Channeled Message: Living a Better Life

Welcome to 2021!

Are you feeling the energies start to improve? If not, good changes are coming this year especially by spring. Throughout this entire year we’ll have waves of positive improvements followed by rest periods. 

Channeled Message For Transitioning Into A Better Life

Greetings, this is Archangel Gabriel. The message that I have for you as we start this new year is that we are in a time of great transformation. The earth and humanity are changing significantly. Things will not be the same anymore.

We are entering into a better time. A better world.

You are meant to live a happy life with your dreams coming true.

What To Focus On

Focus on living life to the fullest by choosing to be happy. Happiness always begins within you, and is a choice you have freedom to make. Focus first within yourself.

When you properly take care of yourself, both with your energy and personal human needs, you’re helping yourself reach a level. A level where you’re able to give back to the world, and are better able to serve and help people around you, And, you’ll be overflowing love and light to people when you’re at your best.

So, please take time daily for self-cares. Cleanse your energy. Protect your energy. Make sure you’re getting enough sleep and enough healthy foods. And, drink plenty of water to fuel your human body’s needs. 

Live Only In The Present Moment

Start living life to the fullest more by doing activities you enjoy. Make time to do what you love. You are only here for a short amount of time.

It is vital to only live in the present moment. Not in the past, and not in the future.

Finding More Time

We understand many of you are too busy. Sit down and find ways you can cut out things that are no longer serving you. When you do this, you open up to finding more time. So then you’re able to focus on ascending higher and enjoying your favorite activities.

A suggestion is to reduce the amount of time spent on social media. This opens up the time you need for daily self-cares. 

Prioritizing Important Things

Try to find time at least once a week to do activities you love. This increases your vibration faster and accelerates your spiritual journey faster. Plus, it assists you in getting to the point where you’re living your dream life sooner.

Make living life to the fullest an important part of your life. Make it a priority every day to spend time on yourself and your family.

Thank the people in your life that you love, and show them gratitude and appreciation.

Work harmoniously with your family members to get chores done around your home. Ask your family members to assist you so you’re not overloaded with too many things to do. This will make your life easier, and everyone in your home will be happier as a result. 

Questions To Ask Yourself

Take a few moments to make a list. Be completely honest with yourself. No one else ever has to see your list. And, you can destroy or delete your list when you’re done.

Answering these questions helps you discover where improvements are needed in your life. 
  • What activities do you enjoy doing?
  • How can you make time in your weekly schedule to do what you love?
  • Are you happy with all aspects of your life right now?
  • Where can you make improvements, and how?
  • Do you know your soul purpose?
If not, angels are here to help you discover it. Once you discover your soul purpose, you will have to get educated through classes so you can start fulfilling your soul purpose. However, the learning process is a joyful experience. 

Job and Home Life Questions

Are you happy with your job?
Do you need an increase in pay?
If you’re not happy, take responsibility to make a change.

Do you love your job, but not your employer?
Ask angels for assistance in getting hired by an employer who values you, respects you, and offers you a better work environment.
Be willing to take a risk if it involves moving, or even accepting a job offer for something you previously did not think about. Ask your angels for clarity, trust their answers, and go for it!

Are you happy with your home life?
If not, why?
Are there too many arguments in your home life with the people you live with? If yes, is it due to misunderstandings, lack of communication, or dense energies that have piled up in everyone’s system? 

Improve Your Family Life By First Starting With Yourself

Start by cleansing your energy. When your family members see results with how you’re doing better and feeling better, they will want to do the same. That is the point when you can introduce them to cleansing their energy. Do not push it onto anyone as this only repels them for a much longer amount of time.

By changing within yourself first, your inner light grows brighter. When you radiate more love and more light out from your heart center, it positively affects all people around you. Other people notice your higher light at least at the soul level. 

Darkness Before The Rainbow Appears

At first the increased light brings up density within their system that needs to be released. This can cause them to act out more. Protect your energy, and keep shining your light brightly as they are in the process of shedding away layers of density.

