Channeled Message with Stress Reducing Techniques

Stress can be a huge hindrance in today's fast-paced world. Many people are working longer hours along with juggling home responsibilities. This is an issue that has sadly become part of everyday life for many people.

Thankfully there are ways to reduce, and even stop the effects of stress.

This blog post introduces you to several new techniques that were channeled from Archangel Michael. These updated stress reducing techniques are specifically for your spiritual journey.

You might have already heard about practicing deep breathing exercises to combat stress. However, deep breathing for relaxing your body and managing your emotions is one of the older known techniques. The new list below offers much more helpful techniques to manage and prevent stress. 

Channeled Message with Stress Reducing Techniques For Your Ascension Journey

Greetings from Archangel Michael. As you continue along your spiritual journey, it’s essential to learn stress reducing techniques. Filling up your spiritual knowledge base with effective ways to control stress helps you ascend higher faster.

As you are already aware of, stress is one of the largest factors contributing to humanity leading lives that are less than ideal. It is too easy to get caught up in stressful situations which leaves your energetic system feeling chaotic, weighed down, and confused.

Learning these new stress reducing techniques ensures you are prepared for anything that appears. 

Your Foundation Needs Awareness

These stress reducing techniques work best when you have a strong foundation in the area of maintaining mindfulness. Everything begins with you being aware of what is occurring both within you and around you.

Listen to your feelings and trust them for they are your best guides to instantly recognizing what is best for you. And more importantly, for knowing what is not in your best interest, or may cause harm to you.

First, let’s review some basic stress reducing techniques that you may have heard of before, or perhaps forgot about. 

Old-Fashioned Ways To Reduce Stress

- Stretch your muscles
- Drink water
- Write down your feelings and why you feel that way
- Play with your pet
- Exercise
- Watch a funny show or video
- Do something for someone else without expecting anything in return

New Stress Reducing Techniques for Your Spiritual Journey

  • Surround yourself inside Metatron’s Cube for cleansing and protection
  • Place yourself in a protective orb of light (mirror orb or violet orb)
  • Use a breathing exercise to immediately release (find instructions in this blog post)
  • Spend time in nature to refresh your mind, body, and spirit
  • Step away from the situation and see it from a different viewpoint
  • Imagine yourself being lifted up by angels into a quiet, peaceful, relaxing setting where angels flow unconditional love into you
  • Escape for a moment by imagining a rainbow of source light flowing through all your chakras and rinsing away tension from your aura
  • Sweep your aura with crystals such as selenite
  • Connect with crystals by holding one in your left hand for at least a couple minutes while tuning into the crystal’s energy
  • Release feelings of wanting to control situations or events in the world
  • Return to a state of oneness
  • Practice mindfulness 

A Regular Meditation Routine Creates More Relaxation

When you meditate regularly, it assists your mind, body, and spirit in becoming more aligned with your soul. When you are more connected to your soul and your higher self, it opens up endless possibilities for your life in this unlimited universe.

Create a daily meditation route to at least cleanse your chakras and aura with source light for a minimum of five minutes.

Then, do a deeper chakra cleanse with source light a few times a week when needed. In addition to removing energetic blockages and dense energies, it increases your vibration.

The faster you vibrate, the easier it becomes to remain in a higher state even during stressful situations. Meditation is also the gateway to recovering faster after you are exposed to significant levels of stress. 

Example of Practicing Awareness

It is also helpful to start practicing awareness by paying attention to how you react, or feel like reacting during times of stress.

For example, drivers around you might cut you off or honk their horn at you. Whether you know a reason why or not is unimportant. What matters is your reaction.

Take a moment to think about how much that other driver needs energy cleansing, and is carrying around many dense energies. That is why the person is acting in harsh or rude ways. It is all due to the toxic buildup of energies within their system.

Take a moment to be grateful that you know about energy work, the Law of Attraction, and are able to control how you react. 

Stopping Stress Begins with You

When you stop the wave of stress that others are creating, it helps you and all of humanity. As part of one collective consciousness, when you make a choice to remain calm, it benefits everyone.

Choosing to not react harshly immediately halts those dense energies. The flow of stress stops with you when you consciously choose to make a decision about how to react. Remember that silence is golden, and not reacting while remaining calm is a positive reaction. 

Is a Busy Mind Causing You Stress?

Sometimes an overly busy mind with racing thoughts can cause you unnecessary stress. This is a normal part of being a human because the ego was designed as a form of protection.

However, the ego often gets in your way, and is something everyone must deal with throughout life.

When you master mindfulness, it is much easier to catch the ego mind before it gets too loud. When you are able to maintain a clear and calm mind while focused on living in the present moment, you are able to feel more relaxed, peaceful, and joyful. 

Angelic Help For Quieting The Mind

Part of practicing awareness is consistently calling upon angels for help when you need it. When your ego mind gets too loud, call upon I, Archangel Michael, to quiet the negative thoughts.

The more you keep asking for this type of help, the more instantaneous you can feel your ego quieting down. The ego will become accustomed to learning that you are safe and those negative thoughts are unnecessary.

When you are focused on living only in the present moment, it is easier to master the habit of keeping your mind calm and clear.

Focusing on each task that you are working on in the present moment is another way to keep your mind clear and focused, while quieting the ego.

Another benefit of doing this is reduced stress because you are not allowing the ego to get busy. You could even consider this another stress reducing technique. 

Empower Yourself with These Stress Reducing Techniques

Dearest soul of light, I encourage you to take some time to review these stress reducing techniques. Perhaps even write them down until you have them memorized and incorporated into your daily routine as helpful habits.

Remember that I am always here to assist you, and provide you with quick relief from stressors when you ask. I send you a blessing of white light that flows around you and through you now. Just like a waterfall, removing a layer of tension, cleansing your energy, and uplifting you. I love you unconditionally. 
Thank you, Archangel Michael for this channeled message through automatic writing. Channeled by Brenda Lott

What are Your Favorite Stress Reducing Techniques?

Applying a variety of stress reducing techniques helps to control stress more easily. What are your favorite tools that help you through ascension? Leave a comment below to share new ideas and help others. 

My favorite techniques are using a breathing exercise, regular meditation, and using crystals daily. 

Finding genuine crystals is not always easy, which is why I did some research for you. Check out this website that has genuine crystals, gift sets, crystal jewelry, and more.

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 

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