soul who needs the type of comfort that comes from source light. Connecting to the light is a special way to start healing yourself from the intense feelings related to grieving. The first time that I tried this, I was amazed by the results, and how it boosted my vibration. 

Keep In Touch With Your Loved One’s Spirit

After losing someone that you were very close to, take time to talk to their soul. They will hear you, and it can help you through the grieving process. Ask your guardian angel to help you connect to your loved one’s soul if you wish, but they will hear you either way.

It’s also very helpful to send a message to any soul you knew after they’re gone. Even if it was only an acquaintance, if you feel like sending them a message, do it. 

Archangel Azrael is The Angel of Transformations

Whether you’re transitioning through a major life change, or coping after losing someone, Archangel Azrael is the angel to call upon for help.

Everyone experiences grief at different points throughout life. Ask Archangel Azrael to help take away your intense feelings, and he will remove them one layer at a time.

No matter what the situation is, or what caused the intense feelings, connecting to source light is very helpful when you’re going through any difficult time. Remember that the angels love you dearly and they always want to help you. 

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 

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