Channeled Message About How To Manifest Your Dreams

In the channeled message below, Archangel Gabriel brings forth information about how to manifest your dreams. Through the Law of Attraction, energy work, and angelic help, you can attract anything you desire in life. Archangel Gabriel shows you the important steps to take along the journey to co-create your dreams with the universe.

Channeled Message From Archangel Gabriel

Greetings from Archangel Gabriel. As you embark further upon your spiritual journey, please keep remembering that you are here on Earth for a specific purpose. You have unique gifts to share with the world. Discover your unique gifts by going within your heart to see that one of these gifts is your soul purpose.

Live Your Life with Abundance

You may only be one person on a planet of nearly 8 billion people, but you are very much needed at this crucial time in history. Your unique gifts have the power and ability to transform other people's lives for the better.

You are meant to live a life full of abundance in all areas of your life. You create abundance when you share your unique gifts with the world which includes financial abundance.

At the same time, fulfilling your life’s purpose indicates you have begun manifesting your dream life. Your life will become richer, more joyous, and happier. The more you shine your light into the world, the more vibrant your life becomes starting on the inside, and then appearing in your surroundings. 

You Are Already Powerful To Manifest Your Dreams

Dear one, you are much more powerful than what you realize. Please do not be afraid of your power for we know you will use it wisely. You understand that through the law of attraction any abuse of your power will create unwanted karma for you. We know you will respect your power and use it only for the highest good of all people involved.

Utilize this great power to manifest your dreams. By following the recommendations below, you will have a strong foundation to manifest your dreams by co-creating your dream life with help from angels. 

How To Manifest Your Dreams

The process to manifest your dreams really is simple. It's the required work and energetic alignment that often creates delays.

The Law of Attraction is how you align with manifesting your dreams. How you align with your dreams is by increasing your vibration to match the energy of your dreams. 

There are several ways to enhance your vibration, but the most important steps occur at the energetic level. It involves cleansing your energy, removing what no longer serves you, and taking action steps to manifest your dreams. 

To co-create your dream life with the universe, it's essential to take steps daily. A strong foundation includes chakra and aura cleansing, a high vibration, and removing what no longer serves you from your life. 

How To Work with The Law of Attraction

The secret to making the Law of Attraction work successfully for you has three core parts. First is cleansing your energy. Second is increasing your vibration as high as possible. Third is to keep sending your wishes out into the universe.

It’s vital to cleanse your chakras and aura daily. This is how you increase your vibration, so you become a match for attracting your dreams, wishes, and desires.

There are many ways to increase your vibration. However, it’s vital to keep cleansing your energy daily to raise your vibration.

One of the most important ways to maintain a high vibration is by practicing awareness. Within every moment of every day, monitor your thoughts, your beliefs, your actions, your words, and any repeating patterns. A repeating pattern is a sign that there is karma to be resolved or a soul lesson to be learned. 

What Karma Really Means

Please understand when we use the word ‘karma’ it does not indicate that something is good or bad. Karma means that at some point in your current lifetime, or in a past life, there was hurt involved at a deep level.

It may be that you were the one who caused harm to another. But karma also means that you were hurt by someone else, and therefore you have a soul lesson to learn from it.

Soul lessons related to karma are meant for you to heal from the past pain. When you resolve the past hurts, along with forgiving all who were involved, then you’ll be freed from the soul lesson and karma. 

Remove the karma to manifest your dreams. Know that you can work on both releasing the past at the same time you're striving toward manifesting your dreams. 

Listen To Your Body

The next part of raising your vibration is to watch what you’re putting into your body. The foods that you eat have an energetic signature. They will either increase your vibration or bring it down.

Some of you might need a plant-based diet to reach your fullest potential in life. But for others, this is not needed. One person’s body might need to eat meat while eating meat will be harmful to the next person.

Listen to your body. Pay attention to the signals that your body is giving you from the types of foods that you are eating.

How do you feel after you eat certain foods?

Do you feel good or lethargic? 

Replace What Does Not Feel Good

Any food that does not make you feel good is a sign from your body to stop eating it. Or, at least cut down if you need to slowly transition away from foods your body does not like.

Replace the foods your body does not like with high vibrational fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.

Also be sure the foods you’re putting into your body do not contain harsh chemicals. Eating organic is best, but we understand this is not always possible. Do what you can to incorporate a few organic foods into your life.

If you have your own yard, plant a garden. Or, plant a couple herbs indoors. This might not sound related to ways to manifest your dreams, but every tiny step adds up. When you're feeling better, you're able to create the strong foundation needed to manifest your dreams. 

Release What No Longer Serves You

The final way to increase your vibration is to watch how you react to other people. Does each person in your life make you feel good, or do they bring you down?

Distance yourself from negative people at least until you’re further along your ascension journey. Friends who try to hold you back, or ridicule you for doing energy work might need to be removed from your life. It’s okay to release them.

The universe will bring you new friends who support you and bring you happiness. However, new friends will not be brought to you until after you release the relationships that no longer serve you.

We understand the difficulty with relatives who are negative. Some people thrive off of generating negativity and stealing energy from you. Please protect your energy when you’re around negative relatives or co-workers. Ask Archangel Michael to block their energies from you.

Let The Universe Know Your Wishes

The final part of the Law of Attraction is sending your dreams, desires, and goals out into the universe. Ask Archangels Michael and Ariel to help you make and send your wishes.

This step is essential to attract and manifest your dreams. 

Hold your hands together with your palms up. Then, imagine holding a white or golden ball of sparkling light. Visualize your dreams as if they already came true. Feel the wonderful feelings associated with your dreams already manifested in your life. Finally, send one wish at a time into the universe. Visualize the ball of light containing your wish floating upward towards the sky. 

Angels Help You Manifest Your Dreams

We are always here for you, and are right next to you all the time, whether you feel us or not. All of us angels wish you the best of luck on your journey ahead. You can manifest your dreams, both big and small ones.

Please keep asking us for assistance. You can transform your entire life for the better, and manifest your dreams one step at a time. Please do not rush the process, and remember to fully enjoy the journey. We love you always.
Thank you very much, Archangel Gabriel, for the beautiful message.

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 

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