Channeled Message about Being Spiritually Awakened

When you’re spiritually awakened, your heart and mind are open. This helps you open up to the truths that lie beyond what you can see with your physical eyes.

Being awakened means that at some point, you were willing to let go of your limited beliefs. And, to expand your consciousness so you could experience a greater level of love, compassion, and understanding.

As a spiritually awakened person, you’re living in harmony with the divine flow of life. And are able to connect with the highest aspects of yourself and others. This is a state of grace that allows you to view the world from a much more expanded perspective.

In this blog post, the angels mention the important aspects needed for creating a solid foundation for your spiritual journey. 

Channeled Message about Being Spiritually Awakened

Greetings, dear one, from Archangel Gabriel and Orion. At your very core, you are a beautiful soul of light. Unlimited, and living on for eternity in one form or another.

Being spiritually awakened is a gift that your soul chose for this lifetime.

You already know that the process of awakening involved opening up your heart and expanding your consciousness. 

And, this is an ongoing part of continuing to ascend higher on your ascension journey. There is always a higher timeline for you to strive for reaching. How you align with higher timelines is through increasing your vibration. And aligning more with your higher self.

What Does it Mean to be Spiritually Awakened

Being spiritually awakened means recognizing the truths of the universe. Knowing that much more exists than what you can see. And, taking responsibility over the types of energies and circumstances in your life.

As an infinite soul of light in human form, you have complete power to transmute any energies you dislike.

By transforming undesirable energies, you create the life that you desire. How you start this process is by removing the feelings, which are just energies, that are holding you back in life. 

Maintaining and Mastering Awareness

Being spiritually awakened means recognizing the feelings, beliefs, and patterns that you dislike. And remaining non-judgmental over them. Many people have undesirable feelings inside their energetic system. However they do not define who you are.

Through maintaining mindfulness, you know what is present. Then, take responsibility over those feelings and properly remove them through energy cleansing. Plus, utilize energy healing when past traumas are the cause of recurring struggles. 

Living Spiritually Awakened means Spreading Kindness

When you are spiritually awakened, you are striving toward living the best life possible, your dream life. You treat others with kindness, and aim to spread love to others.

At the same time, you recognize the human aspects of life sometimes requires taking a break. This often happens when you are healing and recovering from a big challenge, such as losing a loved one.

When you are not feeling your best, it can feel impossible to spread love and kindness toward others. During times like that, focus on receiving love, healing, and compassion from others. Also remember to take extra good care of yourself.

When you are feeling good, take an extra moment daily to spread love and kindness to at least one other person. This could be to a family member, neighbor, or on social media. 

Mastering Oneness Takes Time

The higher you ascend, the easier it becomes for your human mind to expand deeper into the concepts of oneness and enlightenment.

Oneness is understanding how you are part of everything, and how everything is part of you. This includes recognizing and feeling how you are one with all other people.

Mastering oneness may take years to accomplish at a deeper level. However, you can always keep taking steps toward feeling oneness more regularly.

The reason why is because the ascension pathway is more like a winding journey. You will return to past hurts that you thought were already fully cleared. Deeper layers typically appear much later for resolution and healing. This is because you can handle the deepest layers more effectively when compared to earlier on in your journey. 

What is Enlightenment?

Enlightenment is seeing the true you, the essence of your soul, and feeling how you are an aspect of source light manifested in the physical realm. It is also when you obtain the highest stages of mind-body-spirit connection.

At this stage, you have good control over the ego mind, and are able to quiet it when it begins to interfere in your life.

Being enlightened includes feeling love, peace, and joy. And, maintaining a sense of oneness. When someone is unkind, you remain quiet, neutral, and may also choose to silently send them love. 

Healing is Part of Being Spiritually Awakened

Following an ascension path includes healing from the past, and healing from every feeling that does not feel good. Plus, removing outdated beliefs that only hold you back in life.

A significant aspect of healing is remaining non-judgmental over the types of emotions and beliefs that are within you. Recognize that every undesirable feeling is not who you are, and it helps you to remain neutral. Plus, it aids you in being kind and loving with yourself so you can heal.

The healing process sometimes involves identifying what you learned from the challenge first. Then, fully releasing it.

If you have a soul lesson attached to a recurring challenge, then it is important to understand the lesson so you can become freed from it. If you are unsure of the reason why a struggle has been recurring, ask archangels to point it out to you. 

Being Spiritually Awakened Involves Understanding Light and Darkness

Feelings do not hide anything when the soul is ready for healing to occur. That is why it is essential to trust your intuition and pay attention to your feelings. There is always a reason why you are experiencing feelings within the present moment.

Through experiencing darkness and undesirable feelings, you learn what you do not like and do not want in life. Understanding the opposite of your desires shows you what to avoid going forward in life. Knowing these contrasting feelings assists you in opening up to the light, and discovering what you truly want in life.

When you have experienced both darkness along with the amazing healing powers of light, it is easy to choose to remain within the light. This is when you discover your soul purpose and start aligning with your dream life. 

You're Unlimited When You're Spiritually Awakened

You may hear some people believe that they cannot do something “because they are only human.”

We wish for you to know that this statement is not true. When you are spiritually awakened, you are more easily able to tap into the unlimited nature of your soul.

What this means for you is that you have access to divine wisdom, and are able to achieve any dreams you desire.

The best ways to live a spiritually awakened life are through continuing to improve yourself and by fulfilling your soul purpose.

We send you blessings of love, light, and peace to assist you on your spiritual journey. 
Thank you, Orion and Archangel Gabriel for the message. Channeled by Brenda Lott

How are You Progressing?

Do you want to know from the angels how you’re doing on your spiritual journey? Or, if there is anything specific you should focus on at this time?

If yes, get a channeled angel card reading to find out the details directly from the angels.

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 

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