Channeled Message For Ascending Higher

As we get closer to the middle of this year, Archangel Gabriel stepped forward to bring you this message for ascending higher.

Channeled Message From Archangel Gabriel

At this point in time, the vibration of the Earth is continuing to increase from 4D and getting closer to 5D. The collective human consciousness is clearing outdated density which is helping us rise up into the 5D world. A world where people ascend higher, live more peacefully, are more loving, and live more heart-centered lives.

Going into the new world, it’s important to focus on living a heart-centered life. It all begins with you: every decision and every moment can be loving when you choose to respond with love. Or you can choose to respond in non-loving ways.

No One is Perfect

Please do not be hard on yourself. Everyone makes mistakes, and responds in non-loving ways towards others sometimes. This is just part of being a human. And it’s how you learn the soul lessons that you came here to learn. What matters is trying your best to live a heart-centered life every day.

When you do make a mistake, notice it, and strive towards being better next time. The more you practice catching yourself reacting in a non-loving way, the easier it is to stop yourself before you react negatively next time.

As time goes by, this is what will lead you toward living a more heart-centered life and to be more loving towards others.

Ascend Higher Through Awareness and Remaining Non-Judgmental

When you notice density, stress, or negativity appearing within your mind or your emotions, it’s a sign to pay attention. What is causing those feelings, thoughts, or words? Perhaps you spoke quickly without thinking first. Do not be hard on yourself, and never judge yourself! Your soul is here to learn and grow.

Use the violet flame, source light, and meditation as your tools for cleansing density out of your aura and your chakras. That is the key to removing low vibrational energies from your system.

Additionally, use positive affirmations. This is how you reprogram your subconscious mind from outdated beliefs that no longer serve your highest good.

Angels Are Always There To Help You

Remember your personal team of guardian angels and spirit guides are always right next to you all the time. It’s their job to help you. However, you must keep asking them for assistance. Otherwise the Law of Free Will prevents how they’re able to help you. And to what extent they’re able to help you.

The archangels would also love to help you every step of the way through life. All you must do is ask. Then, be open to receiving an answer or guidance.

Even if you do not understand angelic guidance, trust the information. Later on you can look back and understand why you were led to one decision over the other.

It might not make sense in the present moment, but angels know what is for your best interest long term.

You Have Direct Access To Angelic Guidance

It’s your birthright to be able to communicate directly with angels for help anytime.

The more you follow angelic guidance, the more angels will bring you messages. Angels would love to form a close relationship with you. However, they understand that for most people it’s a process of learning how to reconnect again.

One aspect of this is learning to trust your intuition and strengthening your intuition. One way you can achieve this is by using angel oracle cards. Whether it’s using a physical deck of cards, or an app, angels are able to pop up messages through the cards.

How To Utilize Angel Oracle Cards For Messages

Oracle cards are often the fastest and easiest way to start developing a stronger connection with the angelic realm. Keep practicing daily, and it will enhance your intuition.

If you use angel oracle cards, or an app, use them every morning. Ask your guardian angel for an energy of the day card. Or, ask what does today have in store for you.

Draw one card, and look at the details present in the image of the card. What do you notice? Pay attention during the day for how the message in that card appears in your life.

If more than one card appears when you’re shuffling a physical deck of cards, it means there are two messages for you. Or, perhaps even three cards might fly out at the same time. 

Be Part of The Ripple Effect

As the earth continues to increase its vibration, humanity is also ascending on a collective journey. The more you increase your personal vibration, the more you’re helping humanity. When you expand your consciousness, you're directly helping the collective human consciousness.

When your system is sending out waves of love, joy, and happiness to people around you, it has a ripple effect like a wave in an ocean. It will continue to spread.

You can create this ripple effect everyday when you're out in public places. Start a wave of positivity by smiling at a child or saying hello to someone. It might sound very simple and easy, yet its effects can be extremely powerful. When you brighten up someone's day, they’re more likely to continue the ripple effect to people they come in contact with. This is how the wave of positivity and love flows. 

Focus on Yourself First

As the middle of the year approaches, we are being called upon to focus on ourselves first. When you fill yourself up with love and light first, then it’s easier for you to join in the ripple effect. When you’re full, you’re able to overflow positivity and love outward into your home, your community, and into the world.

When you’re not at your best, no matter what the reason, you’re unable to fully help others. Focus on self-love and self care daily. Plus, make time to enjoy life to the fullest by doing activities that you love on a regular basis.

This is how you open yourself up to serve all of humanity and improve the world in your own unique way.

Your Inner Light is Very Powerful

We encourage you to discover your soul purpose if you do not know it yet. When you’re utilizing your gifts to the fullest, you inspire other people to do the same. Again, this has a ripple effect on the people around you.

When people join together, they're a much stronger force at creating larger improvements across the entire planet. As an infinite soul of light, you’re unique in your own individual way. Your light is also part of one whole.

You are a part of source light. Every person and everything in the entire world was created from the same source light.

Fulfilling Your Soul Purpose Means Living Your Dream Life

The world needs you to express your uniqueness and your individuality in the world. Shine your inner light brightly, and be your true self. When you confidently shine your light in the world, you step onto a higher timeline, one step at a time. This is how you live your dream life. It truly is possible.

As the Earth and humanity continue to ascend higher, more and more people will align with living their dream life. The definition of what living your dream life means is unique to you, and to each individual around you. No two people or souls have the exact same set of gifts.

Open Your Heart To Ascend Higher

You’re able to shine your inner light brightly when your heart is open. Please do not fear getting hurt. The angels are always there to protect you. Yes, there will be challenges and sad times during life. This is just a natural part of being human. However, angels are always there to support you. And, angels can help lift you back up from any challenge.

Always Call Upon Angels

Read uplifting books, watch inspirational movies, and inspire yourself so you can encourage others. Fully embrace your uniqueness and shine your light brightly in the world.

From I, Archangel Gabriel, and your personal team of guides and angels, we all love you. We support you, and are here to guide you one step at a time through everything.

There is no question that is too simple or too complex for us to answer. Nor is there any problem or challenge that is too big or too small. We will help you; just ask us. It is our job to help you one step at a time along your beautiful journey through this lifetime. We love you, and we are always here for you.
Thank you very much, Archangel Gabriel for this beautiful message.

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 

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