Channeled Message Through The End of 2021

In this blog post, four archangels bring you a message about what to expect for the rest of this year.

Channeled Message For Now Through The End of 2021 

Greetings, dear one, from Archangels Michael, Gabriel, Uriel, and Metatron. We are here to assist you in making the most of the energies during this month that also extend into the end of 2021.

As you may already know, there are several planets currently in retrograde. This is causing many things from the past to reappear for everyone.

The collective human consciousness is continuing to purge past hurts and densities at a rapid rate. This is why we recommend being cautious. Take time to thoroughly think about each memory from your past that appears now. 

Why are Things From The Past Reappearing During The End of 2021?

What is the purpose of it being brought back to the forefront of your consciousness? Is it to fully release the remaining deeper layers of a past trauma? Or, perhaps an emotion rooted in fear or somehow tied to not feeling good enough?

Whether it is an emotion you regularly felt in the past, or a particular past memory, it has potential now to make you feel off for a day or two. From now until the end of 2021, be okay if this occurs, and call upon angels for assistance in fully clearing it.

Some of the past experiences coming up now may even cause you to start questioning the future or your dreams. Dear one, please do not allow the past nor heavy emotions to influence your thoughts at this time. 

Improvements are Coming After The End of 2021

You can achieve your greatest dreams no matter how things appear in your life right now. It is not impossible.

The world is continuing to improve, however the pace at which this is happening is slower than what was first anticipated. We know many of you are feeling pushed beyond your limits and do not want to wait anymore.

Those feelings of really wanting to start moving forward are coming from your soul. For many of you, it is your soul that is the driving force behind those feelings.

You want improvements and big changes immediately which is why your soul is giving you signs that you are ready right now.

Do not fear nor worry, dear one. We assure you that wonderful improvements are coming. Hold on a little longer, and keep doing energy cleansing so you continue ascending higher on your personal pathway through life. 

Modify Your Goals if Needed

We also suggest utilizing this extra time now through the end of 2021 to look deeper into your goals and dreams. Revisit the dreams you have to see if any modifications would be better than your original plans.

Also review your goals to check if they are things you still want to achieve.

And be sure to write down why you want to succeed with each dream and goal. Knowing why is important. Because it assists you in continuing to work on achieving your goal even if your lower ego mind starts to question everything later. 

Start Working Toward Your Goals

Once you have reviewed your goals and big dreams, what one step can you take now toward achieving them? If you are unsure, ask the angels to show you a step. It could even be something as simple as creating a list of steps or writing down ideas for later.

Get started now through the end of 2021 on working toward your goals, even in the smallest way; it will help you later. 

Good Fortune is Coming

The good news we have for you, dear one, is that an abundance of good things are coming to you after the end of 2021. The magical days ahead will begin arriving next year.

As this slowly occurs over time, you will start to notice more and more the ways that you will be living your dream life.

The universe is on your side and fully supports you when you are working toward serving at a higher level.

As a lightworker, you will be generously rewarded for your continuing efforts to assist the entire planet in ascending higher. 

Angels See The True You

If one day, or perhaps several days now through the end of 2021, feel uneasy, lean on the angels. And keep remembering that brighter days are ahead.

See the beauty within your heart and soul, and that is where you will discover exactly how the angels see you. We see you for who you really are: an amazing and beautiful soul of light with unlimited potential to achieve anything. 

You are on The Earth Angels Team

You are a beautiful soul with a very important life mission which is why you are here at this critical turning point in Earth’s ascension. Whether you know the exact details of your life purpose or not, one aspect of it is lightwork.

This lightworker aspect of your life’s purpose makes you part of a global team with angels. By following a spiritual journey and continuing to ascend higher on your personal path, you are helping uplift humanity. And, you are enriching the lives of every person you come into contact with daily.

Every time you do lightwork, those efforts are playing a role in helping all of humanity. Even if it is only connecting to source light or grounding, these simple actions are illuminating the world.

You will be amazed when your lightwork for humanity begins showing up in a more tangible way on the human plane. 

Thank You For Fulfilling Your Lightworker Role

You may not realize in what ways you are helping others. But when you view it from an energetic standpoint, you are immensely contributing to Earth's ascension one day at a time.

Dearest earth angel, we could not achieve this important lightwork without you. We are grateful for your continued efforts in supporting humanity and the Earth toward reaching the fifth dimension. 

Enjoy Now Through The End of 2021

The rest of this year try to find some time to relax when possible. Take care of yourself, increase your self-love, and see if there are more ways to make your life simpler.

If possible, go on an adventure too. Even if it is only an hour to explore nature’s beauty outside your door, being in nature will refresh and recharge your spirit. Being in nature melts away a layer of stress as it relaxes you so more light can move freely through you. 

Go with The Flow

Remember to go with the natural flow of your life.

Every day provides a unique opportunity to start anew. It can mean starting over if the previous day was challenging. Or, it can indicate a new beginning for taking the next step toward reaching your biggest dream.

The choice is always yours, but we encourage you to view every day as special. There will never be another day exactly like today.

For example, you only get one Friday, October 8th in the year of 2021 in your entire lifetime. So, enjoy it to the fullest along with every day through the end of 2021 and beyond.

Go with the flow of things when unexpected situations appear, and lean on angels anytime you need to. Doing this makes life's challenges slightly easier. 

The Natural Flow of Light Within You

Remember to also remain within the flow of light travelling through the middle of you. This inner column of light joins all your chakras together. It reaches all the way up to source light, and extends down into the light located at the center of the Earth with you in the middle.

You are never separate from source light. You are part of it because you are one unique aspect of source light. Keep this inner flow of light traveling freely, and the outer aspects of your life will also flow easier. 

Carry Gratitude with You into 2022

Dear one, these final few months of the end of 2021 will contain a variety of energies flowing into the Earth. The powerful energetic pull from several retrograde planets will begin to ease up. Then, you will start to once again feel lighter and brighter.

Continue expressing gratitude daily and this will attract you toward an even brighter 2022. In addition to your personal life being brighter, the world becomes brighter too.

We thank you for your continuing contribution with assisting to improve humanity and for helping the Earth ascend. We love you. And we are grateful for you, dear earth angel. We appreciate you working together with us on this team during this important time. 
Thank you Archangels Michael, Gabriel, Uriel, and Metatron for this message. Channeled by Brenda Lott

Personalized Angelic Guidance For The End of 2021

If you'd like to know what specific messages the angels have for you now through the end of this year, get an angel card reading today.

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 

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