What are Chakras and How to Cleanse Your Chakras

What are chakras and why are they important for balancing your mind, body, and spirit? Chakras are the energy centers within your physical body. And they play a significant role in your overall well-being.

They are linked to your meridians, and when there is an energetic block in one or more chakras, your health can start to suffer.

In this blog post, take a deeper look at what chakras are and how to cleanse your chakras. Plus, download a chakra and aura cleanse that is easy to do. 

What are Chakras?

Chakras are energy centers within the body where energies flow between the inside of you and the outer world. They are located from the base of the spine to the crown of the head.

There are seven main chakras, each with their own unique qualities and associations. There are other chakras, but you only need to focus on the seven main chakras.

Metaphysics states that the types of energies stored within your chakras energetically affect you on all levels. This includes physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.

When your chakras are in balance, energy flows smoothly throughout your body. However, when there is an energetic block, it can lead to physical and/or emotional health issues.

For example, if your root chakra is blocked, you may experience feelings of anxiety or insecurity. If your throat chakra is blocked, you may struggle with communication or expressing yourself fully.

Locations and Meanings of the 7 Main Chakras

The seven main chakras are all linked together in one central column of light.

Root Chakra: Security; 1st Chakra; also called the Base Chakra

Color: Red
Location: Base of the spine in the tailbone area

- Security
- Foundation
- Feeling grounded
- Stability
- Trust
- Survival issues especially relating to basic needs (money and food)

Blockages can cause:
- Feeling threatened
- Insecurity
- Nervousness
- Fear
- Resisting changes
- Greediness
- Overly materialistic
- Obsessive over security with basic needs

When your root chakra is open you feel confident in facing any challenges that appear in your life. 

Sacral Chakra: Creativity; 2nd Chakra

Color: Orange
Location: Two inches below the navel

- Creativity
- Sexuality
- Pleasure
- Accepting new changes and new experiences
- Sense of abundance
- Well-being
- Ability to express feelings without overdoing it

Blockages can cause:
- Lack of control
- Unemotional
- Overly emotional

When your sacral chakra is open your feelings flow easily, you are passionate, and open to intimacy. 

Solar Plexus Chakra: Willpower, 3rd Chakra

Color: Yellow; sometimes gold
Location: Couple of inches above the navel

- Willpower
- Wisdom
- Confidence
- Self-esteem
- Self-worth

Blockages can cause:
- Doubt
- Shame
- Indecision
- Timidness
- Passivity
- Domineering
- Aggressiveness

When your solar plexus chakra is open you are in control of your life, and feel free to express your true self. You are free to shine your inner light in the world. 

Heart Chakra: Love; 4th Chakra

Color: Green
Location: Middle of the chest right above the physical heart

- Love
- Healing
- Joy
- Heart of your soul
- Inner peace
- Bridge between the upper and lower chakras
- Ability to give and receive love

Blockages can cause:
- Acting cold or distant towards others
- Difficulty opening up to others
- Inability to give and/or receive love
- Approaching love from a selfish standpoint

When your heart chakra is open, you are compassionate, empathic, kind, affectionate, and friendly. Additionally, your relationships are harmonious. 

Throat Chakra: Communication; 5th Chakra

Color: Blue
Location: Middle of the throat

- Communication
- Self-expression
- Truth

Blockages can cause:
- Difficulty finding the correct words
- Shyness
- Difficulty sharing feelings
- Dislike talking
- Introverted
- Excessive talking
- Bad at listening to others
- Dominating conversations

When your throat chakra is open you are able to express yourself clearly and speak the truth. 

Third Eye Chakra: Awareness; 6th Chakra

Color: Indigo; sometimes with purple mixed in
Location: Inside the pineal gland in the middle of the head; felt in the middle of the forehead

- Awareness
- Seeing the bigger picture in life
- Strong intuition
- Wisdom
- Good imagination
- Ability to make decisions
- Insight
- Visualization

Blockages can cause:
- Disconnected from receiving angelic insights
- Rigid thinking
- Confusion
- Living in a fantasy world

When your third eye chakra is open you can receive intuitive insights.

Crown Chakra: Spirituality; 7th Chakra

Color: Violet, or a mix of purple and white
Location: Top of the head

- Spirituality
- Connection to source
- Bliss
- Inner and outer beauty
- Wisdom

Blockages can cause:
- Rigid thinking
- Addiction to spirituality in an unhealthy way

When your crown chakra is open you are able to access higher consciousness. And you are able to feel oneness with the world and all that is. 

What are Chakra Cleanses?

Exactly what are chakra cleanses and how do you cleanse your chakras?

Chakra cleanses are the process of flowing white light from source light through each of your chakras. This process removes heavy energies that do not feel good and can cause energetic blocks.

Heavy energies include negativity, stress, tension, jealousy, sadness, anger, and anxiety.

You can also use the violet flame to cleanse your chakras. 

Why Chakras Need Cleansing

It is important to cleanse your chakras and aura regularly, preferably daily, to maintain a healthy energetic system.

Energetic blockages can occur when the chakras and aura are not cleansed often.

