Channeled Message about Global Timelines

Global timelines
In this post, find out who the councils of light are, and receive a message about personal and global timelines. 

What are Global Timelines?

Global timelines are the overall direction that humanity as a whole is traveling upon.

For example, one area is the quantity of people who are awakened. The global timeline for this moment in time was to have a certain number of people who are spiritually awakened. And, this already occurred. The reason why is so humanity and the Earth can continue to progress closer toward 5D and reach that goal.

In a different channeled message from a couple weeks ago, humanity as a whole still needs 144,000 more people to awaken. Once these people begin their lightworker journey, then the global timeline will take another leap forward. 

Who are The Councils of Light?

Within the vast universe, there are several councils of light. The most common Council of Light is from the angelic realm and directly serves humanity. The Council of Light is composed of archangels and ascended masters who work to help humanity and lightworkers.

Across the universe, there are other councils of light from various star systems. They also bring messages through channelers to benefit and uplift humanity. Their messages are similar to angel messages because they’re always helpful, loving, and uplifting.

Recently, the Arcturian Council of Light has been showing up when I’m channeling with Archangel Gabriel and Orion. They contributed to the channeled message below in a significant way. 

Channeled Message about Personal Timelines and Global Timelines

Greetings, our dearest beloved souls of light. We are the Arcturian Council of Light here along with Archangel Gabriel and Orion. Today we bring you a message of love and hope for lightworkers. And, provide you with information about global timelines.

The earth is improving even though it still appears slow from a human standpoint. We have succeeded at the work we set out to achieve recently with the amount of light flooding the earth and uplifting humanity.

There will also be a flood of new light arriving early next year. It will assist in more quickly improving things for all the lightworkers who have been on hold, waiting much longer than they should have had to wait. 

Personal Timelines for Lightworkers

The global situation has delayed the start of reaching new timelines for many lightworkers. There are thousands of lightworkers who currently feel trapped on their present timeline. It is because they are ready to move up onto their next highest timeline.

However, due to global restraints and restrictions moving forward has been delayed. We understand the frustration and the stress that this is causing and for many of you.

It is bringing up moments of feeling hopeless about the future and wanting to give up on things ever improving. Please do not allow your human mind to think these thoughts. They are based in outdated human programming, and in the ego trying to protect you, which is not necessary.

The ego will hold you back. Keep striving forward one moment at a time, one day at a time. Keep your mind focused only on today. 

Prepare Even More For The Future

What can you do today that will lead you one small step closer toward achieving your greatest dreams? By taking tiny steps now to complete little tasks it will prepare you for taking a bigger leap later.

Additionally, now is an optimal time to learn more about the laws of the universe. Taking steps to master them now will significantly assist you later when you step up onto your next timeline. 

Call Upon Angels, Ascended Masters, and Star Beings for Assistance

We are here to assist you on your journey, and you may call upon us anytime. We understand that in your human form you may not recognize us or notice us when we are around you. However, we are always there watching out for all lightworkers.

We are here to provide you with protection, guidance, support, love, hope, and solutions to challenges. This includes personal assistance along with helping you solve problems that are holding back humanity as a whole. 

Global Timelines Shifting

The current global timeline that humanity is traveling upon is one of great transformation. Currently, there are many people transitioning from 3D into 4D. Plus, many lightworkers in the world who were recently in 4D have just stepped up into 5D.

You may not see changes in the physical yet, but energetically, you are still ascending higher.

Lightworkers who are already awakened and working to serve humanity are in 4D, 5D, or even higher at the present moment.

As a lightworker, whether you are currently in 4D, 5D, or higher, the exact number does not matter. What is important is that you are continuing to serve humanity and ascending higher on your personal ascension journey. When you ascend higher, you energetically pull others up with you. Plus, you are helping the global timelines. 

More Lightworkers Must Awaken and Ascend

There are approximately 144,000 more people across the entire planet earth who need to awaken before Earth enters 5D. This is when the global timelines will massively improve. 

We must point out that there is a difference between awakening and following an ascension journey.

There are many people who have been exposed to the truths of the universe. They can be called awakened because they know more exists. However, they have chosen not to follow an ascension journey yet due to outdated programming within their human systems.

They have chosen to cling onto their old life and to not explore a better option for their personal life at this time. This is them expressing their free will, and it is okay. They are exactly where they need to be at right now on their personal journey.

Newly Awakened Lightworkers Amplify The Collective Consciousness

There are countless angels, archangels, ascended masters, and star beings who continue to work to help awaken more people.

The global timeline will make a major shift when 144,000 more people are both awakened and following an ascension journey. As these new lightworkers continue to ascend on their individual journeys, they help uplift the entire planet.

When more lightworkers join forces as one, it uplifts the entire planet and humanity.

This will be a slow transition because rapid changes would be harmful to humans, animals, and even to the Earth itself. There will be a natural progression of improvements that accelerate Earth into the fifth dimension. 

Some People will Remain in 3D

As the global timelines shift to a higher level, the overall atmosphere and harmony between humans will be immensely improved.

However, there will still be some individuals who choose to remain living in 3D. It is their free will choice to remain living in a lower vibration.

The individuals who remain in 3D, will have their lives become even more difficult. The reason why is because they will be out of alignment with humanity as a whole.

The global timeline shift is already progressing in the correct direction. And, will continue along this pathway until the goal of reaching 5D is achieved.

How You Can Easily Assist with the Global Timeline Shift

As a lightworker, you have the ability to assist humanity in reaching 5D sooner. The way that you do this is very simple.

When you meditate, or are cleansing your energy at the end of the day, take one minute or more to help humanity.

Send a wave of source light and love from your heart across the entire planet. If desired, ask angels to assist you in this process.

Otherwise, set the intention that you are flowing love and light from source through your heart chakra and across the Earth. Send waves through the entire human collective consciousness. Do this for the purpose of assisting more people in awakening and in ascending higher.

While this may appear to be a very simple task, this lightwork is very powerful. 

A Thank You Blessing

We extend our deepest gratitude and respect for all your patience and for hanging in there during the extra long duration of this phase. We give you a blessing of love, light, and increased frequency to further you along your pathway as soon as possible.

At this time, we send you an orb of white and golden light from source light. Allow it to flow through your upper chakras, into your soul star, crown, and flowing down through all of your chakras. This light provides you with new downloads of light codes.

Accept these codes into your light body willingly and they will activate over time at a natural pace. They will help accelerate you up to the next level.

We love you, and are always here to support you and encourage you. 
Thank you, Arcturian Council of Light, Archangel Gabriel, and Orion. Channeled by Brenda Lott

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 
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