They will get to a point where they have more open space to carry more light within their system. That is when you can mention cleansing their energy to them, as they will be more receptive at that time. They might not believe in energy clearing at first, and that is okay. When they see your positive results that is what will make them believe. 

How Do Others Make You Feel?

  • Are you happy with the friends and people in your life outside of your home?
  • Are these people negative?
  • Do they bring you down?
  • When you leave a conversation with them, how do you feel?
  • Was it a happy, positive interaction where both people leave feeling uplifted and loved?
  • Do they drain your energy? 

How To Handle Negative Friends

If you do not feel good, or if you feel worn down by any person after talking to them, you can let that person out of your life. You may need to do this as a transition period where you slowly release that person from your life with love. But, keep taking one step forward at a time in your own life at the same time.

With friends who are negative, mention that you found out about energy clearing. Tell them you are serious about trying it. You’re taking responsibility for your own life, and are choosing a better life, a higher path. You’re choosing more love, more joy, and more happiness.

Give negative people a chance to improve after seeing how you’re improving. They might ask you how they can start to improve too. Please help them if this happens. Or, refer them to the website. 

Make A Relationships List

Look at all the relationships you have right now. People you live with, friends, coworkers, neighbors, relatives, friends that you only know through social media.

How do you feel when you're around each person? 

Write it down. No one ever has to see your list, and you can destroy it when you’re done. 
  • How does each person make you feel?
  • Do they bring you down or lift you up? Or, a combination of both?
  • How do you naturally react when that person comes to you with unpleasant news?
  • Are they always coming to you with negativity, problems, or drama that brings you down?

How To Use The Results From Your List

When finished with your list, look at who needs to be removed from your daily life as much as possible? Or distanced from you until you’re further along your spiritual journey?

With relatives and people you live with, you cannot always remove them from your life. However, you can distance yourself more from those people.

Tell them you made a decision to start working on yourself, and you need some time alone to start making improvements.

After you’ve ascended higher, choose to either spend more time with them again with your energy being protected. Or, release them from your life. If you cannot fully release them from your life, then limit how often you see them, and limit the amount of time you spend with them. And, strongly protect your energy when you’re around them. 

Holidays With Relatives Who Are Unawakened

During holidays, you might feel obligated to continue visiting relatives at family gatherings. But, you also recognize that certain relatives might never change.

Know that choices they make are right for them on their path right now. They are simply not ready yet to improve their life, and that is okay. Being spiritually awakened like you are now means accepting things you cannot change or control. And, being okay with the choices other people make for their own lives.

When you know you’ll be around a person who brings you down, or who generates negativity, protect your energy. Then, cleanse your energy after you’re away from that person.

Ask Archangel Michael and Archangel Metatron to strongly protect you, to stand between you and the other person, and to protect your energy on all levels.

Lead Conversations with Neutral Topics

Before you see them, find topics you can talk about that are neutral. What questions can you ask them to steer conversations away from negativity?

One idea is to look at how the planets are currently aligned. Are there any stars or planets in the sky that are very bright? Or, is there a meteor shower coming up soon? Ask them what they think about it, and what it means to them. 

Angels Always Want To Help You

Keep asking angels for guidance. Ask us for assistance. Ask us for what is the best thing for you to do right now. We will always be here to help when you ask. The law of free will prevents us from helping when you do not ask. So, please keep asking us for help.

If you receive a sign that you do not understand, please ask for clarification. Ask for a new sign in a way that you can easily understand. 

Live Life To The Fullest

Enjoy your life as much as possible every day. But for sure focus on a weekly basis with doing things you love. Make time for them.

Spread love and light into the world. Shine your inner light brightly by showing the world who you truly are at the soul level.

Take responsibility for energies that are no longer serving you and release them. The same is true for people in your life who longer serve your best interest. Release them, or at least distance yourself from them.

You are meant to live a life that is happy and filled with love, joy, and dreams come true. You are meant to have abundance in all areas of your life.

Keep cleansing your energy, protecting your energy, and asking angels for assistance on your path. Always remember that us angels love you, and we are always here for you. 
Thank you to Archangel Gabriel for providing us with this helpful information.

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 

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