When your aura becomes congested, it moves heavy energies into the chakras. Next, when the chakras become blocked, they start to leak heavy energies into the body’s meridian system. This is when physical issues can show up.

You can quickly cleanse your chakras and your aura in as little as five minutes a day. The benefits also accumulate over time. However, it is best to do longer chakra cleanses at least once or twice a week. 

How to Cleanse Your Chakras

There are different ways to cleanse your chakras and aura to provide you with variety. All of these techniques are equally effective.

Meditate on your own with the angels, or download this free chakra and aura cleanse. It cleanses the seven main chakras, one at a time. Plus, cleanses your aura, grounds you to the Earth, and connects you to your higher self.

Click here for a free violet flame meditation
Right click or control click to download your free 7 minute daily energy cleanse. 
Background music: Sea of Light by Thaddeus. Used with permission.

Cleanse One Chakra at a Time

You can focus on one chakra at a time, using meditation and visualization to clear any blocks and restore balance. Use white light or the violet flame inside each chakra.

Focus on Your Central Column of Light

This technique involves envisioning a column of light running through the center of your body. And each chakra being inside the middle of this column.

You can imagine the light flowing down from the crown chakra to the root chakra to clear away any blockages. And then visualizing the light flowing back up from the root to the crown chakra to restore balance throughout the entire system.

Repeat this process of flowing light up and down your central column of light for a few minutes. 

Angel Energy Healing Session

Angel Energy Healing involves relaxing while archangels deeply cleanse your entire energetic system. Archangels remove negative energy and restore balance to your chakras and aura.

What are Chakra Sensations?

When your chakras are clear and open, you can sense them especially during meditations. Sensing your chakras may feel like the chakra is glowing, pulsating, or it might feel warm.

For example, a clear and open heart chakra may feel like your heart is glowing brightly and radiating love. While an open crown chakra may feel like a waterfall of light pouring down upon the top of your head. 

What is Your Aura?

Your aura is an electromagnetic field that surrounds your entire physical body. All living things have an electromagnetic field including plants and animals.

How The Aura Functions

Your aura is the first part of your energetic system that interacts with the world and people around you.

The aura is able to expand and contract over a large distance including being able to fill an entire room. However, it often extends two to three feet away from your physical body.

Your aura’s main function is to scan the energies in the environment surrounding you. It is the job of the aura to warn you if there are any potential harmful energies near you. If you have ever felt uneasy or fearful, it is from your aura warning you to pay close attention to your surroundings.

Your aura is constantly picking up other people's energies, emotions, and even their state of health. Every interaction with other people means your aura is exchanging energies with the other people. 

Other People Interacting with Your Aura can be Positive or Negative

Even walking by someone without speaking a word or without looking at the other person, means your aura is still interacting with their aura.

If the other person is very loving, kind, and happy, it will benefit you.

But, if the other person is angry or carrying around negativity, it adds stress to your aura. Stress and heavy energies can easily drag you down.

The aura is the body's first line of defense against keeping out toxic energies. This is why it is critical to maintain a clean aura. 

How to Protect Your Energy after Cleansing Your Chakras and Aura

Once you have cleansed your chakras and aura, it is important to protect your energy.

The easiest way is by placing yourself in a bubble of protection. If desired, ask the angels to help you with this process.

Say out loud or in your mind: “I set the intention that I am in a protective bubble of white light that will shield my energy. And so it is.”

Your bubble of protection will last for 12 hours. However, it will wear away rapidly when you are around a person who is negative, angry, or stressed. 

Immediate Energy Protection with Angels

If you are suddenly around someone who is angry or negative, that is a perfect time to call upon Archangel Michael for protection.

Think in your mind:
“Archangel Michael, please protect my energy on all levels. Thank you.”

Reapply your bubble of protection after you are away from the person. A quick energy cleanse with white light or the violet flame will remove density that your aura absorbed.

If you have a connection to the person, such as a relative or boss, then it is important to also cut etheric cords

Summary of The 7 Main Chakras

  1. 1
    Root chakra (Muladhara): Governs your stability, grounding, and sense of security
  2. 2
    Sacral chakra (Svadhishthana): Associated with creativity, pleasure, and sexuality
  3. 3
    Solar plexus chakra (Manipura): Governs your willpower, confidence, and sense of self
  4. 4
    Heart chakra (Anahata): Associated with love, forgiveness, and compassion
  5. 5
    Throat chakra (Vishuddha): Governs your ability to communicate and to speak your truth
  6. 6
    Third eye chakra (Ajna): Associated with intuition and understanding
  7. 7
    Crown chakra (Sahasrara): Governs your connection to the divine and your sense of spirituality

Increase Your Vibration through Regular Chakra Cleansing

Daily chakra and aura cleansing is an essential part of maintaining a healthy energetic system. It also increases your vibration.

Add it into your daily routine at night to clear away density from the day. Or, make it part of your morning routine.

Remember to protect your energy after you have put in the effort to do cleansing. 

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of link4din.com/angelic-sparkles-numerology. Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 

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