Channeled Poem From Angels: Your Beautiful Soul

The poem in this blog post is about the beauty that lives inside you, and it provides a glimpse into how angels see you.

As a lightworker, your soul has a mission to shine brightly in the world. Yet, there are times when life’s challenges bring you down. You’re never alone, and within any of life’s darkest moments, you can still feel loved and comforted by angels.

Allow yourself to fully open up to the angels, and they will guide you through life's challenges while protecting you and loving you. 

Channeled Poem From Angels: Your Beautiful Soul

Walking through the tranquil forested path
the scent of autumn leaves caresses through the air
with a hint of pine here and there.

The sun glistening on the quaint stream ahead
gets brighter and brighter.
Approaching the stream
the sunlight enters into your beautiful soul
refreshing your mind, body, and spirit
and filling your soul back up
with divine unconditional love
and healing light.

Bathing your feet in the cool stream
as water creates mini waterfalls
over small boulders.
The relaxing healing energies
provided by nature
flow first into your aura
then trickle into your physical body
removing a layer of stress
rinsing away worries
and quieting the mind.
Filling up your beautiful soul
with what it needs most right now. 
An angel approaches
and sits down next to your beautiful soul of light.
Dear one, I wrap my wings of love around you.
I see how you have been hurting
and want to reassure you
love, peace, and harmony
are coming soon.

This suffering is no longer needed
let go of your tight grip
for it no longer serves you.
You have already learned
what you needed to learn
now hand it over to me
every last little speck
so you will never have to deal with this ever again. 
I take these worries, fears, and concerns away from you
and transmute them into the light of the divine.
Dear one, you are now free
in all areas of your life.
You were trapped for far too long
and held back beyond your breaking point.

Your beautiful soul was fragmented
from the past hurts and pains.
We have healed you dear one.
Now finish releasing all those old hurts
outdated beliefs
and untrue programming
that you were fed as a child. 
Your beautiful soul was created from pure unconditional love.
Take a look with me now into the middle of your heart.
Do you see that little spark of golden light?

Now see how it's grown since its creation.
That little spark of your beautiful soul light is now immense.
It's a magical glowing star
designed to continue growing
even more vibrantly bright over time.

Dearest soul, your inner light was dimmed in the past
but that time is over.
You have been healed, refreshed, and uplifted.

Now take this gorgeous light within you
and share it with others.
Your destiny is to shine brightly
to uplift and heal others
by using your unique set of gifts.
The world needs you.
Humanity needs you.
The universe needs you. 
Do not fear because you will soar high.
You cannot go wrong when sharing your gifts
for you were designed for success.
You will touch the hearts of countless souls
as you continue to travel this new pathway.

Us angels will always be here with you
every step of the way
every moment of every day.

We celebrate your successes with you
no matter their size
for both big and tiny successes
are meant to be enjoyed.

We will always be there for you, dear soul
anytime you feel like you've fallen backwards
or when your heart is aching.
Come back to this beautiful place
in the forest by the stream
with angels wrapping you in their endless flow of love.
Allow the waters to rinse away every feeling that does not feel good.
Hand over the hurts to the angels
and be reassured that everything will be okay. 
We love you for eternity, dearest soul of light.
We will always be grateful for you
and all the beautiful lightwork you are doing in the world.
We send you blessings now
including a waterfall of golden sparkly light.
Take this light into your heart
Fill up your soul even more
and then share this light with the world.

You are more beautiful and more powerful
than you realize.
Take one more step into your greatest
for you will never be anything less than amazing.

Thank you for shining brightly, beautiful soul.
We love you now and forever.

Expand Your Beautiful Soul Light

Your soul is already immensely blessed with love, light, and wisdom. The beauty that radiates from within your soul is your greatest gift from the divine because it is pure unconditional love.

Utilize your beautiful soul light to infuse all of your thoughts, words, and actions. It will enhance your life with more joy while also lighting up the world all around you.

Every day, focus within your heart chakra, and expand your beautiful soul light all around your aura. Within this orb of love, you can feel more self-love, increase your vibration, and inspire yourself to achieve your biggest dreams. 

Has Your Beautiful Soul Light Been Dimmed?

If your beautiful soul light has dimmed for any reason, you may be able to get back on track rather quickly. Allow the angels to remove the heavy energies and refresh you through an Angel Energy Healing session.

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 

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