Card Reading for 2022

Are you wondering what 2022 will be like? If so, then this blog post is for you.

The angels provided insight into what 2022 has in store for both you and humanity as a whole through this angel oracle card reading. 

The Truth Being Revealed for Humanity in 2022

The overall situation for 2022 indicates that the truth will start being realized by more of humanity.

As more people awaken to the truths of the universe, their souls will yearn to reconnect to source light. So they can learn how to nourish their spirits with source light for healing, rejuvenation, and reconnection. 

Newly Awakened People Thriving with Source Light

As more people awaken in 2022, they will begin to shine their lights brighter in the world. This assists with stopping more of the darkness and untruths that are being spread by unawakened people.

The process is always accomplished in a loving and gentle way. It begins by exposing more people to the truths of the unlimited universe. Mostly this will start to occur through people experiencing the beauty of reconnecting their souls to source light.

Newly awakened people will see the truths along with feeling them. And through this process, will start to thrive by connecting to source light. This will aid them in becoming dedicated to wanting to receive more wisdom, guidance, and love from the angelic realm and from source. 

The Overall Situation for Lightworkers in 2022

Throughout 2022, it will become easier for you to open up to sharing your gifts. And the truths of who you are with more people around you.

Others will be more accepting of you, and this leads to it being easier for you to shine your light brighter in the world. While there will be some unawakened people who do not accept you for who you are, remember to allow these people to just be. Detach yourself from their disbeliefs. And remember that unawakened people are exactly where they’re meant to be on their personal journey in this moment. 

Transformations During 2022

The challenge for 2022 is based upon transformation. As more people awaken during 2022, their dense layers will come up for release and healing. Some people will struggle temporarily during this transformation process. Mostly because of the unpleasant feelings that arise as they re-experience past hurts.

When you meet someone, or perhaps have a family member who is going through this transformation phase, be kind and loving toward them. Give them space when they need to flow the emotions of negativity to release it.

Also, you can assist them on their journey by teaching them how they can connect to source light and angels. 

Ascending Higher Becomes Easier

As an awakened lightworker, you will transform your light body to an even higher level this year. For example, if you are currently in 4D you will more easily ascend into 5D.

You will transform beautifully and much easier than in the past. The reason why is because you have already cleansed and healed many blocks from the past.

Your personal transformation as a lightworker will be smoother than it was before. Continue ascending higher, increasing your vibration, and shining vibrantly in the world. 

Grow Your Soul through Divine Wisdom in 2022

Your soul will be growing along with who you are as a human. By connecting to source light, you are nourishing your mind, body, and spirit into growing even more exquisitely.

Additionally, sharing your unique gifts by fulfilling your soul purpose helps you serve the world.

Your mind will be receiving more wisdom this year too. It comes from both connecting to your higher self and from the angelic realm. Trust your intuition. And continue asking archangels for more wisdom of the universe to keep growing and ascending higher. 

What to Focus on Throughout 2022

Maintaining awareness daily is essential as you already know. However, now go a step higher. Become more aware of the vastness of the universe and how you have access beyond the angelic realm.

You can also receive messages from ascended master. Plus, from star beings from other universes who are very loving. And who have pure hearts with the highest intentions to only help humanity.

The highest vibrational and most loving star beings are Arcturians and Pleiadians. These are very high dimensional souls of light who exist in 9D and higher. For countless years they have been helping humanity behind the scenes. 

Easy Way To Receive Messages from Loving Star Beings

To request their assistance, simply say “Arcturians or Pleiadians, please give me a message of love or help me with ____ (fill in the blank). Thank you.”

If desired, ask them to send you a sign with an answer to a question. Or, ask for a symbol of love to be revealed along your pathway soon. 

Expand Your Big Dreams

Also focus on believing in your biggest dreams. Remember that the world is not like it used to be. It’s now much easier for you to achieve your biggest dreams, and to manifest all your desires, both big and small.

As a soul of light, you are unlimited. And now it’s easier for you to link this unlimited potential into your human experiences. As more of your higher self inhabits your human body, your unlimited potential opens up like a flower in full bloom.

This also means that manifesting will occur faster than it did in the past. Therefore, the importance of maintaining awareness becomes more essential. Keep your mind, thoughts, and beliefs focused on your desires. When undesirable feelings or thoughts appear, release them right away. Do this by utilizing the spiritual tools you already have. Learn about the spiritual tools in the breathing exercises blog post and the stress reducing techniques post. 

Your Path Ahead in 2022

The pathway to achieving your biggest dreams and obtaining all your desires has been fully illuminated for you.

Take one step at a time with assistance from your guardian angel and archangels. Then, you’ll begin seeing widespread beauty opening up the further you travel along your life’s journey this year.

Outcome for 2022

The outcome for the end of this year, when you follow the angelic guidance mentioned above, is being aligned in the eternal light of love. This is where you can be in one of two places by the end of 2022. You'll either already be living your dream life, or will know the direct steps needed to finish reaching your biggest dreams.

By the end of 2022, your consciousness will have expanded further across the depths of the universe. And this newly discovered wisdom is what aids you in directly accessing your highest potential. Additionally, it leads to living with a heightened level of oneness. 

Personalized Guidance for 2022

Are you curious about what the future holds specifically for you? Or, do you want to know what guidance the angels have for you?

If yes, find out through a channeled angel oracle card reading. 

Accelerate Your 2022 Journey

Speed up your journey by having powerful healing angels cleanse your entire energetic system. And rejuvenate you with new light. Schedule your Angel Energy Healing session now to take a leap on your 2022 journey.

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 

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