Channeled Message For Uncertain Times

Are you feeling lost, scared, or unsure of what the future holds? Is there a sense that things just aren't going right for you? Angels are constantly here to help you. And, to provide you with love, support, and guidance during uncertain times.

This blog post was channeled through automatic writing to assist you in knowing what to do when you’re feeling unsure about things in your life. 

Channeled Message For Uncertain Times

Greetings from the Council of Light and Archangel Michael. We are here to help you navigate through these uncertain times. All of humanity is currently undergoing a plethora of situations where there is uncertainty.

This is causing much stress, and we see many of you being unsure of your next steps to take. Perhaps this uncertainty is appearing in more than one area of your life. Or, you might just be picking up on the intense energies from the collective consciousness right now. 

What To Do Right Now

This is a time of great transition for humanity and the Earth. Part of your work right now is to cleanse away everything from the past as it appears.

These blocks are showing up for the purpose of you to transmute them. It is time to release your grip on them and allow yourself to be freed. As you continue to release what no longer serves you, it lightens up your energetic system. This increases your vibration and aids you in ascending higher.

How you cleanse away density from the past is a process. This often involves first recognizing the unwanted energies within your system. Then, you can remove them after you know exactly what needs to be transmuted. There might also be several layers to remove for full clearance to occur. 

How To Permanently Remove Unwanted Emotions and Past Hurts

When you remove density at the energetic level, you are permanently removing it.

If you only try to think it away, or push it out of your mind, it will remain within your energetic system. And, it’s guaranteed to reappear again at a later date. Sometimes these unpleasant emotions resurface when you least expect them, and often at times when it’s inconvenient for you.

The first step is to maintain awareness every day throughout the entire day. Part of your ascension journey involves mastering the skill of awareness. When you focus on practicing awareness, it can quickly become a very helpful habit. And, this helpful tool will serve you in a beneficial way for the rest of your life. 

Never Judge Yourself!

Noticing undesirable feelings, thoughts, and situations in your life is how you are able to take inventory of what is present within you. Please remember to be gentle on yourself and never judge what is present in your system.

All those unwanted emotions are just energies. There is nothing to feel ashamed about, nor sad or angry about. You have full power to remove these unwanted energies from your system. Please do not worry about how the angels view your dense energies for they do understand. Also, the angels see you for who you really are: a beautiful soul who is pure love. 

Angels Help Only When You Ask

The angels want to assist you in removing every dense emotion, or energy, that you do not like. Everything that does not feel good for you is something that should be released.

However, angels cannot step into your life to do this work for you; the Law of Free Will prevents that from happening. This is why you must specifically ask each time for exactly what you want help with. It is only then that angels are allowed to help you.

Removing unwanted feelings and past hurts needs to occur at the energetic level. Then, you can be assured that these energies are permanently removed. Using this same process is also how you can resolve challenging situations in your life. 

Certain Past Traumas Must Be Removed Slowly

An important aspect to remember about energy cleansing is deeper hurts and traumas require more time to fully cleanse them away. The reason why is so your human system is not shocked. Energy cleansing and healing is always a gentle process.

Think of these deeper layers like layers of an onion where only one layer can be removed at a time.

However, with each layer that is removed, it becomes easier and easier. When the past hurt is completely gone, you will no longer be emotionally affected by it.

Yes, the memories of what happened will still be in your mind. But, when you think about the event, the emotions will not be intense. It will feel neutral without you being affected by it. 

Reflect Upon Your Life During Uncertain Times

These uncertain times are also intended for you to open yourself up more to your next highest timeline. This time of unknowns is providing you with an opportunity to take a step back away from everything.

View your life from a different perspective, and think about what you truly want in your life.

Do you want any major improvements to occur? If yes, write down the exact outcome you desire.

Are you happy with your current job?

When looking at people around you, do the majority of those people act loving toward you?

Can you think of any relationships that are dragging you down and would be best to move on from?

Are you content with your current living situation or the location where you’re living?

Sail Through Uncertain Times Easier

Uncertain times are not always easy to navigate, but angels are always here to help you. Remember that you are never alone even if it feels that way.

You have an entire guidance team of guardian angels and spirit guides who love you deeply and unconditionally. They are always next to you just waiting for you to ask them for assistance, a message, or simply to acknowledge them.

When you are experiencing uncertain times, focus on self care and self love. What activities do you enjoy doing? Make time to enjoy those things on a regular basis.

When you are having fun doing an activity that brings smiles to your face and fills your heart with joy, it increases your vibration. And, it is a wonderful way to relieve a layer of stress and tension that can too quickly build up when you are unsure about things in life. 

You Can Achieve Anything

Our dearest loved one, we want to assist you in achieving your greatest dreams, and living the blissful life you came here to Earth to live.

If you do not know your soul purpose yet, we encourage you to discover it. When you are fulfilling this important work, it does not feel like work.

Instead, it brings you great fulfillment, happiness, and feels like you are having fun. Ask Archangel Uriel and your guardian angel to work together to assist you in taking the steps needed to discover your life’s purpose.

Please understand why the first steps are releasing density from your system. When you release things that no longer have any meaningful purpose in your life, then you open yourself up to new love, light, wisdom, and knowledge. This is the direct pathway to discovering your soul purpose. 

Uncertain Times Help You See What You Do Not Want in Your Future

You are here to live your dream life and achieve all your goals. Use this time of uncertainty as a guide for reflecting upon things you do not want in your future. Then, it becomes easier to see what you are passionate about, and what things you desire in your dream life.

We love you very much, dear one. And we want you to lean on us angels throughout all the days you are feeling unsure about anything.

You are special to us, and we wish for you to share your beautiful, unique gifts with the world. From all of us who make up the Council of Light, we flow to you a waterfall of love, healing light, and blessings.
Thank you to the Council of Light and to Archangel Michael for this beautiful message.
Channeled by Brenda Lott

More Assistance During Times of Uncertainty

When you’re unsure about what direction to head in next, sometimes it can be easier to get more insight from the angels. The angels can help you with specific questions through an angel card reading. Click here to choose a reading that is best for you.

Or, schedule an angel energy healing session to help remove unwanted energies faster. A distance session also increases your vibration, and leaves you feeling more relaxed.

Be assured that these uncertain times are only temporary, and they are leading you toward something better in life. Keep cleansing your energy daily and ask your guardian angel to assist you along your pathway. 

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 

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