Channeled Message To Open The Heart Chakra

Light Language Course
It can be challenging to open the heart chakra especially when you have been hurt before. While there will always be ups and downs throughout life, living with your heart open leads to a more blissful life.

This blog post shares some insights from archangels through a channeled message. It will help you open the heart chakra, and assist you in ascending higher. Plus, the angels give you an easy exercise to open your heart more easily. 

Channeled Message To Open The Heart Chakra

Greetings from Archangel Gabriel, Archangel Michael, and Archangel Jophiel. We are here to bring you a message about living a heart-centered life, and how to open the heart chakra.

Within society there is a big misconception that living with an open heart means that your heart gets broken more easily and more often. This is not true.

When you open the heart chakra, life can more easily feel joyful, exciting, and full of bliss. It also assists your inner child in feeling happier along with feeling free to play. Plus, assists you in seeing the world through the eyes of amazement, wonderment, and curiosity.

How To Open The Heart Chakra

The more often you open the heart chakra, the more it will remain open and be easier to fully open anytime.

We have an exercise for you that works wonderfully whether you are new to the ascension journey or are an experienced lightworker. Use this exercise on a regular basis to continue expanding your heart light.

If your heart is currently closed, we suggest practicing daily for at least a full week. Your guardian angel is here to assist you with this exercise if you want help. 

Basic Steps To Open The Heart Chakra

To open the heart chakra, follow these steps. Move onto the more advanced steps when you feel comfortable. 
  • Close your eyes, and take a deep breath
  • Imagine a white orb of light in your mind
  • Move the orb of light effortlessly from your mind down into the center of your heart (like holding a balloon and letting it fall straight down to the floor)
  • Now that you are connected to your heart, imagine the heart chakra opening up fully like a lotus flower blooming
  • Take the light within your heart and expand it to completely surround your entire physical body in an orb of light
  • Ask your guardian angel to help fill this orb of light around you with divine unconditional love

Advanced Steps For Lightworkers and Anyone

After mastering the basic steps, these advanced steps are for flowing love and light to humanity and the Earth. Choosing to help the world in this way creates positive karma for yourself.

Start with the basic steps, then add in these steps. 
  • Continue growing your heart light orb so it expands outward to encompass your entire home
  • Expand the light even further to encompass your entire city, state, and country
  • Visualize your heart light flowing across the entire planet
  • See yourself standing at the top of a globe, or hugging the Earth with your light from a side view
  • Set the intention that the entire Earth is receiving divine love and light
  • If needed, ask Archangel Michael to help you spread love and light 
  • Flow waves of unconditional love and healing light to all of humanity, across the entire Earth, and to the collective consciousness
  • Let this love and light to flood the Earth for however long you want

How You Can Improve The World

As the world moves closer into the fifth dimension, it becomes more important to live a heart-centered life. This ensures you are more aligned with living your best possible life.

Your contribution to assisting humanity and the Earth with ascending is easy to do. When you connect to source light to spread love and light across the entire planet, you are helping in a much bigger way than you can imagine. If you choose to do this important lightwork on a regular basis, you will be generously rewarded.

We thank you in advance for all the ways you are helping during this vital transition point in the history of the Earth. Even if you only focus on your own ascension journey, you are still helping immensely. When you increase your vibration, you are also assisting the greater collective consciousness. And for that, we send you our deepest gratitude. 

Live A Heart-Centered Life

It is recommended to start living more from within your heart instead of from within your mind.

Flowing divine love from source into you every day is a wonderful way to open the heart chakra more and more. And it leads to more naturally spreading kindness and love without even thinking about it.

Focusing on living in the present moment with your heart open enhances your own life as well as others around you. When you interact with others, you're also brightening up their world because of the love and light radiating from your open heart.

Invite angels to guide you with living a heart-centered life, and they will protect your heart and emotions at the same time. 

An Open Heart Does Not Mean Deeper Heartache

Dear one, please know that life will continue to have its ups and downs with sad times. This is part of being human especially when you lose a loved one, or when a relationship or job ends. And, it includes times of major life transitions.

However, when you are living with an open heart, this does not mean your heart will ache to a greater degree because it is open.

You still need time to grieve losses. However, angels are always there to comfort you and remove a layer of the heartache.

When you open the heart chakra amidst struggles, it helps the emotions to keep flowing. In addition to preventing blockages in your chakras, this also has potential to remove the hurtful feelings sooner. The reason why is because source light is flowing through you more effortlessly for clearing away the hurtful feelings. 

Your Heart is The Gateway To Your Soul

To directly connect to your soul and all the wisdom it contains, focus within your heart chakra. Ask Archangel Uriel to aid you in accessing the wisdom and knowledge that is most beneficial for you in the present moment.

Your soul is also the gateway to expanding your consciousness and opening up to the universe. Through this direct connection, you are able to co-create your dream life with the universe by following the laws of the universe. And, by continuing to work with angels every step of the way. 

Benefits of Living with An Open Heart

When you open the heart chakra, you are opening up yourself to your unlimited potential. This is your birthright to have access to the support of the universe along with assistance from angels.

You have direct access to a vast universe that will fully support you with everything that you need to make your dreams come true, one step at a time.

One aspect of this is fulfilling your soul purpose in a beautiful and blissful way. Through sharing your unique gifts, you will be living your dream life. This is when you will be happy, living with abundance, and feeling joyful from helping others.

We love you, and we are always here for you. Please keep living more and more with your heart open to live a heart-centered life.
Thank you Archangels Gabriel, Michael, and Jophiel for this message. Channeled by Brenda Lott

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 
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