Channeled Angel Card Reading for April 2022

Card Reading April 2022
It's been a wild few weeks with so much intense energy swirling around. As we move into April, what can you expect?

So much is already happening, and will be happening this month which makes this card reading even more important. It does not have to be difficult to know how to navigate the energies this month.

The angels are always with you, and they want to help you thrive and succeed during these challenging times.

In this angel card reading, Archangel Gabriel channeled guidance and for the month ahead. 

Angel Card Reading for April 2022

The overall energy for April shows liberation within the present moment. By focusing on living within the present moment you are free to live life to the fullest.

This freedom is always gained by first focusing on yourself. And choosing to keep your mind in the here and now moment.

Feelings of liberation are accessible when you continue to connect to your heart. And through centering within the waterfall of source light that is always around you.

During April, open your third eye as a starting point to expand your consciousness even more. Allow divine love and light to flow into you, permeate your third eye, and assist you along your life’s journey. 

Assistance for Living in The Present Moment

If your mind is traveling into the future, or stuck in the past, continue returning to the present moment. This is how you free yourself from the restrictions of living in the past and the unknowns of trying to live in the future.

If you need assistance with this, please call upon your guardian angel and your team of spirit guides. Keep asking for their help every moment of the day when your mind begins to go astray.

Additionally, call upon Archangel Michael for powerful assistance with quieting a busy mind and calming the ego mind. 

Challenges During April

April's challenges include remembering that you are the rainbow bridge. As a soul of light, you are a link between the higher dimensions and the human plane.

While following an ascension journey, you have the ability to more easily recognize, see, and hear angelic messages.

However, this month it may feel more challenging at times to tune into subtle angle messages. This is due to the confusion and uncertainty within the collective human consciousness of this time.

Light Body Activations

Throughout April, new light codes are arriving to assist your light body in activating to a new, higher level. The new light codes naturally flow down into your energetic system, and automatically assimilate within you.

This has great potential to cause old energies in your system to reappear for healing and releasing. These new energies will be intense at times, and may cause increased tiredness or other ascension symptoms.

The incoming solar flare energies will also be extreme at times, and may take a toll on your physical body. Now is the time to ensure that you are taking extra good care of yourself. Prioritize self care daily, and spend time in nature to rejuvenate yourself. 
Light Body Transitions Help You Long-Term
Overall these new light codes will uplift you to a higher level. A level where you are able to start serving humanity in a new way. This could be through discovering your soul purpose, or through starting a new project that will help other people.

If desired, spend some time under the starlight at night. Locate Orion’s belt in the night sky, and ask Orion to download love and light into you. Orion will always provide you with a download of healing light anytime you gaze up and ask him for this. 

Angelic Guidance for April

The guidance for April is to focus on the light, especially the light that vibrantly shines within your soul.

Explore the passions within you. These are discoverable within your unique gifts that you came here to Earth to share with the world.

Is there a new aspect of your soul purpose that you have been considering, but have not started yet? If yes, take a closer look at the idea. Ask your guardian angel for guidance and if there is an action step you need to take regarding the new idea.

Additional guidance is to keep focusing on flowing in more source light into your mind, body, spirit, and into your surroundings. Every day bask in the warmth, comfort, and support that this light provides you. And be grateful for how this light illuminates the world and the beauty within you. 

Apply Your Knowledge to Help Others

Throughout April, apply your knowledge as a lightworker more into the world. Share what you have learned with others to uplift and inspire them.

As a lightworker, you have your roots firmly planted into the center of Gaia. And are more easily able to flow divine love and healing light toward everyone around you.

Is there a topic you have been wanting to learn more about? If yes, now is the time to start learning about it.

As you continue learning and growing more, it also helps you on your ascension journey to prepare for reaching your next highest timeline. 

Outcome for April

When you follow this angelic guidance, by the end of April, you will see more beauty all around you and within you. It will be easy to recognize how beautiful you are both as a soul of light and as a person.

The universe will also be opening up its hands wide to give you the gifts, abundance, and fulfillment that you are seeking within your life.

Continue focusing and re-centering within the light along with learning more. These things will assist you in making the most out of the energies present this month. 

This Archangel Wants to Work with You During April

Archangel Michael is stepping forward wanting to assist you this month with creating.

He is offering to help you to take the steps necessary to begin creating more of your dream life one step at a time. Additionally, he will assist you in the process of building your dreams on a solid foundation.

Ask the angels to also help you discover which blocks are holding you back from reaching your goals and dreams.

Remember to prioritize self care this month. And keep ascending higher, learning, and growing in ways that nourish and uplift your soul. 

Do You Have a Recurring Struggle or Deep Energetic Block?

There is powerful angelic assistance if you’re continuing to deal with a recurring struggle. Or if you have a deep block in your system.

A distance Angel Energy Healing session can help you resolve deep energetic blocks. And, helps remove the sources of struggles. Schedule your session now at a time and on a day that works best for you. 

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 
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